Tag Archives: Jewish

Group Seeks to add Monument to Arlington’s Chaplains Hill

Three monuments stand on Arlington National Cemetery’s Chaplains Hill (text).

The oldest, standing in the center and installed in 1926, memorializes by name the 23 Chaplains who lost their lives in “the World War.”

To its left, the second monument, installed in 1989, memorializes by name the Catholic Chaplains who lost their lives in World War II, Korea, and Vietnam.

The final monument, raised in 1981, memorializes by name the 134 Protestant Chaplains who lost their lives in World Wars I and II.

The absence of a monument to the 13 Jewish Chaplains Read more

Soldier Sees Troops Support Each Other, Regardless of Faith

In a somewhat long but interesting article first published in the Jewish Exponent and republished by the Army, 1LT Avi Behar, a 23-year-old Army Lieutenant, recalls a day in Afghanistan in which he had an epiphany about religion and relationships both in the US military and the Afghan Army.

Earlier in the day, with the help of an Afghan General, his unit helped a local get his truck, overloaded with his produce, unstuck from the side of the road.  Later, he came back to base to celebrate Chanukah:

Upon returning that night…our battalion chaplain put together a Chanukah service. We had discussed the idea a few days prior, but I wasn’t expecting what I was about to experience.  Read more

USAFA Prayer Luncheon on “Overcoming Adversity”

After apparently attending the USAFA National Prayer Luncheon, the local Colorado Springs Gazette wonders aloud if Michael Weinstein’s lawsuit was “much ado about nothing.”

Buddha and Allah were mentioned almost as often as Jesus at an Air Force Academy prayer luncheon Thursday that drew a lawsuit over fears of Christian evangelism.

The speaker at the center of the controversy, retired Marine Lt. Clebe McClary, didn’t shy from embracing faith, but talked more about the power of a well-chosen spouse and overcoming adversity with teamwork than Christianity.

The speech was preceeded with Muslim, Jewish and Buddhist prayers. A rabbi gave a closing prayer.

McClary reportedly talked about value and perseverance, how his faith Read more

General Gould Addresses McClary USAFA Prayer Luncheon

According to an Air Force Academy press release, General Michael Gould, USAFA Superintendent, had this to say about the upcoming National Prayer Luncheon:

[Gould] took on what he called “the big elephant” surrounding the Air Force Academy in the media in recent weeks: the National Prayer Luncheon, scheduled to be held at the Falcon Club Feb. 10. The event will feature retired Marine Lt. Clebe McClary as keynote speaker in addition to readings from followers of Buddhist, Jewish, Protestant, Catholic and Islamic faiths.

“Let me just set something straight: this is Read more

Michael Weinstein’s Words Defend Sarah Palin

Not since Michael Weinstein declared Sarah Palin a “misogynist” have those two names been placed together with such controversy as they were this week.  Now, amazingly enough, Weinstein’s example is being used to defend…Sarah Palin.

Sarah Palin is apparently being taken to task by some for appropriating (or misusing) the term “blood libel.”  From a public video:

Especially within hours of a tragedy unfolding, journalists and pundits should not manufacture a blood libel that serves only to incite the very hatred and violence they purport to condemn. That is reprehensible.

From the Christian Science MonitorRead more

Atheists Stretch for Something to be Offended By

During the Christmas season it is not unusual to hear the controversy over whether “Merry Christmas” is being intentionally censored or avoided.  Regardless of your political or religious persuasion, there are some ridiculous examples of scornful “Merry Christmas” retorts to what may be sincere well wishes expressed in the “wrong” words of “Happy Holidays.”  Some have rightly said that some Merry Christmas-ers are just looking for something to get twisted over.

Likewise, atheists now have their own manufactured cause célèbre.

The Global Assessment Tool (GAT) Soldier Fitness Tracker (SFT) is part of the Army’s Comprehensive Soldier Fitness initiative.  It is designed to help Soldiers self-assess their Emotional, Social, Family, and Spiritual resiliency.  Atheists have taken umbrage at the “Spiritual” section, Read more

Marine General’s Faith at Issue

Websites belittling Commandant of the Marine Corps General James Amos are increasingly referring to his religion — some in an “off-hand” manner, others directly, as if it has something to do with current issues.

Interestingly, the “source” for General Amos’ faith is listed as this site.  The June 2010 article on his nomination for Commandant noted his speech at the 2009 National Day of Prayer.  Since then, that article has been cited in a variety of sources, including the ever reliable Wikipedia, as proof Amos is “born again.”  In fact, a web search for Amos’ faith reveals only two sources: this site, and a more recent derogatory citation by the Military Religious Freedom Foundation’s Chris Rodda, with an uncredited copy of a personal photograph of the same event she likely learned about through this site.

Ultimately, however, Amos’ faith is irrelevant.  It would be folly to assert Read more

Rabbi Sues Army over Beard

As noted earlier this year, Rabbi Menachem Stern has been trying for some time to become a US military Chaplain, but has faced resistance over his orthodox appearance.  He has apparently been unable to obtain a waiver for his beard.

He is now reportedly suing the Army for “denying him a commission” because of his religious tenets.  His lawsuit specifically cites the recent waivers given to Sikhs — men who were not Chaplains — and a bearded Muslim intern Read more

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