Even Atheists Find Mikey Weinstein Unreasonable
Upon hearing that Michael “Mikey” Weinstein would be testifying at a congressional hearing on religious liberty in the military, atheist activist and former Army Captain Jason Torpy had a particularly biting retort:
When will the reasonable voices get their day in Congress?
Given that Weinstein is so often accused of being an atheist, and given the core ideologies (if not the methodologies) of Torpy and Weinstein generally align, it is interesting to see Torpy’s sharp response.
On the other hand, it should not be entirely surprising. There has been bad blood between the MAAF and MRFF (particularly Chris Rodda) for some time.
It turns out Weinstein and his acolytes can be so vitriolic and derisive they alienate even those who agree with them. And if you’re an ally with the gall to criticize the MRFF’s methods, they might even turn that vitriol on you…