Tag Archives: Islam

Hasan Fined by Military Court for Religious Beard

Accused Fort Hood shooter US Army Major Nidal Malik Hasan — yes, he is still in the US Army — has been fined by his military judge for refusing to shave.  Hasan is required to abide by military dress and personal appearance regulations, which generally prohibit beards.  (As noted earlier, beards are also prohibited in the militaries of some predominantly Islamic countries.)

Beards are a violation of Army regulations. Hasan’s attorneys say he keeps declining to shave because he believes that doing so would violate his Muslim faith.  Read more

Muslim Soldier Convicted of Bomb Plot will Represent Himself

PFC Naser Abdo, the US Army Soldier convicted of plotting and preparing to kill his fellow soldiers at Fort Hood, will represent himself during his sentencing on August 10th.

Army Pfc. Naser Jason Abdo told U.S. District Judge Walter Smith during a Thursday hearing in Waco, Texas, that he and his attorneys weren’t communicating effectively. Smith granted Abdo’s request to represent himself at his Aug. 10 sentencing.

Abdo was an approved conscientious objector under investigation for child pornography when he went AWOL, planned a high profile execution at Fort Campbell, and then traveled to Fort Hood to emulate his apparent hero, US Army Major Nidal Hasan.

Pentagon Grateful for Muslims on Front Lines, “Great Religion”

At a time when some critics accuse the US military of being too cozy with religion, Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta hosted an iftar at the Pentagon to “celebrate a great religion.”

We’re grateful to be able to host this Iftar Dinner at the Pentagon and share in one of the great traditions of the Muslim faith…

During the decade of war that has followed [the 9/11] attacks, I am grateful that Muslim Americans have been fighting for Read more

Guilty Plea in Plot to Fly Remote Plane into Pentagon

Rezwan Ferdaus, planner of one of 12 terrorist plots against the US military by people apparently motivated by their Islamic faith, pleaded guilty to plotting to blow up the Pentagon by flying a remote controlled airplane into it laden with explosives.

Under a plea agreement, federal prosecutors agreed to drop four other charges. Prosecutors and Ferdaus’ lawyers also agreed to jointly recommend a 17-year prison term…

Siegmann said there were two main parts of his plan: to blow up the Pentagon and U.S. Capitol using remote-controlled planes and to kill American soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan using improvised explosive devices detonated Read more

President Obama Issues Ramadan Statement

President Barack Obama issued a statement on the occasion of Ramadan, noting the ‘Arab spring’ that is helping countries “courageously achieve democracy.”

This year, Ramadan holds special meaning for those citizens in the Middle East and North Africa who are courageously achieving democracy and self-determination and for those who are still struggling to achieve their universal rights. The United States continues to stand with Read more

Congressman Calls for Investigation of Radicalized Christians

US House Rep Peter King (R-NY) recently held more hearings on “radical Islam,” to which Rep Al Green (D-Tx) wondered out loud why there weren’t hearings on “radical Christianity.”

“I do not, not — N-O-T — oppose hearings on radicalization. I do oppose hearings that don’t focus on the entirety of radicalization.

And if you agree that we have Christians…who become radicalized…why not have a hearing on the radicalization of Christians?”

He further explained:  Read more

More than 100 Islamic Insider Threats to US Military Investigated

According to an NPR report repeated at the Stars and Stripes, the FBI has investigated more than 100 suspected Islamic extremists “within the US military community:”

About a dozen of the cases were considered serious, according to the report…

The suspects were those who allegedly demonstrated a strong intent to attack military targets…
Officials said the suspects could be active and reserve military Read more

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