Tag Archives: religious freedom

Unitarian Chaplains Multiply in US Military

An article at the Unitarian Universalist website notes an increase in Unitarian military chaplains and chaplain applicants after decades of under-representation.  The article reports the denomination now has 10 chaplains, with 7 more applying.  While a significant increase from the “one or two” chaplains before (including Army Chaplain Rebekah Montgomery), it still isn’t a high number.  The reason for the low interest?

It’s no secret that for many years after the Vietnam War many UUs harbored some hostility toward the war and the politicians who promoted it. In some cases veterans themselves were treated distantly in our congregations, even shunned.

One UU chaplain said they are needed to balance out “evangelicals”:  Read more

Military Chaplains Threatened by Marriage Redefinition

An article on the threat to military chaplains by social engineering efforts to redefine the institution of marriage comes from an unusual source: the UK defence forces, which, ironically enough, were held up as a standard of “its no big deal” when DADT repeal was being “debated.”

Sir Gerald Howarth, who served as a Defence Minister until September this year [warned that] military chaplains who do not support same-sex marriage could be dismissed under Government plans…

US Air Force Squadron Participates in Islamic Festival

Members of the 90th Air Refueling Squadron deployed to Incirlik, Turkey, took full advantage of their exposure to a foreign culture — even participating in the local Islamic “Feast of Sacrifice:”

The feast’s origins come from the story of Abraham heading up a mountain to sacrifice his son, but his son’s life was spared by God’s provision of a ram. In a spirit of thankfulness during this festival, animals are sacrificed and the meat divided into portions — some being kept by the family, and the rest given away to the poor.

The unit’s commander noted the troops’ desire to participate in the religious festival, despite the fact they weren’t Muslims:  Read more

US Troop is Soldier, Businessman, Pagan Priest

An official DoD article covering the theme “Why We Serve” highlights SPC Adama Blackthorn, who has the nickname “Evil.”  It highlights his unusual life story, from a practically homeless bouncer to making candles as a hobby with his family:

His all-natural candles also play a role in his faith — the Earth-based Pagan religion.

“I’ve been a practicing Pagan for almost two decades, and it’s very fulfilling,” said Blackthorn…

“I grew up Southern Baptist and my family is all Christian. They Read more

US Army Releases New Regulation on Religious Support

The US Army recently released Field Manual 1-05 (FM 1-05), Religious Support, the

Army’s keystone manual for detailing fundamental principles of comprehensive religious support.

Much of the 40-page manual is little more than logistics and structural guidance on how chaplains and religious support are to be integrated into Army operations.  That the Army felt the need to publish such a document, however, is one indicator of the high value it places on such religious support.

The manual begins with an introduction on the history and importance of chaplains:

Chaplains have served in the U.S. Army since the first days of the American Revolution and many have died in combat. These chaplains represented more than 120 separate denominations and faith Read more

Court Overturns Decision, Chaplains Continue Lawsuit against Navy

In one of the least-reported military religious lawsuits-that-never-ends, In re Navy Chaplaincy (DC Cir., Nov. 2, 2012), a US Court of Appeals has reversed a lower court ruling and said Navy Chaplains do have standing to continue their decades-old lawsuit against the Navy.

The long-running case centers on the allegation the Navy Chaplaincy discriminated against non-liturgical faith groups, resulting in favorable treatment of certain religious beliefs that affected promotion rates and the proportion of chaplains in the US Navy.

As reported by the Religion Clause.

Join the Military, See the World

A group of Soldiers got to visit Japan after their deployed exercise to the nation ended.

“It’s a good time for Soldiers because the Japanese culture is very different from the USA,” said Sgt. 1st Class Kiyome Yoshida…

As many Americans find out when they travel to foreign lands, exposure to foreign culture is often, by definition, exposure to that culture’s religion:

While in Kyoto they were given the opportunity to Read more

Atheists Broaden Attacks on Military Memorials

An atheist thinks this is an illegal “Christian shrine.”

Multiple military war memorials are now under attack by atheists who consider the presence of a Christian cross offensive.

Former soldier and current atheist Jason Torpy, the one-man association of military atheists (MAAF), has previously lodged complaints with the US Marines over the Camp Pendleton cross (which has yet to be resolved).  He is opposed to the cross in Arlington National Cemetery for the same reason.

This follows the national trend of several activist organizations that have been threatening cities and towns with lawsuits if they fail to remove memorials which contain Read more

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