Tag Archives: military religious freedom foundation

US Marine Officer on Christ’s Influence on His Life

The US Air Force routinely publishes personal profiles on its Airmen in a series called “Through Airmen’s Eyes.” The Marine Corps does something similar, with the series titled “What I’ve Learned.”

A recent subject of that series was Capt Jason Samuel, who tells his story in the first person:

My family and I were very involved in the church. Growing up in the church has influenced every decision I’ve made because understanding that Christ is my sole purpose, motivates and drives me to do things in a different way; to live out my faith as a Marine, a husband and a person. It influences absolutely every aspect in my life.

Samuel is currently the Aide-de-Camp for Read more

Harassed by Mikey Weinstein, Part 9: Threaten with IG Complaint. Again.

Michael “Mikey” Weinstein discovered the power of the Inspector General complaint process way back in 2007. By using the IG, Weinstein is able to loudly file a complaint (a step necessary for fundraising, which pays his salary) and possibly get a reaction from the military — and whether he does or not, he can still claim victory.

The best part? It’s free.

Mikey Weinstein used to say “tell it to the judge,” but it seems even he realized how impotent that made him look, given how long its been since the MRFF has seen the inside of a courtroom and how ineffective his “charity” was when it was there. (Weinstein has zero wins and six losses in military/religion cases.) Plus, lawsuits can be expensive, even if the MRFF insisted on finding attorneys who would work pro bono. Now, Weinstein’s rallying cry has diminished to a weak “I’ll file a complaint……….!!!1!1”

Speaking for the MRFF, Weinstein’s research assistant Chris Rodda recently threatened to file an IG complaint against ChristianFighterPilot.com.

Care to know what happened another time the MRFF filed an IG complaint about Read more

Mikey Weinstein Plagiarizes Renowned Apologist Alex McFarland

In a press release dated today, Michael “Mikey” Weinstein announced he was going to debate Dr. Alex McFarland at Colorado Christian University on April 11th [emphasis added]:

Renowned Civil Rights Activist Mikey Weinstein to Participate in Debate on Religious Freedom

Three days ago, Dr. McFarland also announced the debate [emphasis added]:

Renowned Apologist Alex McFarland to Debate Mikey Weinstein

It would seem Weinstein like McFarland’s word choice.  Read more

Chris Rodda’s Desperate Strawman

by Sonny Hernandez

The Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF) are historically known for their loathsome philosophy against the Christian worldview and the US Constitution. Albeit the MRFF’s practices are incongruent with the recurrent constitutional polices, they will imperiously demand the omission of anything that does not comport with their God-hating, Muslim-supporting, and homosexual-affirming foundation—even if it requires a false witness.

The MRFF’s Chris Rodda just published a desperate article on the Huffington Post calling for punishment after alleging this site accused a senior officer of “being a liar.”

Who is this senior Air Force officer? Brigadier General (BGen) select Kristin Goodwin will soon be the incoming Commandant of Cadets at the United States Air Force Academy.  Ironically, Weinstein wondered why the USAFA leadership did not publicly acknowledge what he called a “groundbreaking selection of a gay, female new Commandant.”

Rodda’s article is far from being pedantic—it is frivolous, and a classic example of yellow journalism to incite Air Force leadership to react to the article titled, “BGen Kristin Goodwin and the USAFA Honor Code.”

Instead of interacting with the article, Rodda desperately relies on a strawman to devalue the writer’s character. Rodda unintelligibly makes several ad hominem allegations [emphasis added]:  Read more

Report: BGen Kristin Goodwin Newest USAFA Commandant, First Homosexual

UPDATE: Now covered at LifeSite news, with commentary by USAFA graduate and former Navy chaplain Gordon Klingenschmitt.

UPDATE: Now covered at the Air Force Times, War is Boring, and by the US Air Force Academy.

The Colorado Springs Independent has reported [updated link] the US Air Force Academy announced BGen(S) Kristin Goodwin would be the incoming Commandant of Cadets, replacing BGen Stephen Williams.

Michael “Mikey” Weinstein found out about it and was miffed at USAFA for not making a bigger deal about it, and he said he was “thrilled” — all because Col Goodwin is a homosexual.

Col Goodwin has been in the news for years, and it has been widely reported that she has a “wife and two children”.  She would be only the second female USAFA Commandant.  Col Goodwin is a B-2/B-52 pilot and has been a wing commander — where her somewhat unique take on unit priorities was “people, mission, pride“.  She is also a USAFA ’93 graduate.

To their credit, USAFA reportedly made the announcement without mentioning her sexual practices — a fairly rare occurrence and one sure to be “corrected” once the news hits the mainstream press.

Col Goodwin’s promotion to Read more

General Julie Bentz Prays for Her Troops, so Mikey Weinstein Wants Her Fired

US Army MajGen Julie Bentz is the vice director of the Joint Improvised Threat Defeat Organization. She was also recently the keynote speaker of the 56th annual Kansas Prayer Breakfast held on March 15th.

That’s why Michael “Mikey” Weinstein wants her fired.

Advocates for religious freedom [sic] say a two-star general violated the U.S. Constitution and endangered troops when she told those gathered at a prayer breakfast about her “greatest privilege.”…

Weinstein is calling for an investigation and said Bentz should be removed from her position.

How did Gen Bentz violate the Constitution? Weinstein quotes thusly [emphasis his]: Read more

Mikey Weinstein Finds Homage in Air Force Toons

The comic strip of the Air Force Times recently took a swipe at the ever-present malcontent Michael “Mikey” Weinstein:

Weinstein, never one to pass on free publicity, immediately issued a press release and even paid for an advertisement on Facebook proclaiming the “huge homage“. (It would seem he needs to look up the definition of that word.)  Where Mikey Weinstein apparently feels he has “arrived,” others see (the reality) that Mikey Weinstein has become a cultural punch line.

Of course, the beauty of a successful lampoon is Read more

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