Tag Archives: religious freedom

Religious Freedom Advocate Predicts Christian Nuclear War

Michael Weinstein had toned down his conspiracy theories during the spate of negative press, but recently revived one of his favorites:  That Christians are trying to take over the US military to start a nuclear war [edits original]:

People are suffering and the consequences are potentially nuclear war; an apocalypse, but not the biblical one. [Instead,] one [brought about] by this weaponized, twisted, poisonous version of Christianity Read more

Military Chaplains Responsible for Free Exercise

A commentary by US Air Force Chaplain (Capt) Keith Beckwith takes a firm stand on the chaplain’s role in the US military:

A chaplain’s ultimate responsibility is to provide for the free exercise of religion, including those who express a specific religion and those who express no religion at all.

From my perspective, I am a chaplain to all, a pastor Read more

What is a Missionary?

From the Mission Aviation Fellowship:

Recently, my daughter came across the word missionary in a biography we were reading together. She asked, “What is a missionary?” I giggled with surprise. “Well, Honey, it’s a person who absolutely loves Jesus and wants others to love Him too. So, they choose to live their lives in such a way that helps others to see and know Him, by loving them and teaching them who Jesus is.” A few minutes later, she Read more

Independence Day, 2013

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights…”

“We, therefore, the Representatives of the united States of America, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions…”

“And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence…”

Read the Declaration of Independence at the Archives.gov site.


Buddhist Chaplain to Open Army Meditation Center

Chaplain (Capt) Thomas Dyer, the US Army’s Baptist-preacher-turned-Buddhist-Chaplain is opening a meditation center in Afghanistan.

The Bagram Dharma Center in Afghanistan will be classified as a “faith-based resiliency center,” and it gives [Chaplain] Capt. Thomas Dyer…a better way to connect his Eastern beliefs, Southern roots and Middle Eastern deployment.

The article goes on to describe what it will be:  Read more

Fort Rucker Hosts Vacation Bible School

US military chapels provide a wide variety of spiritual support for troops and their families, and the traditional summer Vacation Bible School is one important part of that.  Fort Rucker’s program this year included a full-scale Wilderness Tabernacle:

The tabernacle takes the things that you and I might read in the Bible and brings them to life,” said Spiers. “What we do with the children, since there is an old-testament basis and message with the tabernacle, is bring the symbolism of the old into the new-testament because it’s Read more

Chaplains Support Guard Supporting Community

When the Guard deploys to support a disaster area, US military chaplains deploy to support them.  Yes, there are often churches or pastors in the area, but the chaplains are focused on the military men and women, and are uniquely trained and experienced to help them accomp lish their mission:

“As chaplains we work as a ministry of presence” said Chaplain (Capt.) Jeremy Dunn…“Right now we are filled with a sense of purpose: to help those both physically drained and spiritually shaken.”

No matter where US troops go, their spiritual support, and Read more

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