Tag Archives: Prayer

Doug Wilson: Military Christians Love, and Fight, Their Enemies

Douglas Wilson became famous as the Christian half of the Christian/Atheist debate Is Christianity Good for the World?, which was also made into a documentary called Collision.

In late 2008 he was analyzing Greg Boyd’s The Myth of a Christian Nation, which took pains to point out the “contradictions” of Christianity, which included the statement that

It is impossible to love your enemies and bless those who persecute you, while at the same time defending your right to political freedom by killing those who threaten you.

Wilson has some interesting responses to Boyd, who obviously thinks “Christian fighter pilot” (or Christian Soldier, Christian Sailor, Marine, etc.) is an oxymoron (emphasis original):  Read more

Religion and the Military in Pictures: Prayer

Following the first installment of pictures documenting religion and its place in the US military, the second is now posted on the Resources page.  These photos largely show uniformed military members in prayer, practicing their right to free exercise of religion, even while in the US military.

Men and women of faith can be — and express their faith — in the US military.  These pictures and those to come — all of which are publicly available — show that faith has a fitting and integral role in many lives in the military.

Christian Fighter Pilot to Lead US Marine Corps

A variety of news sources are reporting that Secretary of Defense Robert Gates will submit the name of current Assistant Commandant of the Marine Corps General James Amos as the next Commandant of the Marine Corps.  Interestingly, Amos’ appointment would break Marine Corps tradition because he is a fighter pilot (much like the appointment of General Norton Schwartz — a cargo pilot — broke the Air Force tradition of fighter and bomber pilots).

General James Amos is also a Christian.

In 2009, Gen Amos was one of several speakers at the Capitol Hill celebration of the National Day of Prayer.  In his remarks he was unequivocal about his faith and the power of prayer in his military life:  Read more

Memorial Service Honors Faith of Fallen Soldier

A moving memorial was held for US Army Major Ronald “Wayne” Culver, killed by an IED in Iraq on May 24th.  The Chaplain, a friend of the Major, spoke of his faith and his salvation:

The service continued with the chaplain speaking of the major’s faith and how he knew he would see his friend in heaven. He choked up at the podium and the squadron command sergeant major walked across the stage to support him. The room was deathly silent, save for the sound of more than 500 battle-tested Soldiers sniffling.

Prayer and the playing of Amazing Grace on bagpipes, another military memorial tradition with spiritual undertones, was Read more

Defense Amendment on Chaplains’ Prayer

Update: Bachmann’s amendment has reportedly been refused due to not being “relevant to the bill.”

US House Rep Michele Bachmann (R-MN) has introduced an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act that would “protect the religious freedom” of Chaplains in the US military, allowing them to pray in accordance with the dictates of their faith.  From the rules committee (pdf), the amendment  Read more

Troops Say Public Prayers on Baghdad Hilltop

The US military Chaplaincy staff at Camp Liberty, Baghdad, Iraq, started a “Mountaintop Experience” to help local Americans “strengthen their resiliency.”  A significant group of servicemembers and civilians meets atop Signal Hill at 0500, overlooking the base, and prays together.

Col. Mike Lembke, the Chaplain, and Sgt Michael Lee, the Chaplain’s assistant, said:

“Spiritual resiliency is the individual ability to exercise your faith on a daily basis so you are able to understand, or you are able integrate the joys and sorrows of each day into your life,” Lembke said…

When a person has a solid, spiritual foundation, they understand that someone has everything under control and they can lean on that during the tough times instead of relying on themselves to make through, Lee said.

The group is made up of many from the base, including, as shown in the picture Read more

Troops Gather for National Day of Prayer

Despite a spate of controversy, American military members gathered for National Day of Prayer celebrations around the world. A Chaplain’s assistant in Iraq had a fairly basic explanation for the popularity of the chapel services in the combat theatre:

“I believe people are more passionate [in Iraq],” said [Sgt. Antonio Henderson, the brigade chaplain’s assistant]. “They get more into it. I believe prayer works, no matter where you are, but I believe people pray more when their lives are in danger.”

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