Tag Archives: Prayer

Unique Chaplain Serves All in South Korea

An interesting article describes the busy life of a Chaplain serving the US Army in South Korea:

I spend most of my time during the week working around my battalion. I’m handling soldiers’ personal concerns, from marital problems to issues with their commanders. Soldiers in my unit have asked me to “bless” their newborn babies and perform non-religious…weddings, among other things.

Often I’m asked to deliver a “non-denominational” invocation prayer at change-of-command ceremonies and memorial observances, “spiritual fitness events” and other occasions.  Read more

“Post-combat” US Soldiers Still in Iraq, and Praying

An Associated Press article printed in New Zealand noted that combat may “officially” be over for US forces, but lethal threats still remain.

However, the picture chosen as the lede was far more interesting than the article itself:

AP Photo
US Army Lt Daniel McCord (left) Staff Sergeant Marc Krugh (centre) and Sergeant Christopher Torrentes, from the 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment, pray before heading out on a patrol south of Baghdad. (AP)

They chose a photo of the men praying together to communicate the character, attitude, seriousness, and heart of the US Soldiers.  The picture is sincere, heartfelt, and even moving — despite being only vaguely connected to the topic of the article.  It seems even newshounds are inexplicably drawn to the meaning-filled act of Soldiers who join together to ask God’s protection and guidance as they launch to accomplish their mission.

The full Associated Press picture and article can be seen here.  More photos of religion in the military can be found here.

Ronald Reagan, World War II Military Chaplain

C-SPAN recently published footage of Ronald Reagan acting in World War II military training films.

In this US military video aptly entitled For God and Country, Reagan plays a Chaplain. Reagan comforts and prays with the men on Christmas, and ultimately dies trying to save one. From the end of the film:

A Soldier: unarmed, yet not unarmed. For what better weapons may a soldier carry with him into battle than those of courage, of unswerving devotion to his faith and to his fellow man?

Interestingly enough, it appears there were no atheists in his foxhole…

The original CSPAN video can be seen here.

Via the Army Chaplaincy blog.

USAFA Prayer Luncheon on Many Faiths

A US Air Force Academy press release on its National Prayer Luncheon highlighted the “many faiths” represented at the event.  Key speaker Lt Clebe McClary spoke of his Christian faith, but he emphasized motivation, resilience, and self-worth:

Lieutenant McClary introduced his audience to a few acronyms they might not have heard of previously. Three examples included PRIDE: “Personal Responsibility in Daily Effort,” FIDO: “Forget It and Drive On,” and PATCH: “Positive Attitude that Characterizes Hope.”

“Life’s tough. You know that better than I do,” he said. “Are you going to get bitter, or are you going to get better?…”

The lieutenant also challenged people to think about Read more

Islamic Chaplain Serves DoD’s Largest Muslim Community

The Air Force Times profiles Chaplain (Capt) Sharior Rahman, who is one of two Islamic Chaplains in the US Air Force.  (The other is Chaplain (Capt) Walid Habash; it is unclear what became of Chaplain (Capt) Abdulah Hamza Al-Mubarak, who was the Air Force’s first Islamic Chaplain and served at the Air Force Academy until a few years ago.)

Rahman serves at Lackland AFB — gateway for all enlisted recruits — and Read more

USAFA Lawsuit Dismissed, Weinstein Goes 0 for 4

Yesterday, a Denver judge dismissed the lawsuit brought by Michael Weinstein’s Military Religious Freedom Foundation against the US Air Force Academy.

U.S. District Judge Christine Arguello dismissed the suit, saying neither associate professor of economics David Mullin nor the Military Religious Freedom Foundation had shown the prospect of retribution was real and imminent.

In fact, despite having just filed the lawsuit, Mullin reportedly admitted he had not suffered retribution from skipping prior prayer luncheons, and he wasn’t sure he’d face retribution at all:

In a telephone interview after the ruling, Mullin acknowledged he couldn’t say with certainty that he would face retribution for not attending.

Interestingly, the hearing was reported as an opportunity to hear arguments “on Plaintiff’s Motion for Preliminary Injunction.”  Arguello appears to have gone a step further and not only denied the injunction, but also dismissed the suit altogether.

Michael Weinstein now stands at a record of 0 and 4.  In the past 6 years he has sued the US military 4 times.  Each has been dismissed.  While it is not unforgivable Read more

USAFA Defends National Prayer Luncheon

The Air Force Academy has filed affidavits in response to the MRFF lawsuit seeking to prevent the 10th Air Base Wing’s National Prayer Luncheon.  The event is scheduled for this Thursday, with USMC Lt (Ret) Clebe McClary as the key (but not only) speaker.

The Air Force Times indicates Chaplain (LtCol) Dwayne Peoples discussed the Chapel- (not command-) sponsorship of the event, and Col. Todd W. Robison, 10ABW Vice Commander, described the use of the government email announcing the event.  The paper notes LtCol Robert Kraus and Capt Jackson Grant also filed affidavits, though their content is not described.

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