Tag Archives: Prayer

Military Atheists Harass Families of Deployed Soldiers

Justin Griffith, the Army Soldier made famous by the event he organized at Fort Bragg, recently found a prayer group advertised on an Army unit’s Facebook page [redacted]:

Naturally, Griffith immediately took issue with the time of the prayer event, which is during what are traditionally considered duty hours.  He decided to call on his web followers to target the unit’s Facebook post [formatting original]:  Read more

The Faith of the American Paratrooper

An official DoD article highlights the “positive role” SPC Benjamin Reynolds has in his unit, the 82nd Airborne currently deployed to Afghanistan.  Even those around him know what drives him:

Reynolds sites his faith as playing an important role in maintaining the positive attitude that so many in his unit admire. In the toughest of times, his beliefs seem to grow even stronger.

“I usually pray for my safety and those around me and use my faith as a motivator,” he said. “When God pulls you through something like that it’s an amazing feeling. It really reinforces your faith.”

Reynolds’ company commander literally couldn’t stop giving him praise:  Read more

Admiral: F-18 Crash Outcome Defines “Miracle”

Admiral John Harvey, the four-star admiral commanding US Fleet Forces Command, had an interesting characterization of the Friday F/A-18D Hornet crash into an apartment complex in Virginia Beach:

“I don’t speak for anybody’s religious beliefs, but the mayor and I both agreed that if you want to define a miracle, what happened here yesterday meets that definition for me,” Adm. John Harvey, the four-star head of the U.S. Fleet Forces Command, told reporters.

He also noted the many prayers for the community:  Read more

Michael Weinstein Loses Lawsuit Against Imprecatory Chaplain

Michael Weinstein has lost his lawsuit against former Navy Chaplain Gordon Klingenschmitt.  In other words, of the 5 lawsuits the former Air Force JAG Weinstein has filed since 2005, he has won zero.  None have even survived to trial.

Weinstein filed a civil suit against Klingenschmitt in 2009 over the former chaplain’s “imprecatory prayers,” claiming they represented a “terroristic threat” and posed an “imminent danger” to him and his family.  As noted here more than two years ago, Weinstein never had a strong case to begin with.  His allegations were vague and he undermined his own cause.  For example, the only specific evidence he cited were events that occurred prior to Klingenschmitt’s public prayer.

The deposition of Michael Weinstein’s wife, Bonnie, may have done the most Read more

Gen Richardson on Attacks on Faith, Chapel Ministries

US Air Force Chief of Chaplain (MajGen) Cecil Richardson recently spoke to the Fairchild AFB National Prayer Luncheon on prayer, where he also noted the “relentless attacks on people of faith and traditional values” that have recently characterized the public discourse:

“It’s to pray for ourselves, our community, units, friends, families and leaders,” said the Air Force’s ranking chaplain.

“It’s also a time to pause and remind ourselves despite the relentless attacks on people of faith and traditional values, Read more

Christian Fighter Pilot, Astronaut Addresses Eglin Prayer Breakfast

US Air Force Col James Dutton, a NASA astronaut, addressed the Eglin National Prayer breakfast and reminded his listeners of the sense of awe — and the presence of God — that people often miss in their daily lives:

“The world around us is really amazing,” he said. “Our sense of wonder we had as a kid is often lost when we become adults…”

“Being in orbit was like being a two-year old and being a fighter pilot is like being a six-year-old again,” he joked.

MajGen Kenneth Merchant told Col Dutton he “gave us a feel for what it is like to touch the heavens.”  Dutton reiterated that it is “tremendously evident” there is a God Read more

Fort Bragg Chaplain Opens Congress with Prayer

US Army Chaplain (Capt) Rudy Stevens, currently assigned to Fort Bragg, was invited to deliver the invocation at the US House of Representatives in February.

“Lord, too often, we Americans back home forget to pray for our leaders here in D.C. Forgive us, Lord. For those assembled here in the people’s House, I pray that you give them courage, strength, and wisdom. Give them courage from our convictions, strength from your spirit, and wisdom for Read more

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