Tag Archives: Jewish

US Military Deploys “Rabbinical Surge” into Afghanistan

As noted previously, the US military has four Jewish Chaplains in Afghanistan to help US servicemembers celebrate the Jewish High Holy days; in fact, three of the chaplains are in country temporarily solely for that reason.

Four rabbis – roughly 15 percent of the military’s Jewish chaplaincy – are visiting Afghanistan, including several remote military installations, to help troops and civilian employees mark the High Holidays through Oct. 21.

The four are Army Chaplains (LtCol) Laurence Bazer, (Col) Jacob Goldstein, (LtCol) Avi Weiss, and (Navy Lt) Josh Sherwin. Chaplain Bazer noted the significance of the Jewish presence in the predominantly Islamic country:  Read more

US Military Jews Celebrate High Holy Days in Afghanistan

The Jewish Daily Forward notes that Jewish American military members are able to celebrate their religious holidays even while deployed to a combat zone — in a country with an official Islamic constitution, no less.

Rabbi Jacob Goldstein will lead Yom Kippur services this year dressed not in the black fedora of his Lubavitch Hasidic sect, but in full battle gear at a Combat Operating Base in eastern Afghanistan.  Read more

Weinstein, Rodda Go After General Gould and Get it Wrong. Again.

Michael Weinstein and his associates in his self-founded “charity” have a history of being unable to defend an argument by relying on simple truth.  Instead, their accusations have to be dramatized with hyperbolic language or, in some cases, the facts simply need to be misrepresented.

And Chris Rodda, Weinstein’s researcher, has done it again. And again, apparently.

Weinstein and Rodda have recently been trying to make hay out of General Norton Schwartz’s recent memorandum on “religious neutrality.”  Naturally, they imply it was their eloquent arguments (and senior-leader influence) that convinced General Schwartz to issue the memo.  That’s not enough glory, however.

The accusation that US Air Force Academy Superintendent Read more

Arlington Jewish Chaplains’ Monument Moves Forward

Jews in Green has a picture of the groundbreaking in Arlington for the upcoming installation of the Jewish memorial on Chaplain’s hill.

As previously noted, the 14 Jewish Chaplains who died in the service of their country were the only faith not represented on Arlington’s Chaplains’ Hill.

The bronze plaque that will eventually be mounted on the monument is apparently on a nationwide tour, stopping last week at Pensacola Naval Air Station.  In Pensacola, local Jewish leader, Vietnam Vet, and retired Navy Captain Fred Levin noted the value of Chaplains, and the risk they assumed:  Read more

Military Atheists Offended by “God Bless America”

Jason Torpy of the Military Association of Atheists and Freethinkers has complained over a poster in the halls of a Simi Valley government building.

The poster features a God Bless America / God Bless You prayer sandwich as well as a reference to Psalms 33 indicating Christian requirements for such a blessing.  This display is primarily religious in nature, co-opting patriotism to promote their personal Christian beliefs.  This is disrespectful to nontheistic military personnel…

Interesting, isn’t it, that atheists are so intent on framing an issue as “Christian” they continue to assign ‘exclusive Christian’ intent to things like passages from the Hebrew Bible — which is, of course, Jewish.

It’s also fascinating that Torpy is so hypersensitive Read more

Other Nations Learn Value of Military Chaplaincy

As noted previously, US military Chaplains have been working with the militaries of African nations on a variety of issues, including highlighting religious freedom and establishing Chaplaincies within their own militaries.  In Uganda once again:

US Navy Chaplain (Capt) Jon Cutler, a rabbi with CJTF-Horn of Africa, recently spent time with the Ugandan military on the topic of the Chaplaincy.

“Taking care of the spiritual, social and psychological aspects of a troop before, during and after they return from combat situations is Read more

Military Chaplains Consider Universal Badge

The universal Chaplain’s Badge suggested by former Navy Chaplain Rabbi Arnold Resnicoff may not be far fetched.

The Washington Post noted Chaplain (Major General) Cecil Richardson, the Air Force Chief of Chaplains, is on board with Resnicoff’s idea:

Top brass at the Pentagon have endorsed Resnicoff’s idea of a universal-yet-denominational insignia, if not his actual sketches.

 “I like the idea of developing a new chaplain insignia Read more

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