Tag Archives: religious freedom

Mikey Weinstein Attacks African American Church Charity Drive at Air Force Base

The National Air and Space Intelligence Center (NASIC) at Wright-Patterson AFB allowed a charity to install collection boxes to receive donated gloves to benefit the local community.

The collection boxes had posters on them with Bible verses.

Michael “Mikey” Weinstein was not amused, calling the “ostensible” glove collection a

  • “constitutional violation” of
  • “illicit activity” that was
  • “egregiously wretched” which
  • “savaged the good order, morale, discipline, health and safety, military readiness, mission accomplishment and unit cohesion” of NASIC.

When NASIC said they would require standard signage for Read more

“Log-in and Worship”: Military Chapel goes Online

The US Navy posted a fascinating story about Commander Fleet Activities Chinhae, the only US Naval installation on Asia’s mainland, as its chapel program began live-streaming services to help serve Sailors, Marines, and their families posted to Korea:

“I think it is great,” said Johnna Johnson, ombudsman for Commander, U.S. Naval Forces Korea. “Chinhae is one-hour away from Busan, and it is challenging for families to drive there, so this is a fantastic service. Nothing beats the fellowship of being there in person, but this is an amazing next best thing.”

In an era in which streaming church services is Read more

Chris Rodda Attacks Military Chaplains for Being Chaplains

In her writing, Michael “Mikey” Weinstein’s research assistant Chris Rodda has often struggled with both the truth and the ability to convey a clear, coherent, and supported argument — all while under pressure from her sort-of boss to make it sensational enough that people will read it.

Late in December, she tried to overcome those shortcomings in a piece at the Huffington Post.

She failed.

Her 2,500-word article — short, by Rodda standards — really needs go no further than the headline:

Gay-Bashing Chaplain Endorsers Admit That The Military Chaplaincy Is Disproportionately Anti-LGBT

It would have been more honestly titled  Read more

Religious Troops: Is God First in Your Life? Then Get Out.

Military troops of faith — Christian, Jewish, Muslim, and others — have long served in the US military. They have done so with honor and distinction, earning the highest accolades and making the highest sacrifices.

And former Army officer Sue Fulton thinks they shouldn’t be allowed to serve in the military at all.

As discussed by Sonny Hernandez, in an interview with the New York Times Fulton was aghast that military chaplains have the gall to claim their God is greater than their government — and they should therefore not be in the military:

Some chaplains argue: ‘My first responsibility is to God.’ Well, if your responsibility is to God and not the Army, you need to get out of the Army.

Hernandez accurately summarized Fulton’s intolerant and ultimately unconstitutional advocacy:

[When] Fulton argues that chaplains should get out of the military if God is first in their lives, she is establishing a religion over theirs…She is [saying] the Constitution only works one way, and that the Defense Department’s policy on pluralism is extended only to those with convictions are agreeable to hers.

Fulton’s declaration is utterly ridiculous — and bigoted. Millions of troops before Read more

USS Bataan Sailors Receive Transgender Training

Sailors aboard the USS Bataan received their mandatory “transgender training” somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean:

“All commands are mandated to have this training from the Navy,” said Ms. Ingrid Smith, Bataan’s deployed resiliency counselor. “They want Sailors to know that transgender or individuals who identify as transgender will now be allowed to actively serve in the Navy.

Interestingly, the article goes out of its way to qualify what the “training” actually is: Read more

Mikey Weinstein Demands “Aggressive Punishment” after LtGen Steven Kwast Mentions God

Michael “Mikey” Weinstein recently demanded the US Air Force “aggressively punish” LtGen Steven Kwast, Commander and President of the Air Force’s Air University, claiming he violated Air Force regulations by “discuss[ing]” his faith.

While typical and not unlike his rebuffed accusations against LtCol Michael Kersten, this Weinstein complaint is unique in its near-honesty.

First, Weinstein readily admitted he filed the complaint only because LtGen Kwast “openly discussed his (Christian) faith” (parentheses original) and, shockingly, quoted the Bible:

Lt. Gen. Steven L. Kwast openly discussed his (Christian) faith by, among other faith-based statements, quoting New Testament scripture from Matthew 25:21…

It would be more accurate to say LtGen Kwast mentioned his faith, but it’s Read more

Kansas Army National Guard Commissions Female Chaplain

The Kansas Army National Guard recently commissioned Chaplain (1Lt) Jamilah Moss into its ranks — and they really want you to know she’s a woman [emphasis added]:

The Kansas Army National Guard welcomed a new chaplain – one who is unlike any other – into its Chaplain Corps…

Chaplain (1st Lt.) Jamilah Moss is the first female chaplain in the Kansas Army National Guard…

“There’s an incredible importance in having female chaplains,” said Read more

Deacon Brings Catholic Services to Troops

In the absence of their local priest, a retired Airman has been bringing Catholic services to the 120th Airlift Wing in Great Falls, Montana. Gen Pete Hronek, Vice Chief of Joint Staff for the Montana Air National Guard, actually sought out Iver Johnson to serve what Chaplain (LtCol) Art McCaffrey, 120th AW chaplain, said was the second largest population on base.

McCaffrey said that he is deeply grateful that Johnson has chosen to come all the way up to Great Falls to provide services to the Airmen of the 120th AW.

“We had a long conversation and his love of God Read more

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