Tag Archives: Islam

Jewish USAFA Cadets Defend Religious Atmosphere

Two USAFA Chaplains and two cadets recently attended the 116th Jewish War Veterans Convention to brief the US Air Force Academy’s religious respect program and give “insight into the life of a Jewish cadet.”

Jewish Chaplain (Maj.) Joshua Narrowe and Protestant Chaplain (Capt.) Shawn Menchion represented the Academy’s Chaplain Corps at the convention. Cadet 2nd Class Jolie Grossman from Cadet Squadron 23 and Cadet 3rd Class David Harris from CS 11 also attended to provide their perspective as cadets.

Within the article Chaplain Narrowe made an observation many seem to forget:  The Academy is a college, and it draws 18-year-olds from all corners of the American society.  USAFA then has to train them — and they get a whole six weeks before they enter the cadet wing.

The Academy itself has a wide variety of Read more

US Army Soldier Practices Faith, Keeps His Duties

A US Army article highlights the faith and work ethic of PFC Ajmal Zada, an adherent of Islam who is observing Ramadan while still supporting his combat unit in Iraq.

Zada notes he joined the Army with trepidation over how his religious beliefs would be accepted:

“When I first joined the military, I was scared that I was not going to be allowed to practice my religion,” Zada explained, describing his initial fear of enlisting. “But my chain of command and the chaplains have all been very helpful and supportive, and I have had no problems.”

Not only has the US Army been supportive of Zada’s religious freedom, his Read more

Numbers on US Contributions to Libyan Civil War

The Stars and Stripes published a “by the numbers” of the US efforts to support the rebels in Libya.  Among the list:

  • 19,877 total sorties (5,357 U.S. sorties)
  • 262 U.S. strike sorties that dropped ordnance
  • 101 predator drone strikes
  • $896 million in total cost to the U.S. (through July 31)
  • $222 million in U.S. arms and fuel sales to participating allies
  • $12.5 million in non-lethal U.S. aid (food, medical supplies, etc.)
  • 120,000 Halal ready-to-eat meals (delivered to Benghazi in May)

It seems the US military was accommodating even to the (at least perceived) religious needs of the rebels in Libya.

Marines Share Ramadan with Local Afghans

A military release discusses the celebration of Ramadan by local Afghan soldiers with whom the US military operates.

The article notes that Capt Daniel Petronzio, mentioned last week for his interaction with local mullahs, is “experiencing the fast firsthand.”

“With the food, it’s not so bad,” said Petronzio…”But the afternoon is definitely the most difficult time because of the dehydration…But it has shown to me what the [ANA] soldiers are going through, and that going out during the day could be dangerous. And, it’s an honor to go through the same thing they are and have a more intimate understanding of Ramadan.”  Read more

Abdo Cited in Spate of “Lone Wolf” Attacks

Last week Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said “lone wolf” attacks were “on the rise” in the face of the massive defenses in place in response to organized terrorist plots.

“What we see now is smaller plots,” she said. “We are also seeing a rise of activities by individuals who are actually in the country, and they are acting by themselves and that kind of attack is the most difficult to prevent because there is nothing to intercept.”

In addition to using the example of Anders Brevik, a six-page bulletin from the FBI and DHS also included US Army Soldier Naser Abdo:  Read more

US Marine Converts to Islam in Iraq

As noted at the Huffington Post, US Marine Anthony Vance deployed to Iraq and soon became Ibrahim Mohamed, a new convert to Islam.

Mohamed felt the pull toward the faith strengthen in Iraq — “the heart of the Islamic world,” as he says — and he reached out to the Muslim contractors on his base and started learning about the precepts of the Quran.

Convinced that he was being called to Islam, he officially became a Muslim while Read more

US Marines talk God with Afghan Mullahs

While many people may think the US military has no business being involved with religion, religious beliefs are an inherent part of the cultural landscape in Afghanistan.  Thus, they are integral to the execution of the war effort — whether one treats them that way or not.

Capt Daniel Petronzio is one Marine among several who has been meeting with local mullahs — religious and social leaders in the local area — to help accomplish the US military mission in the region.

“We’re engaging mullahs to bridge to the local communities in a different way,” said Capt. Daniel Petronzio…”It shows our openness to religion…”

Apparently, some mullahs have been “suspicious” about Read more

Navy Islamic Helo Pilot on Celebrating Ramadan

US Navy Lt Haji “Omar” Shareef, a helicopter pilot, was interviewed recently on his ability to adhere to the religious tenets of Ramadan while being a military pilot.  (Video below the fold.)

While he says Muslims can largely do their duties, he notes they do ask for accommodations such as not doing physical training during the day, since they cannot drink water between sunrise and sunset.

On his part, as a pilot, he “puts himself on Read more

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