Tag Archives: Prayer

MRFF Allies Within USAFA Continue PR Push

As previously noted, Michael Weinstein’s MRFF seems to boast “insiders” at the US Air Force Academy.

The most recent is Barry Fagin, who writes a column at the Colorado Springs Gazette — and also serves on the faculty at the US Air Force Academy.  Fagin is a member of the Rocky Mountain “Skeptics” and a recipient of the Michael Weinstein’s 2009 MRFF Thomas Jefferson “award.”  He recently wrote an article defending Michael Weinstein from public criticisms over his lawsuit against the US Air Force Academy’s upcoming National Prayer Luncheon.  (Weinstein described the article as “perfect.”)  Fagin described Weinstein as “not anti-Christian,” and said

The vast majority of people who illegally cross the border separating church and state are Christians. So they are the majority of those caught and punished by the courts.

Of course, he failed to cite any factual cases of military Christians “caught and punished” by any court.  Still, it appears he would like to see Christians court-martialed for expressing beliefs consistent with mainstream Christianity.  In replying to the comments on his article, he said  Read more

General Gould Addresses McClary USAFA Prayer Luncheon

According to an Air Force Academy press release, General Michael Gould, USAFA Superintendent, had this to say about the upcoming National Prayer Luncheon:

[Gould] took on what he called “the big elephant” surrounding the Air Force Academy in the media in recent weeks: the National Prayer Luncheon, scheduled to be held at the Falcon Club Feb. 10. The event will feature retired Marine Lt. Clebe McClary as keynote speaker in addition to readings from followers of Buddhist, Jewish, Protestant, Catholic and Islamic faiths.

“Let me just set something straight: this is Read more

President Obama to Speak at National Prayer Breakfast

Update: The nearly 2 hour Prayer Breakfast is available on C-SPAN video.

According to the Christian Post, President Obama will speak today at the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington.  He previously did the same last year; Admiral Mullen also attended last year.

Astronaut Mark Kelly, husband to wounded Arizona Representative Gabrielle Giffords, will reportedly deliver the closing prayer.

Obama is Commander in Chief of the US Armed Forces; Kelly is a US Navy Captain.  Military members have routinely taken part in prayer functions every year on bases around the world, just as they will this year in places like Fort Jackson, SC.

The military’s defense of their religious freedom ensures their continued ability to do so, despite the unConstitutional demands of those who would take away the rights of the troops.

Gazette Slams Weinstein’s USAFA Lawsuit

The editorial page of the Colorado Springs Gazette, local to the US Air Force Academy, came down with both feet on Michael Weinstein’s MRFF, clearly saying Weinstein’s group “opposes the free exercise of religion in government.”  The article, entitled “Anti-religion suit is based on a myth,” was written by editor Wayne Laugesen in response to Weinstein’s lawsuit precipitated by the invitation USMC Lt (Ret) Clebe McClary to the Academy National Prayer Luncheon.  Laugesen said

The Military Religious Freedom Foundation, a group that opposes the free exercise of religion in government, is suing U.S. Air Force Academy Superintendent Lt. Gen. Michael Gould in an effort to forcefully censor an evangelical Christian from speaking at the National Prayer Luncheon — a private event scheduled for Feb. 10 at the academy. (emphasis added)

The paper also jabbed at Weinstein’s lawyer and Weinstein’s own demonstrated record in the American judicial system:  Read more

MRFF Sues USAFA over McClary Invitation

Michael Weinstein’s Military Religious Freedom Foundation has reportedly sued the US Air Force Academy over its decision to invite a Christian to a Prayer Luncheon.  In an increasingly common scene, even the Air Force Times was able to accurately summarize the self-contradictory nature of the “religious freedom” group’s actions:

Five Air Force Academy instructors and an advocacy group are suing to stop the school from holding a religious event. (emphasis added)

One Academy faculty member, David Mullin of the Economics Department, is listed by name; four others are listed as “John Doe.”  Counsel appears to be David Lane, of Killmer, Lane & Newman in Denver.  Lane appears to have previously represented Ward Churchill, the “Balloon Boy” parents, and a student suing her school over a canceled William Ayers speech.

Contrary to his prior demands, the complaint indicates Weinstein no longer simply wants US Marine Corps (Ret) Lt Clebe McClary disinvited.  He wants the entire event canceled.

It is contended in this law suit [sic] that for the command structure of the AFA to undertake a purely religious activity such as this is a violation Read more

MRFF Accuses USAFA Speaker of “Illegal” Conduct

Michael Weinstein has faced an onslaught of criticism in the past few days over his demand that the US Air Force Academy rescind Lt Clebe McClary’s invitation to the 10th Air Base Wing’s National Prayer Luncheon.  Several organizations, and even some of his own supporters, are seeing the hypocrisy and extremism in his call for LtGen Gould’s ouster over the religious beliefs of an invited speaker.

Apparently seeing no movement after their initial accusations, Chris Rodda, the MRFF research assistant, has now called McClary’s conduct “illegal:”

Lt. McClary also regularly violates Titles 10 and 18 of U.S. Code by appearing at his speaking engagements, both military and civilian, in a Marine uniform, something that, apparently, not a single military attendee at any of his numerous appearances on military bases has informed him is illegal.

In an unusual move for her, Rodda actually cites the law she claims McClary broke.  Of course, she doesn’t say what part of the hundreds of paragraphs of law within Titles 10 or 18 are at issue.  Here are some that areRead more

Weinstein Attacks USAFA Speaker: He’s ‘Wrong Kind of Christian’

Michael Weinstein has written a letter to the USAFA Superintendent, LtGen Michael Gould, “demanding” that an invitation to Lt Clebe McClary (USMC, Ret.) be rescinded.  Lt McClary — an internationally recognized motivational speaker and wounded Vietnam Veteran — has apparently been invited to speak at the 10 February National Prayer Luncheon for the 10th Air Base Wing, the wing that runs the facilities surrounding the Air Force Academy.

Weinstein’s reason?  McClary is the ‘wrong kind of Christian:’  Read more

National Christmas Tree, Menorah Grace Capital

Despite the decision by some government organizations to have “holiday” trees, the National Christmas tree lit in the Nation’s capital each year remains precisely that — a Christmas tree.  This year the US Coast Guard Band was the primary musical backdrop for the event; as is often tradition, the band stood for the Christmas prayer offered by the Rev. Darrell D. Morton.  Some bowed their heads; some did not.

The President’s remarks included a call for prayer for the military:  Read more

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