Tag Archives: military religious freedom foundation

Michael Weinstein Pens Self-Indicting Diatribe

Michael Weinstein recently wrote a little-noticed piece that railed against the Chaplain Alliance for Religious Liberty. The article was clearly intended to incite a feud, with Weinstein making liberal use of shocking semantics, including calling CARL “extremist,” “fundamentalist dogs,” “putrid bigots,” and accusing them of “rape.”  Such is the language of those who fight religious freedom, apparently.

The diatribe isn’t worth reading, but the self-indicting hypocrisy and lack of cognitive dissonance from the ever-bellicose Weinstein is entertaining:  Read more

General Dempsey Leads ThanksUSA in God Bless America (Video)

General Martin Dempsey, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, gave the “keynote speech” at a ThanksUSA gala.  ThanksUSA was founded by an 8 and 10 year old in 2006 as a means to provide scholarships to children and spouses of US troops.

Never one to let a good deed go unpunished, Michael Weinstein will probably soon be calling for the General’s court-martial for “endorsing a non-Federal entity” — especially when Weinstein finds out who’s on their board of directors.

Even better, General Dempsey — widely known for his public singing — concluded the presentation by bringing the entire event to its feet when he led them in “God Bless America,” and chided those who didn’t know the words: Read more

Newest Academy Cadets Eat Doughnuts, Told to Let Go of God

Jason Torpy of the Military Association of Atheists and Freethinkers is currently engaged in his annual campaign on atheism at the US military academies, which coincides with basic training at each service academy.  The Christian Post picked up on his discussion, and noted that some version of non-sectarian offering was available during basic training to new cadets.

Chaplain Ron Crews of the Chaplain Alliance for Religious Liberty acknowledges that those who choose to have no religious faith also have rights — but questions their desire to mimic religious institutions and have chaplains:  Read more

Army to End NASCAR Sponsorship

The US Army has announced it will end its decade-long NASCAR sponsorship after this year.  The move has been praised by Betty McCollum (D-Minn), who has put forward amendments for at least two years attempting to strip the military’s ability to sponsor professional sports.  For its part, the military generally considers such exposure good for recruiting.  For the record, the Army will still be sponsoring a car in the National Hot Rod Association.

In his tradition of revising history, Michael Weinstein will likely claim this as a victory in his organization’s efforts to keep religious faith out of the military — not that Weinstein’s position has ever been consistent.

Congressman Calls for Investigation of Radicalized Christians

US House Rep Peter King (R-NY) recently held more hearings on “radical Islam,” to which Rep Al Green (D-Tx) wondered out loud why there weren’t hearings on “radical Christianity.”

“I do not, not — N-O-T — oppose hearings on radicalization. I do oppose hearings that don’t focus on the entirety of radicalization.

And if you agree that we have Christians…who become radicalized…why not have a hearing on the radicalization of Christians?”

He further explained:  Read more

Michael Weinstein and the Problem with Air Force FOIAs

Michael Weinstein and his cohorts make frequent use of the US Air Force Inspector General complaint system.  As noted previously, its win-win for Weinstein, as he’s immune to any stigma should it go awry and he can cry foul whether the IG validates his complaint or not.

Weinstein also hammers the Air Force with Freedom of Information Act requests.  Again, for him they’re a win-win.  He gets to harass the Air Force, as the Air Force is required by law to dedicate precious and scarce resources to answer his every call, which also has the effect of distracting from the military’s mission.

Weinstein also gets access to information he normally wouldn’t.  While the Air Force tries to cull private and restricted information from Read more

Local Paper Chides USAFA for Stealing

It doesn’t seem Pam Zubeck has ever really been a fan of the US Air Force Academy.  As noted previously, she featured prominently in Michael Weinstein’s book from her days when she was a reporter at the Colorado Springs Gazette, and she was practically his public relations outlet there. 

She’s now at the local “independent” paper, where she continues to act as a PR tool for Weinstein and take shots at USAFA.  Recently, she noted USAFA had used Associated Press articles in its base paper — which it can’t do — after it copied them from the USAFA athletic website, which can have those articles:  Read more

MASH Star Pontificates on the Military Chaplaincy

Mike Farrell, better known as BJ Hunnicutt of M*A*S*H fame, apparently thinks his “service” with Father Mulcahy qualifies him to speak with authority on the US military chaplaincy.  He authored a lengthy piece on the Huffington Post written in the style of Chris Rodda; that is, heavy on vague accusations and light on facts:

Today, a huge percentage of our military chaplains, according to thousands of aggrieved American servicemen and women, present themselves as fevered salesmen for a fundamentalist version of Christianity rather than as simple, caring souls with a willingness to listen and no attached quid pro quo. These religious hucksters see themselves as “government-paid missionaries” and the youth under their domain “as ripe as black bananas.”

Farrell fails to quantify or provide support for his “huge percentage,” and provides no source other than the vague anecdotes of Michael Weinstein’s MRFF “clients.”  (Farrell, conveniently enough, is a member of Weinstein’s advisory board.)  Farrell is also apparently blind to his own prejudice, calling people who hold beliefs with which he disagrees “hucksters.”

He authoritatively continues:  Read more

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