Tag Archives: religious freedom

Chaplains, the Constitution, and Spiritual Backgrounds

An Air Force article about a shortage of chaplains at Creech Air Force base opened with an important statement:

With every airman having a different faith, each has something unique to add to the mission.

Implicit in that statement is something often forgotten:  The Air Force recognizes (or should recognize) virtue in the fact its Airmen have religious beliefs.

Another interesting Air Force article about military chaplains from Ramstein, Germany, explained what chaplains do and where they come from:  Read more

Former Muslim US Airman Convicted on Terrorism Charges

A former US Air Force Airman — and apparently a member of the Honor Guard — flew to Turkey in an attempt to join ISIS in 2015.  Tairod Nathan Webster Pugh was arrested upon his return to the United States and was convicted last week on terrorism-related charges.

Pugh joins a long list of Americans who have either attempted to or successfully attacked US troops while motivated by their Islamic faith — five of whom were members of the US military:

Besides Pugh, at least eleven other incidents have been recorded in which Read more

We are Not all Muslims: Military Veterans Hold Rally

The Smedley D. Butler Brigade of Veterans for Peace, an anti-war veterans group, recently held a rally outside a mosque in response to “bigotry” in the US presidential race:

Supporters of Veterans for Peace carried white and black flags featuring the group’s logo, a white dove set against a combat helmet, and displayed signs reading “Muslims are not our enemy.”

Boston Police Commissioner William Evans also spoke and made the somewhat unusual statement that

“We’re all Muslims deep down. We all yearn for peace.”

That seems to recall Read more

US Army Announces Intent to Protect “Self-Identity”

Buried deep in the proposed Defense Department Budget for 2017 (PDF, 5MB) was a little noticed comment on discrimination in the US Army [emphasis added]:

The Army remains committed to ensuring the dignity and respect of Soldiers, civilians, and their families…The Army will provide every Soldier and civilian equal opportunities to rise to the level of their merit regardless of their gender, their race, or their self-identity.

Just what is a “self-identity”? Good question, since it isn’t defined in the budget nor apparently in a Defense Department policy, and it hasn’t appeared in any prior DoD budget. It’s also not a Federally-protected class.  Given the context of current events, it seems likely it is intended as a reference to the Army’s foregone plan to repeal the ban on transgender troops, though the Army seemed to dispute anything unique about this year’s new budget wording:  Read more

Air Force Again Recognizes Fundamentalist Christian Fighter Pilot

Michael “Mikey” Weinstein reserved special vitriol for US Air Force Major Christina “Thumper” Hopper when he accused her of being

the literal Poster Child [sic] of American fundamentalist Christian military Crusaderism.

Her high crime and misdemeanor? She had the gall to be quoted saying this in an Air Force personal story article:

The reason and the purpose behind everything I do is to glorify God and to make his name known.

For that reason only, Mikey Weinstein — “defender” of religious freedom — accused Hopper of Read more

Vietnam POW Fred Cherry Dies at 87

cherry2US Air Force (Retired) Col Fred Cherry spent more than seven years as a prisoner of war in Vietnam after being shot down in his F-105.

He died February 16th, at the age of 87.

“I know that the faith in God, love and respect for my fellow man that my parents and family instilled in me during my youth carried me through some very difficult years as prisoner-of-war in Vietnam.”

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Sikh Soldier Gains Injunction against US Army

singhUS Army Capt Simratpal Singh sued the US Army last week in an attempt to gain permission to wear a turban and long hair, in keeping with his Sikh faith.

Capt Singh had previously shaved and adhered to standards — he is a West Point and Ranger School graduate with 10 years of service — but given recent changes in military policy that placed a priority on religious accommodation, and his own reevaluation of his dedication to his faith, he sought and obtained a temporary waiver.

According to the lawsuit (PDF), the Army was about to Read more

USAFA NCLS: Transgenders, Medals of Honor, and Chick-fil-A

The US Air Force Academy National Character and Leadership Symposium has become an annual Who’s Who of military and national celebrities — and rarely does it shy away from controversy.

Last week, attendees were able to hear from, among others:

  • Aaron Belkin, homosexual advocate, speak on repealing the transgender ban
  • Chaplain (MajGen) Dondi Costin, Air Force Chief of Chaplains, on “Go Pro or Go Home”
  • US Army SSgt Salvatore Giunta, Medal of Read more
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