Tag Archives: Military

Navy Officer is Pilot, Commander, Religious Leader

A unique and positive article by Alison Buckholtz covers the hardships associated with a US Navy pilot and the separation he must face from his family as he deploys overseas.  As is the case for many servicemembers, he is an aviator but is deploying to a ground job in support of the Army.

Interestingly titled “Onward Jewish Soldiers,” it celebrates the role of the Jewish faith, and Jewish servicemembers, in the US armed forces.  It also highlights the Read more

Prayer Luncheons Unite and Strengthen in Iraq

Gen. James C. Nixon, the deputy commanding general of operations for Multi-National Division – North, recently spoke at the final Task Force Lightning Prayer Luncheon.  The event was held at Contingency Operating Base Speicher in Iraq.  According to the hosting Chaplains, General Nixon was able to “share his faith and tell people, ‘This is what God is doing for me. Consider these things as you live your life’.”

The prayer events have been part of the unit’s emphasis on spiritual fitness.

“Prayer luncheons are a good thing for many reasons Read more

Navy Identifies Fallen Pilot

The US Navy has identified the body of the pilot found after his T-34C went missing off the coast of Texas.  Lt. Bret Travis Miller was found in the Gulf following the disappearance of his aircraft.  Lt. John Joseph Houston remains missing, as does the aircraft.

At this point, there is still no information as to why the aircraft dropped off radar.  The T-34 does not have an ejection seat; pilots must bail out manually.  The Navy Times called both pilots instructors in the aircraft, which is used for primary training in the Navy.

Soldiers Practice Religion During Joint Exercise

Military members are free to participate in the religious acts that they choose.  At times, the military even encourages its servicemembers to learn more about religion.  Such experiences may include observing or even participating in religious events.

In India recently, US soldiers engaged in a joint exercise took the opportunity to participate in yoga.  Far from the more fitness-oriented experience in America, yoga is commonly associated with eastern religions practiced in India (where it is believed to have originated).

The benefits of cultural tolerance and understanding is Read more

Military Officers and Religious Ideology

As previously discussed, a civilian author recently criticized a military Chaplain for “expressing contempt” for the Constitution when he made “derogatory remarks about Islam:”

When a uniformed officer of the US military makes derogatory remarks about Islam, he’s violating [his] oath and expressing contempt of the First Amendment.

The comment was made by Jeff Sharlet, posting under the moniker Ishmael, on the Daily Kos website.  Sharlet is also the author of The Family, a book that purports to be an expose on a secretive and conspiratorial religious organization (the “Christian Mafia”) attempting to influence the US government.

The comment was in defense of Chris Rodda, the Military Religious Freedom Foundation researcher, when she criticized Camp David Chaplain (LtCdr) Carey Cash for his religious views.  Sharlet’s use of the word “derogatory” notwithstanding, is he right?  Can a religious leader of one faith in the military say nothing negative about another–even if such statements are consistent with the tenets of their faith?

The core question: Can a Chaplain (or any other military officer) espouse specific, even exclusive, religious ideology?

The shortest, most accurate answer: Read more

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