Tag Archives: military religious freedom foundation

AF Global Strike Command Cites ObamaCare. Mikey Weinstein calls it Unconstitutional.

Michael “Mikey” Weinstein has filed an IG complaint because Air Force Global Strike Command included “pray” in listing five focus areas for its “Year of the Family” [emphasis added]:

Air Force Global Strike Command is dedicating 2017 to Airmen, their loved ones and the total force at large. We are calling this year “The Year of the Family,” and will focus our efforts on areas that greatly affect our Strikers and their families. These areas include where our Airmen live, learn, play, pray and receive care.

Weinstein has yet to release a statement (other than using the standard accusation of “unconstitutional“) and appears to have been scooped by his own supporters. He did release two complainant emails, obviously written for public consumption, citing AFGSC’s use of the word “pray” in the article quoted above.

The problem? That’s not even AFGSC’s word.

It’s from ObamaCare.

In 2013, Read more

Harassed by Mikey Weinstein, Part 8: “DO SOMETHING!! PLZ”

Michael “Mikey” Weinstein learned early on that emailing threats to this site — a lot of emails — was ineffective. When his keyboard courage failed, Weinstein tried to have someone else do his work for him: His lawyers then threatened to sue ChristianFighterPilot.com. That, too, was futile, because — lawyer or not — Weinstein had no real argument beyond “Mikey doesn’t like you.”  Mikey Weinstein was doing little more than being a bully, and when his targets resisted, he quite naturally failed to follow through on his threats.

When his own courage failed, and when his lawyer subsequently failed, Mikey Weinstein then sought the aid of the US government to further his harassment.

Over the years, Mikey Weinstein has sent hundreds, if not thousands, of messages to the US military trying to get the military to join his attacks on ChristianFighterPilot.com. Most of his complaints have been passive-aggressive, as suits his style. A few have been demands.

One was a plea.

In 2013, the US Air Force censored an article written by an Air Force chaplain. The incident would ultimately come to represent one of the most effective stands against Mikey Weinstein by groups defending military religious freedom. The initial incident was covered here, in which this site noted the Air Force had chosen to publish an atheist article but prohibit a Christian one.

After the article went up on this site, Mikey Read more

Military Religious Freedom, Sikhs, and Christians

“When Army leaders or other government officials fail to protect the rights of Sikh soldiers, Muslim prisoners and other religious minorities, they weaken the rights of everyone, [said Douglas Laycock, a distinguished professor of law at the University of Virginia.].

“Religious freedom is an all-or-nothing proposition. The arguments the government makes in cases about Sikhs and Muslims, and the judicial precedents it establishes when it wins, are fully available to use against Christians,” he said.

The same holds true in reverse, of course: The judicial Read more

US Soldier: Combining Religious, Military Uniform Inspires Confidence

For Kalsi, wearing his “religious uniform” with his military uniform provides him confidence as a soldier.

“I know that my faith makes me a better soldier,” the lieutenant colonel said. “It makes me stronger, it makes me more resilient and it sustains me in ways that I would have a hard time explaining.”

The Stars and Stripes recently noted a surge in waivers for observant Sikhs to serve in the US military while retaining the outward symbols of their faith:

Eight Sikh Army recruits have received waivers this year allowing them to maintain their religiously mandated beards and turbans in uniform, nearly doubling the number of observant Sikhs in the Army despite a decades-old policy barring visual symbols of faith.

The success of Sikh adherents publicly exercising their religious faith in uniform has befuddled Michael “Mikey” Weinstein — the self-proclaimed Read more

US Army Veteran Charged with Trying to Aid ISIS

Robert Hester spent a very short in the US Army from 2012-2013 before leaving under a “general discharge” following “numerous violations of US Army regulations.”

By 2016, he had converted to Islam, had a new name — and was attempting to plot attacks against the United States he once served.

[Hester] was charged last week with trying to support the Islamic State as part of what he thought was a coordinated attack against civilian targets and military installations, authorities say…

Hester joins a growing list of more than 100 people in the United States arrested in connection with the Islamic State. But he’s one of just a handful with a military connection.

Hester joins more than a dozen civilians or veterans who have planned Read more

Tom Carpenter, Forum on the Military Chaplaincy Blind to own Bigotry

Tom Carpenter of the Forum on the Military Chaplaincy was called out several months ago for his hypocrisy: Carpenter had joined Michael “Mikey” Weinstein in criticizing Air Force Chaplain Dondi Costin for attending an event in uniform, while Tom Carpenter had shared a stage with a uniformed chaplain under similar circumstances just a couple of months prior.

Hypocrisy, though, is often understood to be ‘holding others to a standard to which one does not hold himself.’

A more accurate word for what Tom Carpenter and his FOMC have displayed would be “bigotry” — or “intolerant devotion to one’s own opinions and prejudices,” in one definition.

You see, it wasn’t merely that Carpenter hosted one uniformed chaplain while criticizing another. His actual issue was the religious ideologies of the chaplains and the events they attended. Carpenter and the Forum on the Military Chaplaincy support tolerance for everyone — except those who do not hold the same religious beliefs they do.

And they recently made it quite clear.

Last weekend a pastor asked Read more

Air Force Censors “Gendered Language” — Declaration, Constitution Next

The Virginian-Pilot reports the US Air Force has taken down posters hung at Langley Air Force Base because they contained “gendered language.” The Air Force had previously defended the posters against accusations by Michael “Mikey” Weinstein that they violated regulations on religion. With that avenue closed, the National Organization for Women rolled in and declared the posters “sexist” because they referred to “men” and “gentlemen”. The Air Force now says [emphasis added]

With additional time to review all seven posters outside the narrower, primarily religious context of the original complaint about two of them, we concluded the gendered language used in the display interfered with intended messages about personal integrity.

We’ve chosen to update the display with something that reflects the diverse and inclusive force we are today.

How the Air Force believes “gendered language” “interfere[s]” with “personal integrity” might make a fascinating discussion.

For his part, Mikey Weinstein — ignored by the Air Force, again — appeared Read more

US Navy Chaplain Brings Islam to Africa

People tend to connect more through their faith than anything else.
– Chaplain Abuhena Saifulislam

US Navy Chaplain (Cmdr) Abuhena Saifulislam, stationed in Ramstein Air Base, Germany, as the USAFRICOM deputy command chaplain, recently spent a week in Djibouti

with members of Combined Joint Task Force-Horn of Africa Religious and Civil Affairs, they met with the deputy director of Islamic affairs for Djibouti, the Sultan of Tadjoura and representatives of the Red Crescent Society of Djibouti among others.

Besides meeting with local leaders, Saifulislam participated in religious Read more

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