Tag Archives: religious freedom

Chaplain: We Must Stand for Religious Liberty

Discussing his recent exoneration after originally facing discharge from the Navy, Chaplain (LtCmdr) Wes Modder highlighted that the fight for religious liberty is a national issue:

[Modder] suggested as more and more Christians face similar battles over their beliefs, they have to fight because the cause is crucial.

“I think it’s paramount,” he said. “I think the best thing for the Church is persecution. And I know that sounds counterintuitive, but we need to stand for religious liberty.”

“It’s not really about bakers. It’s not really about florists. It’s about Read more

Mikey Weinstein Gets So Close to Admitting Wrong

Michael “Mikey” Weinstein finally published his response to the Hopper dinner invite that was previously covered by MRFF ally Bob Lawrence and Christina Hopper herself, via Weinstein’s website.

Within the 2,000-word missive, Weinstein gets close — so close — to acknowledging he treated Hopper disrespectfully and wrongfully. But he never quite gets there.

He lauds the evening they spent together and even the character of Hopper and her husband, but even as he now realizes she doesn’t “stalk [her] helpless, lower-ranking subordinates,” he can’t bring himself to retract his accusation that she is a “proselytizing Air Force officer” who has “thrashed” Read more

Lawsuit Reveals Details of Air Force Punishment for Religious Expression

The recent dismissal of the lawsuit filed by US Air Force TSgt Layne Wilson against the Air Force revealed some interesting details about how and why he was disciplined for expressing opposition to same-sex marriage.

As noted previously, the ruling (PDF) indicated the controversy started with an email:

On December 2, 2012, Plaintiff Layne Wilson…sent an email, using his military email account, to an official at the United States Military Academy at West Point objecting to a same-sex wedding held at the military academy’s chapel…

As quoted in the ruling, the email said:  Read more

Homosexual Activists Call for Fight Against Military Religious Freedom

Writing at the homosexual activist American Military Partner Association, self-described gay rights activist Jim Farmer declared the fight for military religious freedom was really a fight against homosexuals:

Enter the “religious fanatic…”

The military has already added sexual orientation to its non-discrimination policy, a fact that displeases many on the far right. Politicians continue to try and weaken those protections by adding “conscience clauses” to the military spending bills.

Farmer explains why he thinks American troops want these protections:  Read more

Airman Loses Lawsuit Over Religion, Same Sex Marriage

US Air Force TSgt Layne Wilson, a Mormon member of the Utah Air National Guard, sued the US Air Force after he was disciplined for expressing opposition to same-sex marriage two years ago. The lawsuit was dismissed earlier this month at the DC District Court.

The ruling (PDF) is an interesting read that at times seems obvious, at others contradictory, and in the end rather confusing. This much appears to be undisputed:

On December 2, 2012, Plaintiff Layne Wilson…sent an email, using his military email account, to an official at the United States Military Academy at West Point objecting to a same-sex wedding held at the military academy’s chapel…

As a result:  Read more

Military Humanists Get Last Laugh in Charity Drive

The Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) is billed as the world’s largest workplace charitable campaign. It allows federal employees, including members of the US military, to allot donations from their paychecks to a variety of non-profit organizations. While “charity” can sometimes be stereotypically religious, the CFC allows government workers to donate to everything from the Family Research Council to Planned Parenthood.

One regional campaign chose an interesting set of artwork for the cover of their listing pamphlet:

Those who keep up with religious issues in the culture will immediately recognize the symbol of secular humanism, as epitomized Read more

Attacks on Military Memorials Continue

As has been noted many times, it has become increasingly popular for militant secularists to launch attacks against towns for having war memorials with religious imagery or even just the word “God.”

oldenburg1The most recent attack came in the tiny town of Oldenburg, Indiana, where Steve Kristoff — one of about 700 residents — objected to a cross and the word “God” on a local military memorial.

Councilman Denny Moeller said Kristoff, who lives in Oldenberg, issued a complaint with the town council.

“He’s saying that there are other people out there who are non-believers Read more

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