Tag Archives: Obama

Column: Use Predator to Take Out Gadhafi

A newspaper columnist recently suggested there was a “strong moral argument” for taking out the Libyan leader, and the MQ-1B Predator was just the tool for the job.  Columnist Richard Miniter said:

Since President Barack Obama seems comfortable killing terrorists in Afghanistan and Pakistan with Predator drone strikes, why not in Libya?

Ignore the political and even moral aspects of such a statement for a moment.

Such an assertion is both ignorant and asinine.

Following Operation Desert Storm, hundreds of hours of CNN Read more

Two USAF Airmen Killed in Frankfurt Attack

Multiple news sources reported on the attack in Frankfurt, Germany, that killed two US Air Force airmen and seriously wounded two more.  Said President Obama:

“I’m saddened and I am outraged by this attack that took the lives of two Americans and wounded two others.  I think the American people are united in expressing our gratitude for the service of those who were lost.  I want everybody to understand that we will spare no effort in learning how this outrageous act took place and in working with German authorities to ensure that all of the perpetrators are brought to justice.”

The Airmen were reportedly USAF Security Forces in transit from Lakenheath Read more

Christian Leaders Call for Presidential Action on Said Musa

The story of the Afghan convert to Christianity sentenced to die for leaving Islam has picked up more steam as Christian leaders from John Piper to Rick Warren have called for action.

John Piper tweeted…”Mr. President, speak wisely and boldly, in private if necessary, for Said Musa, imprisoned in Kabul.”

On Sunday, Rick Warren, named as one of the top 20 Twitter celebrities by Forbes, brought attention to how the media has underreported Musa’s story.

“Media CLAIM to champion free speech but if they really did, they’d report these stories everyday,” Warren told his 245,653 Twitter followers.

Warren linked to an article questioning the Presidential intervention over the threat of Koran-burning in Florida, but the Read more

President Obama to Speak at National Prayer Breakfast

Update: The nearly 2 hour Prayer Breakfast is available on C-SPAN video.

According to the Christian Post, President Obama will speak today at the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington.  He previously did the same last year; Admiral Mullen also attended last year.

Astronaut Mark Kelly, husband to wounded Arizona Representative Gabrielle Giffords, will reportedly deliver the closing prayer.

Obama is Commander in Chief of the US Armed Forces; Kelly is a US Navy Captain.  Military members have routinely taken part in prayer functions every year on bases around the world, just as they will this year in places like Fort Jackson, SC.

The military’s defense of their religious freedom ensures their continued ability to do so, despite the unConstitutional demands of those who would take away the rights of the troops.

Senate Confirms Feldblum — ‘Sex Trumps Religion’

Before retiring for the holidays, the US Senate confirmed Obama appointee Chai Feldblum to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

Feldblum is the person quoted in the longer version of the “Christian Military Perspective on DADT,” published at the Journal of Faith and War, saying

when religious liberty and sexual liberty conflict…I’m having a hard time coming up with any case in which religious liberty should win.  (The Weekly Standard, May 15, 2006).

Feldblum was a law professor at Georgetown University and Read more

Christmas in Afghanistan, Presidential Message on Jesus’ Birth

FoxNews had a headline article on Christmas highlighting “Christmas in Afghanistan.”  One of the more interesting parts of the article:

Afghans who support the coalition troops respect the holiday, [US Marine Chaplain (Capt) William] Kennedy said.

“We’re in a Muslim country, but the Muslims venerate Jesus as a prophet and the people I’ve met, whether it’s the locals or ANA (Afghan army), the mullahs, they respect the fact that we’re a religious people,” Kennedy told AFP.

(In a contrast to the Chaplain’s supportive perceptions of the local population, an activist group once tried to claim public American military celebrations of Easter were “convinc[ing] the Muslims we’re on a crusade.”) 

While Americans celebrated freely in Afghanistan, local Iraqi Christians “toned down” their Christmas celebrations in Iraq over fear of attacks.  It appears American military Read more

National Christmas Tree, Menorah Grace Capital

Despite the decision by some government organizations to have “holiday” trees, the National Christmas tree lit in the Nation’s capital each year remains precisely that — a Christmas tree.  This year the US Coast Guard Band was the primary musical backdrop for the event; as is often tradition, the band stood for the Christmas prayer offered by the Rev. Darrell D. Morton.  Some bowed their heads; some did not.

The President’s remarks included a call for prayer for the military:  Read more

Obama: I Pray Everyday, Read Bible

The Hill notes that as part of a Barbara Walters interview, President Obama spoke of the prayer and Bible reading that mark his “everyday life:”

“Michelle and I have not only benefited from our prayer life, but I think the girls have too,” the president told Walters. “We say grace before we eat dinner every night. We take turns”…

When asked if he prays himself, the president said: “I do. Every night.”

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