Tag Archives: Islam

US Constitution Compels Military Chaplaincy

Daniel Blomberg of the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty wrote an interesting article at the beginning of the month entitled “Why the Constitution Demands Government-Paid Priests, Imams, Pastors, and Rabbis.” He concisely addresses both the need not only for the chaplaincy itself, but also very specific religious faith leaders within that chaplaincy:

Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, and Marines have unique religious needs because the government can snatch them away from their religious communities at a moment’s notice and for indefinite periods…Indeed, “[u]nless the [military] provided a chaplaincy, it would deprive the [service member] of his right under the Establishment Clause not to have religion inhibited and of his right under the Free Exercise Clause to practice his freely chosen religion.” Katcoff v. Marsh

Blomberg explains why chaplains of specific faiths are necessary, Read more

Michael Weinstein Attacks Military Religious Freedom

Discussing the impact of DADT repeal on religious freedom, former lawyer Michael Weinstein seems to confuse his legal definitions — first saying that US military policies prohibit discrimination:

In the United States military, they’ve made it very clear that discrimination against people because of their gender preference is not going to be allowed…

Fair enough (though his use of the term “gender preference” is a bit odd in the context of DADT).  However, Weinstein then implies that the inability to discriminate is what Christians in the US military are actually demanding:

I respond to anyone who feels, including chaplains, that can’t deal with this…fold your uniform, fill out your paperwork, and get the hell out of the U.S. military.

[There’s a] difference between an internal view about ‘I’m repulsed by that concept’…

“But it’s very different when you decide to Read more

The Interfaith US Military, According to the Huffington Post

The Huffington Post had a photo collection “celebrat[ing] the religious diversity of the military” on Veteran’s Day.  Their list:

Baptists Update Chaplain Guidance Post-DADT Repeal

Several news reports over the past few months note that faced with growing concerns from its chaplains, the Southern Baptist Convention’s North American Mission Board — which sends chaplains to the US military — has updated its guidance in light of the repeal of DADT and the open service of homosexuals in the US military:

“Our chaplains want to uphold the authority and relevancy of Scripture while continuing to serve in a very diverse setting,” said Doug Carver, the retired Army major general who leads NAMB’s chaplaincy efforts. “We believe these updated guidelines will help them do that while still sharing the love and the hope of Christ with everyone.”

In short, SBC chaplains must conduct every part of their ministry in accordance with the Christian faith — which reflects the “historic, natural and biblical view of marriage…”  The specificity and clarity was praised by retired Chaplain (Col) Ron Crews of the Chaplain Alliance for Religious Liberty.

The guidelines also seem to specifically call out marriage retreats, like the US Army’s Strong Bonds: Read more

Infidel Knives Join Pork-Laced Ammo

When Bryan Bates was a US Marine, he and his peers took the “infidel” insult thrown at them and reversed it as a badge of honor:

That’s the word local extremists used to refer to Bates and his fellow U.S. Marines when he was fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq, he said. Many Marines and soldiers adopted the label as their own.

“Guys who go over pride themselves on being infidels,” he said.

Now Bates makes knives — but not just any knives:  Read more

Congress Again Pushes to Declare Fort Hood Massacre Terrorism

Senator John Cornyn has introduced legislation entitled “Honoring the Fort Hood Heroes Act” (S.1500) intended to declare US Army Major Nidal Malik Hasan’s 2009 massacre at Fort Hood an “act of terrorism.”  The text is blunt:

Congress makes the following declarations of policy:
The November 5, 2009, attack at Fort Hood, Texas constituted an act of terrorism, not merely workplace violence. Nidal Hasan…was principally motivated to carry out the attack by an ideology of violent Islamist extremism.

The text goes on to require the Service Secretaries to award Read more

US Military Calls Out American Civilian Over Islam. Again.

For the third time, the US military has taken the unusual step of officially addressing the liberties of a private American citizen — over his public treatment of Islam.

In 2011, General David Petraeus “condemned the action” of Pastors Wayne Sapp and Terry Jones, who burned what General Petraeus called “a copy of the holy Quran.”

In 2012, General Marty Dempsey called Jones personally and asked him not to support the “pornographic” anti-Islam film that was initially blamed for the attack on the consulate in Benghazi. (General Dempsey Read more

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