Tag Archives: mikey weinstein

Air Force Cop Now Serves God and Country

thornleyMajor Andrew Thornley spent four years as an Airman in the Security Forces — a beginning to a career in which he said he had difficulty finding a “spiritual mentor.” That challenge was something he would ultimately seek to help others overcome:

After completing his enlistment, Thornley began his theological studies, eventually becoming a pastor in the civilian world. After 10 years as a pastor, he began to feel that there might be more he could do with his newfound knowledge…

“I left the Air Force, but the Air Force never really left me,” Thornley said. “I’ve always had the blue blood running through my veins.”

Chaplain Thornley re-entered the Air Force in October 2001 and spent the next several years trying to help troops and their families cope with the hardships of war.

In 2003 he was featured on Good Morning America, where he Read more

Mikey Weinstein’s Attempt to Equate US Military with Domestic Terrorists Backfires

In another shocking — if potentially predictable — diatribe posted at the left-leaning DailyKos (and later at the Air Force Times), Michael “Mikey” Weinstein accused the US military of being no different than domestic terrorists.

As proof, he cited the thwarted attack by three men in Kansas who led a self-described militia called “the Crusaders.” The group had formed plans to blow up an apartment complex in which the main residents were Somali Muslims. They were explicit about their hatred of Muslims, including calling them “cockroaches” and saying:

“The only [expletive] way this country’s ever going to get turned around is it will be a bloodbath and it will be a nasty, messy [expletive].”

Of note, nothing at all is said about the religious beliefs of the militia (they even reportedly considered targeting churches, including burning one “to the ground”), though they were clearly anti-Islam.

Importantly, Weinstein did not Read more

Mikey Weinstein Continues Hunt for Bibles in Public

As reported at FoxNews, Michael “Mikey” Weinstein recently celebrated the fact a Veterans Affairs clinic removed a Gideon’s Bible from its waiting room:

Weinstein, a fussy little man with a strong aversion to our Lord, said the Bible’s placement in the waiting room was “illicit and unconstitutional.”…

“The Athens CBOC is unsure how this came into the clinic but it has been removed,” Associate Chief Adam Jackson wrote to Weinstein.

In reality, if a Bible on a stack of old magazines is the Read more

Mikey Weinstein: Take your wife’s advice, at least on one thing

by Sonny Hernandez

In 2014, Bonnie Weinstein, the wife of anti-Christian activist Mikey Weinstein of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF), wrote a book titled, “To The Far Right Christian Hater…You Can Be a Good Speller or a Hater, but You Can’t Be Both.”  In my opinion, within this claptrap novel Bonnie expatiates on detailed accounts of receiving poorly spelled and punctuated letters from those whom she calls fundamentalists, which is described as “part humor, part horror, and part lesson in the importance of spelling and grammar…”  In my opinion, Bonnie’s book does not concur her husband’s alleged hate mails, it contradicts them, as Weinstein is historically known for poor scholarship, grammar, syntax, and hate.

Unfortunately, almost two years later, Mikey Weinstein has, in my opinion, yet to comprehend Bonnie’s Read more

Did Mikey Weinstein Serve in Combat?

A critic recently took to Michael “Mikey” Weinstein’s Facebook page to claim Weinstein had no combat duty and never “fought for this country, only against it.” The slam brought Curtis Weinstein — Mikey Weinstein’s son — out in Dad’s defense.


Curtis Weinstein Actually Gordon, my dad graduated from the United States Air Force Academy as an honor grad in 1977 and became a JAG and once he became a Captain, he was recruited by the Regan [sic] Administration to be one of his lawyers in the White House. Nice try though, it must be hard trying to understand life when you don’t even understand what a “fact” is.

With some grace for his desire to defend his family, Curtis Read more

US Supreme Court Passes on Chaplain Klingenschmitt

Former US Navy Chaplain Gordon Klingenschmitt was discharged from the Navy in 2007 following a fairly public controversy over praying in Jesus’ Name and his subsequent court-martial. However, the court-martial wasn’t why Klingenschmitt was discharged.

During that same time period, Klingenschmitt changed endorsing agencies, a not uncommon administrative exercise:

On September 25, 2006, twelve days after his [court-martial] conviction, Dr. Klingenschmitt voluntarily tendered his resignation from the Evangelical Episcopal Church. On that same day, the Evangelical Episcopal Church notified the [Navy] that Dr. Klingenschmitt had lost his ecclesiastical endorsement, effective October 1, 2006.

On September 28, 2006, the Chaplaincy of Full Gospel Churches executed an ecclesiastical endorsement for Dr. Klingenschmitt and transmitted a copy of that endorsement to the Chief of Navy Chaplains by facsimile on September 29, 2006.

Chaplains are required to have an endorsing agency.  Changing endorsers, which Read more

Mikey Weinstein Attacks Air Force Officer for Saying He’s Christian

kerstenIn an awkward attack letter worthy of the logically-challenged Chris Rodda, Michael “Mikey” Weinstein recently demanded the “public” punishment of a US Air Force commander for the high crime of saying he was a Christian.

Weeks ago, LtCol Michael Kersten was highlighted in an Incirlik Air Base news article following him taking command of the 39th Medical Support Squadron in July. In that Q & A style piece, Kersten responded by mentioning Christ [emphasis added]:  Read more

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