Tag Archives: religious freedom

Mikey Weinstein Finds Homage in Air Force Toons

The comic strip of the Air Force Times recently took a swipe at the ever-present malcontent Michael “Mikey” Weinstein:

Weinstein, never one to pass on free publicity, immediately issued a press release and even paid for an advertisement on Facebook proclaiming the “huge homage“. (It would seem he needs to look up the definition of that word.)  Where Mikey Weinstein apparently feels he has “arrived,” others see (the reality) that Mikey Weinstein has become a cultural punch line.

Of course, the beauty of a successful lampoon is Read more

New Air Force Chaplain: Race, Gender, but No Religion

The Air National Guard’s 177th Fighter Wing in New Jersey recently published an article announcing it had commissioned 1Lt Anita Morris as its new chaplain. Interestingly, the relatively short piece on the new unit’s religious representative managed to say nothing about religion; in fact, discounting the word “chaplain,” the only word remotely related to the chaplain’s field was one occurrence of “spiritual.” Otherwise:

History was made [when] Morris became the first African-American female to serve as chaplain in the history of the 177th Fighter Wing.

“It was met with great humility and gratitude to know I am the first,” Morris said.

The article was happy to communicate Lt Morris’ race and gender, but Read more

“Evangelical Christians need to stop being wimps”

Evangelicals have confused Christ’s command to love others with being likable, as if that were an attribute of God. (It isn’t.) As such, they endeavor to be, above all else, inoffensive and polite. This doctrinal malpractice has given us a generation of men who are what Lewis called “men without chests…”

I urge you instead to be offended by the way our God’s name is blasphemed in our country every day; by the 54 million children murdered in the holocaust of abortion since 1973; by the sordid sexual agenda that is eroding the very fabric of Western civilization; by the Read more

AF Global Strike Command Cites ObamaCare. Mikey Weinstein calls it Unconstitutional.

Michael “Mikey” Weinstein has filed an IG complaint because Air Force Global Strike Command included “pray” in listing five focus areas for its “Year of the Family” [emphasis added]:

Air Force Global Strike Command is dedicating 2017 to Airmen, their loved ones and the total force at large. We are calling this year “The Year of the Family,” and will focus our efforts on areas that greatly affect our Strikers and their families. These areas include where our Airmen live, learn, play, pray and receive care.

Weinstein has yet to release a statement (other than using the standard accusation of “unconstitutional“) and appears to have been scooped by his own supporters. He did release two complainant emails, obviously written for public consumption, citing AFGSC’s use of the word “pray” in the article quoted above.

The problem? That’s not even AFGSC’s word.

It’s from ObamaCare.

In 2013, Read more

Report: Air Force Says “Boy,” “Girl” Could be Offensive

FoxNews’ Todd Starnes reports on an email he received from a US Air Force Airman with a list of words and phrases that a senior Air Force leader reportedly said might be considered offensive:

Now, to be fair there were some legitimately offensive and racially charged words and phrases on the list. But also included on the list were the words boy and girl…

Here’s a partial list of some of the dubious words and phrases deemed troublesome by the Air Force:

1. Boy
2. Girl
3. You People
4. Colonial
5. Blacklist Read more

Harassed by Mikey Weinstein, Part 8: “DO SOMETHING!! PLZ”

Michael “Mikey” Weinstein learned early on that emailing threats to this site — a lot of emails — was ineffective. When his keyboard courage failed, Weinstein tried to have someone else do his work for him: His lawyers then threatened to sue ChristianFighterPilot.com. That, too, was futile, because — lawyer or not — Weinstein had no real argument beyond “Mikey doesn’t like you.”  Mikey Weinstein was doing little more than being a bully, and when his targets resisted, he quite naturally failed to follow through on his threats.

When his own courage failed, and when his lawyer subsequently failed, Mikey Weinstein then sought the aid of the US government to further his harassment.

Over the years, Mikey Weinstein has sent hundreds, if not thousands, of messages to the US military trying to get the military to join his attacks on ChristianFighterPilot.com. Most of his complaints have been passive-aggressive, as suits his style. A few have been demands.

One was a plea.

In 2013, the US Air Force censored an article written by an Air Force chaplain. The incident would ultimately come to represent one of the most effective stands against Mikey Weinstein by groups defending military religious freedom. The initial incident was covered here, in which this site noted the Air Force had chosen to publish an atheist article but prohibit a Christian one.

After the article went up on this site, Mikey Read more

Atheist Jason Torpy Equates Nude Photo Sharing with Straight Marines

A scandal broke out this week reporting a Facebook page made by and for current and former US Marines — which contained “naked and compromising” photos of (presumably female) Marines, some of whom may not have been aware their photos were being used.

This is hardly the first such gender-based scandal in the Navy and Marine Corps, much less the military as a whole. Just recently, the Navy was embarrassed when its early voyages of females on submarines experienced a similar photo-taking crime, and hardly a cruise goes by without a US Navy Sailor being sent home because she got pregnant while deployed.

Yesterday atheist and former US Army Captain Jason Torpy took to Facebook in response to this latest scandal to say men need to “police their own” — but not just “men” [emphasis added]:  Read more

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