Tag Archives: Prayer

US Military Celebrates National Day of Prayer

praydeployDespite one ill-fated and ill-willed attempt to keep some US troops from joining together in prayer, the US military celebrated the National Day of Prayer around the world.

Renowned Christian apologist Ravi Zacharias spoke at a National Prayer Breakfast gathering at Ramstein Air Base, Germany, to more than 300 US troops, their families, and civilians.  There and at a simultaneous symposium he talked on ‘Where is God in Suffering?’ and  Read more

Army Criticized for Jesus Talk During Sexual Assault Awareness

The US Army’s Redstone Arsenal in Alabama is being criticized for having a Christian speaker at an event for its Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention month.

The only way victims may overcome the horrors of rape and sex trafficking is to accept Jesus Christ as their savior and king.

That is what soldiers and civilian employees of the Army’s Redstone Arsenal were told by guest speaker Tajuan McCarty on April 27 at a command-hosted event…according to one of those in attendance.

That “one of those in attendance” was an anonymous civilian and acolyte of Michael “Mikey” Weinstein, the perpetually offended anti-Christian who believes “Jesus” should only be mentioned in the military during expletives.  Weinstein published the letter from the civilian here.

In what may seem a shock to some, Weinstein’s attack on Redstone Arsenal’s event was Read more

Mikey Weinstein Thinks US Marines are Stupid, Cowards

Michael “Mikey” Weinstein once declared that US Marines were “national security threats,” and now he apparently thinks they’re both stupid and cowards.

On Wednesday, Weinstein published an email from an alleged US Marine at the Marine Corps University at Quantico, Virginia, who apparently had a case of the vapors over the National Day of Prayer [emphasis added]:

This morning the Commanding General’s Staff Secretary sent an email to the entire [MCU] with an invitation to a…MCU Prayer Breakfast…I feel threatened and my promotion potential on the line if I do not attend this religious event…When the Commanding General sends out an invitation to a religious event I feel compelled to attend…

The Marine can’t seem to get his story straight, saying that both a secretary and Read more

Aviano Hosts Mighty in the Land National Prayer Breakfast

On Monday the 31st Fighter Wing at Aviano Air Base, Italy, hosted their National Prayer Breakfast. Their invited speaker was Robert Rogers of Mighty in the Land Ministry. Rogers’ story is at once tragic and inspiring:

In August 2003, Robert experienced a tragedy of Biblical proportions when his precious wife and all four children died in a flash flood in Kansas…Robert’s life completely changed on their way home from a wedding in Wichita when a six-foot wall of water inundated their van, sweeping them off the highway in the darkness and into the deluge.

Soon after, Robert resigned from his engineering career and answered the call to minister and share God’s amazing grace and faith that brought him through that horrific ordeal. Now he teaches others to KNOW GOD and Live a Life of No Regrets with his words and original music at the piano.

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Fallen Marines Memorialized with 12 White Crosses

marinecrossThe 12 US Marines lost last week when their two CH-53E helicopters failed to return to base have been declared deceased.  They were previously identified here.

In a memorial ceremony last Friday, their fellow Marines placed combat gear on white crosses in a modified battlefield cross:

Forty-eight Marines solemnly adorned white crosses with flight vests, helmets, goggles and Hawaiian leis Friday in tribute to the dozen men lost when two helicopters collided during training…

Commanding officer LtCol Eric Purcell quoted the Marines’ Hymn:  Read more

Soldier Mentions God. Mikey Weinstein Complains. Film at 11.

Update: Nearly a month later, Mikey Weinstein complained that the disclaimer discussed below was “lipstick on a pig.”  Weinstein appeared offended that he hadn’t been consulted and that his demand that Col Hundley be “publicly punish[ed]” was ignored.


The latest US service member to publicly mention his faith and get castigated by Michael “Mikey” Weinstein is US Army Col Thomas Hundley. In a 400-word post at the US military’s official Health.mil, Col Hundley provided one of his regular “Motivational Monday Messages” and recounted his grandfather’s admonition “You just gotta give God a little something to work with.”

He finished with

I challenge you to join the Operation Live Well team on the journey to attain a “new you” in 2016. All we have to do is give God and ourselves a little something to work with. Happy New Year!

and included a list of “improvements” for 2016, among which was

1. Improve your spiritual fitness through increased prayer.

Cited by Military.com’s Bryant Jordan, Weinstein said he complained because  Read more

Mikey Weinstein Supporter Calls Franklin Graham a “Fool”

Michael “Mikey” Weinstein frequently publishes messages written in support of his organization, as he did last week when he published a letter from a supporter to Franklin Graham berating Graham for his defense of US Air Academy football players taking a knee in the end zone.  The supporter first summarized what he believed was Graham’s position:

You contended that young football players at the USAF Academy should be free to kneel down in a circle before a football game if they wished.

While it’s not too far off, that’s not actually what was happening. Football players were Read more

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