Tag Archives: Navy

Richard Spencer, Trump Nominee for Secretary of the Navy

Richard Spencer testified before the Senate Armed Services committee last week:

“I testified before this committee, I believe in 2015, that it was my belief that the Department of Defense – specifically, individual services – was not to be a petri dish for social experiments.

“We have…to fight forward so that readiness is the key and lethality is the product.”

Mark Green’s nomination for Secretary of the Army was torpedoed in part because, some noted, he was replacing the Army’s first homosexual Secretary.

Richard Spencer would be replacing someone people might arguably have called the Navy’s first homosexual Secretary, Ray Mabus, who at times was Read more

RAdm Robert Sharp: Diversity Just Makes Sense. Until it Doesn’t.

RAdm Robert Sharp, director of the National Maritime Intelligence-Integration Office and commander of Office of Naval Intelligence, recently made a fascinating statement in support of the LGBT community [emphasis added]:

[Sharp] said his commitment comes from the important role diversity and inclusion play in building a strong Navy. It not only the right thing to do, he said, it is a warfighting readiness imperative

Nowhere is that more important than in the intelligence community, he said.

“It’s our job to go out there and understand adversaries. We need to be looking at threats from every different angle, and if we can’t bring in diversity of experience, diversity of expertise, diversity of thought, we will not be as good as we need to be for our nation.”

That begs two important questions: Read more

Navy Commander’s Awkward Comments on LGBT Pride

CAPT Mark Melson, commanding officer, USS Makin Island, speaking at his ship’s LGBT pride event:

“Pride Month shows the importance of diversity in our Navy, and how that diversity makes us stronger.”

How, precisely, does diversity in sexual behavior make the Navy stronger?  “Pride month” doesn’t make that explicit (no pun intended), and the Department of Defense has not said homosexuality has improved the ability of the military to accomplish its mission.

If diversity in itself is what “makes [the military] stronger,” the US military is doing it wrong with Read more

US Navy Chaplains: Character Matters

At the behest of the Chief of Naval Operations, the US Navy Chaplaincy has begun a summer campaign hashtagged “#CharacterMatters.” According to the Chaplaincy’s release on the subject, CNO Adm John Richardson

challenged us to “actively strengthen our shipmates’ integrity,” so that the entire Navy team, as an institution, behaves in a way that is “consistent with the values that we profess.”

It’s a fascinating opportunity — and one that could be easily missed. For example, it Read more

US Military JAG Corps Lesbian, Muslim Lawyers Make News

In an official article, the US Navy announced that Navy LT Jennifer Johnson was awarded status as one of the “best LGBT lawyers under 40” by the National LGBT Bar Association:

The association established the award to recognize legal professionals under the age of 40 who distinguished themselves in their field and advocated LGBT equality.

A previous release from the Navy (and the award website) indicates Navy LT Paul Wagoner was similarly recognized.  Fortunately, there does not appear to be an organization that only recognizes lawyers who have heterosexual sex, nor does the Navy appear to highlight such JAGs.

Johnson’s public recognition by the US military is supremely ironic, given  Read more

First Woman on a Fast Attack Sub Raises Interesting Question

Even though neither President Trump nor Secretary of Defense James Mattis issued any kind of “gay pride month” proclamations, quite a few lower level military units are proceeding with such celebrations anyway.  In that spirit, Ashley Broadway’s American Military Partner Association, a homosexual activist group, recently posted a picture to its Facebook page of the “first woman to report to a fast attack submarine.”

In the picture, then-LtJG Kara Smith sports a hat from Read more

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