Tag Archives: Navy

Congress Acts After DoD Furloughs Chaplains

A variety of news sources noted that the decision to furlough government civilians in the Department of Defense has meant some chaplains couldn’t go to work either — and thus US military chapel services will not be held:

With the government shutdown, [“General Schedule”] and contract priests who are furloughed are not allowed to work, not even to volunteer, according to John Schlageter, general counsel for the Archdiocese for the Military Services. “During the shutdown, it is illegal for them to minister on base, and they risk being arrested if they attempt to do so,” he said.

This is generally true for all people in equivalent government positions, not just chaplains.  Interestingly, a Catholic spokesman noted that there are actually more civilian/contract Catholic chaplains in the US military than active duty ones:  Read more

Holy Cross Navy Cadets Host Competition

A US Navy article recently highlighted the Navy ROTC program at the College of the Holy Cross, a Catholic university in the Jesuit tradition.  While the friendly drill and athletic competition was the topic, it was mostly interesting to read the references to the Catholic college’s military program:

“I really enjoyed it,” said Holy Cross Midshipman 4th Class Annie Grimmke…

Given the sometime political sensitivity of associating the US military and religion, its a wonder a certain critic of Christianity in the military hasn’t demanded that Holy Cross either change their name or be stripped of their ROTC program.

The best part, though, is their mascot.

They’re the Holy Cross Crusaders.

The benign, perfectly acceptable, and normal NROTC program at that small school is probably giving that guy an aneurysm right now.


US Sailors Support Judeo-Christian Outreach Center

An official Navy article highlights the service of Hampton Roads Sailors as they volunteered to help out at the Judeo-Christian Outreach Center, which is homeless shelter and soup kitchen.

“We’re always excited to have the military volunteer at JCOC because it’s a morale boost for those we serve and an opportunity for our military folks to see what we as a community do to help the homeless here,” said Todd Walker, JCOC executive director.

Like many acts of service, those who serve are as impacted as those whom they serve:

“This is truly a humbling experience because it reminds us all that having a roof over our heads, food on the table, clothes on our back and a great job is a privilege and can just as easily be taken away in a world filled with uncertainty,” said…Master-at-Arms 1st Class Jose Soto…


Military Opinions, Politics Meet Again in Syria

There are regulatory restrictions on what members of the US military are allowed to say and do when it comes to politics.  With that in mind, there have been interesting displays from people in the US military (or claiming to be) over the proposed strikes on Syria.

For example, who would have thought a Soldier would publicly say this [emphasis added]:

As a soldier, I understand that before any military action, our nation must have a clear tactical objective, a realistic strategy, the necessary resources to execute that strategy — including the support of the American people — and an exit plan.  The proposed military action against Syria fails to meet any of these criteria.”

That was Read more

Army Prayer Breakfast Recalls World Trade Center Cross

On 11 September 2013, more than 400 Soldiers attended a Memorial Prayer Breakfast hosted at the Spirit of Fort Hood chapel.  The guest speaker was retired US Navy Chaplain Ron Swafford, who was one of the few to visit Ground Zero after the attacks:

“I just happened to be there the day that they found those crossed I-Beams that came out of the rubble forming a cross,” he recalled. “It was quite impressive because all the workers just stopped and gathered Read more

Chaplain Promoted to LtCmdr. Twice.

Chaplain (LtCmdr) William Dorwart has a fascinating story.  He enlisted in the Navy in 1967, then left and obtained a Masters in Dividnity at Notre Dame. He then rejoined the Navy as a Chaplain in 1985 and left again in 1991 to serve a civilian ministry role.

To help meet the shortage of Catholic chaplains, he returned to the Navy in 2008, 41 years after he originally enlisted.  He started again as a Lieutenant, and was finally promoted, for the second time, back to LtCmdr.

It’s an odd career path, but even now Chaplain Dorwart hopes to continue to serve in military ministry, if an age waiver is granted.


US Military Supports Jewish Holidays at Sea

Jews in Green highlights the annual push by Kosher Troops to provide “High Holiday package shipments” to Jewish US military personnel around the world.

In the testimonials, there’s a telling thanks:

I want to let you know that your Passover packages arrived on the USS Gonzalez yesterday.  None too soon! We had a challenging Passover, because many of our supplies did not arrive in time…Our Jewish Sailors…were facing the remaining Passover day without foods Kosher for Passover.

Then your packages arrived yesterday. What a blessing Read more

Chaplains’ Assistants Protect Lives, Religious Liberty

When talking about military religious freedom, much of the focus is naturally on chaplains.  Often left unmentioned is the assistant, bodyguard, and companion of military chaplains: his chaplain’s assistant.

As noted in a recent Marine article, chaplain’s assistants not only support activities at home, but they are also the armed protectors of the unarmed chaplain when deployed:

Religion has always been important to 19-year-old Seaman Apprentice Jacob L. Brown, a religious program specialist…

When he learned that he could pursue it while serving his country, he jumped at the chance… Read more

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