Tag Archives: mikey weinstein

West Point Cadets in Sombreros OK. They Just Can’t Pray.

westpointhatA US Military Academy Facebook photo from their University of Texas at El Paso football victory raised the ire of activists, as it showed the cadets wearing sombreros while being hosted by the largely Hispanic community [emphasis added]:

The school should apologize for the image and take it down, said Lisa Navarrete, an official with the National Council of La Raza, a nonprofit group in Washington that focuses on immigration and other Latino issues. The use of sombreros to represent Latino people is an “old-school and dated stereotype” that offends many people, Navarrete said.

“I am a huge sports fan, so I understand that trashing your opponents in silly and not-so-silly ways is part of the game,” she said. “But I am also old enough to remember when banana peels were thrown at Georgetown University basketball players. Ugly bigotry is still ugly and offensive, even in the context of entertainment.”

With regard to the public Read more

Mikey Weinstein Accused of Clickbait — by His Own Supporters

Most people who follow military issues know US Army MajGen Wayne Grigsby was fired suddenly this week for an undisclosed reason. The mystery around why has attracted and kept the media’s attention, particularly as they’ve looked into his past and noted he was a relatively uncontroversial commander at Fort Riley, Kansas. The only newsworthy event, in fact, was a complaint from Michael “Mikey” Weinstein months ago about retired LtGen Jerry Boykin speaking at a prayer event.

And that’s enough of a connection for Mikey Weinstein, who has vaunted the same story a half dozen times over the past week. While he has repeatedly proclaimed “MRFF in the news!”, he’s left even some of his own supporters scratching their heads. Referring to one of Weinstein’s self-aggrandizing posts, a supporter said [emphasis added]:

This…has some serious click bait issues…There is no real meat to the story. There is mention of Gen Boykin but nothing links Grigsby to any MRFF Hot Button issues.

That’s an astute observation by someone who normally defends Weinstein. Weinstein is Read more

Charitable Giving and the CFC: 2016

Whether or not you believe in the concept of the exact tithe, charitable giving remains one of the basic tenets of Christian living. Besides “passing the plate” on Sunday, the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) is one of the more popular means through which members of the military have an opportunity to give.


What is the CFC?

The CFC, which has been announced Read more

US Government Launches “Broadside Against Religious Faith”

A stinging rebuke of the American government’s take on religious liberty was recently launched not from self-righteous, supremacist Christians, but from two Rabbis of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, a Jewish human rights group. Rabbi Abraham Cooper and Rabbi Yitzchok Adlerstein targeted the recently released, 300-page report (PDF) by the US Commission on Civil Rights, saying [emphasis added]:

[The report says], in part, is that Americans need to be protected from Bible-thumpers, and anyone else whose beliefs run afoul of the administration’s PC police. Religious folk need not apply.

The pair took aim at the report’s citation of President John Adams having said Read more

Mikey Weinstein, General Jerry Boykin Agree. Hell Freezes Over.

boykinmikeyA few weeks ago, Michael “Mikey” Weinstein praised a new Department of Veterans Affairs memorandum (PDF) regarding religious exercise and expression, saying the [emphasis added]

MRFF [was] validated by [the] Department of Veterans Affairs Memorandum! The VA finally gets it: POW/MIA Bible displays can’t favor one religion.

Yesterday, retired US Army General William “Jerry” Boykin commended the same Veterans Read more

Mikey Weinstein to Demand Gay General’s Court-Martial?

In July, Michael “Mikey” Weinstein called for “trial by courts-martial” for a group of officers he claimed violated the Constitution when they appeared in uniform at a Chaplain Alliance for Religious Liberty awards event. Among the several “accused” was Chaplain (MajGen) Dondi Costin, the Air Force Chief of Chaplains.

In his complaint, Weinstein made it clear that Chaplain Costin’s violation consisted of “his mere participation in this event in uniform.”

Last week, US Air Force Major General Patricia “Trish” Rose was “honored” by the homosexual advocacy group The American Military Partner Association — because she is the “highest ranking openly LGBT service member in the US military.” As pictures from the event show, MajGen Rose participated in the event while in, to use Mikey Weinstein’s terms and formatting, “FULL MILITARY UNIFORM.”

rose2Mikey Weinstein and Chris Rodda accused several military members of violating rules and regulations by appearing in uniform at a non-federal entity’s awards event — and they therefore demanded courts-martial.

Do you think they’ll make a similar demand of Gen Rose?

The answer, of Read more

Liberal Chaplains May be Purposely Undermining Troops’ Liberties

Chaplain Wes Modder recently retired from the US Navy. Chaplain Modder was famously recommended for discharge from the Navy after he expressed his religious views regarding sexuality — in response to direct questions by a subordinate Sailor. (If you’ll recall, that was a scenario homosexual advocates said would never happen.) In an interview recorded at OneNewsNow, Modder notes that he ultimately realized he had been set up because of his faith:

“I came to find out later that he was a gay activist, and I was targeted,” the retired chaplain shared.

On one hand, that shouldn’t be too surprising. Many in the homosexual movement are relatively militant about their cause for erotic liberty, and they’re uncomfortable around those whose faith Read more

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