Tag Archives: mikey weinstein

Chris Rodda Successfully Destroys Her own Strawman

Chris Rodda seems to have returned from her apparent exile from the MRFF by posting a blog at the Huffington Post — about a really old story. In a move unusual for the normally verbose Rodda, the article was relatively concise. In typical Chris Rodda fashion, however, it relied heavily on playing loose with the truth.

Referring to a months-old controversy, Rodda’s article was entitled “Apparently, the American Legion Hates Jesus” and described the American Legion’s use of a POW/MIA remembrance table that does not include a Bible:

According to the fundamentalist Christian outrage brigade, not having a Bible on a POW/MIA table can only be the work of the most diabolical of anti-Christian organizations. Obviously, only an atheist group, or, according to Fox News’s Todd Starnes, “a special kind of low-life,” would remove God’s Word from the display!

So, I guess this means that the American Legion, with its Bible-free POW/MIA table item list, must be an anti-Christian, atheist organization, right?

As with Michael “Mikey” Weinstein, the truth is insufficiently sensational, so Rodda has to Read more

Army Secretary Fanning Headlines Gay Parade

Secretary of the Army Eric Fanning recently rode through San Diego on a rainbow-striped BMW in a sign of same-sex pride:

fanningparadeThe Secretary’s personal security detail may need a little more training on blending in.

Secretary Fanning was the “grand marshal” of the San Diego Pride parade, which one veteran recognized as a significant social event [emphasis added]:

As a symbol, having an openly gay military leader means something, said George Hotaling, 29, a gay former Army officer who volunteered at the rally.

“It’s absolutely huge. To have someone who is that high-ranking, it normalizes it,” said Hotaling, who is married to an active-duty Navy officer.

The US military has developed an interesting dichotomy between sexual expression and religious Read more

Mikey Weinstein’s Charitable Salary Total Reaches $1.95 Million

Michael “Mikey” Weinstein seems to be making a comfortable living doing little more than attacking Christians in the US military.

The most recent financial disclosures for his Military Religious Freedom Foundation (from 2014, released nearly two years later) reveal that he paid himself, as the sole employee of the “charity” he self-founded, $244,232 in compensation from the tax-deductible donations his organization received.

While it is a slight reduction from the $299,634 he paid himself in 2013, it still accounts for a sizeable 35% of all contributions to his MRFF.

Since he founded his laughably-categorized “non-profit” in late 2005, Mikey Weinstein has Read more

Robert Dorr, MRFF Ally and Columnist, Dies at 76

dorrThe Air Force Times reported that Robert F. Dorr, a prolific author and columnist for the Military Times papers, died on June 12th.

A self-described opinion columnist who eschewed the title “journalist”, Dorr’s non-book work was described as pro-military but politically liberal. He was no stranger to controversy, calling for the closing of Guantanamo, the repeal of DADT, and even shutting down the Air Force as a whole. His apparent desire to advocate for the “little guy” sometimes made his counter-authority articles popular.

Dorr was also no friend to military religious freedom. He once Read more

National Guard Soldier Quits, Tries to Help ISIS

Mohamed Jalloh quit the Army National Guard after listening to lectures by Anwar al-Awlaki — and then plotted a “Fort Hood-style” attack against his former comrades:

Cotton Puryear, a spokesman for the Virginia Army National Guard, said Jalloh served as a specialist from 2009 until 2015, when he was honorably discharged…

In April, Jalloh told the informant he had been thinking about carrying out a Fort Hood-style attack. Asked to explain, Jalloh said, “Nidal Hasan type of things. That’s the kind of stuff I started thinking,” according to the affidavit…

Later in April, Jalloh told the informant that Read more

US Troops Pose with Cross. Mikey Weinstein Conniption to Follow.

A group of US Army Soldiers (and one Sailor) recently posed for a photo during training:

soldierscross3With a group of US troops posing in front of a flag with a Christian cross, Michael “Mikey” Weinstein will no doubt pontificate on the propaganda value such a photo provides for al Qaeda and ISIS, and how these troops are endangering the lives of their fellow troops, violating their oaths and the US Constitution, etc., etc., etc.  Standard bigoted fare.

He’s wrong, of course, but such tripe is common from Weinstein, and he Read more

US Army Rebuffs Mikey Weinstein. Again.

Despite a complaint by the perpetually-offended anti-Christian Michael “Mikey” Weinstein, the US Army has said there was nothing wrong with a Bible being displayed on a POW/MIA table during an Army ball, because it was a private event:

“The individuals that participated in the ball have the right to express themselves as U.S. citizens under the First Amendment,” Lt. Col. Catina Barnes-Ricks, an 8th Army spokesman, said Monday in an email.

The statement went on to say they reminded Soldiers not to endorse religion:  Read more

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