Tag Archives: Iraq

Casting Crowns Shares Jesus at US Military Undisclosed Location

In November, leading Christian music group Casting Crowns was given the opportunity to perform for troops in the AOR.  Lead singer Mark Hall said the trip grew from hearing from troops’ families at US concerts who were encouraged by their music.

The band’s popular songs include Until the Whole World Hears and Praise You in the Storm — a song that speaks of glorifying God even in an unexplainable hardship.  Hall notes that these songs “hit close to home” for those serving in Iraq and Afghanistan, making the worship a “little deeper.”

The group played to a packed facility in Read more

National Christmas Tree, Menorah Grace Capital

Despite the decision by some government organizations to have “holiday” trees, the National Christmas tree lit in the Nation’s capital each year remains precisely that — a Christmas tree.  This year the US Coast Guard Band was the primary musical backdrop for the event; as is often tradition, the band stood for the Christmas prayer offered by the Rev. Darrell D. Morton.  Some bowed their heads; some did not.

The President’s remarks included a call for prayer for the military:  Read more

US Air Force Instructs Iraqi Pilot Training

Just a few years after facing off with the Iraqi Air Force on opposite sides of full-scale conflict, the US Air Force is now teaching the next generation of Iraqi Air Force pilots.

American forces have been teaching the Iraqis using 11 Iraqi-flagged T-6A Texan IIs, the same initial trainer used for the US Air Force.  The goal isn’t necessarily to make new pilots; its to teach their new instructors…and quickly:  Read more

Book: Shootdown Floated as Pretense for Iraq War

According to former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Hugh Shelton’s new book, Without Hesitation: The Odyssey of an American Warrior, a member of then-President Bill Clinton’s administration floated the idea of allowing a U-2 to be shot down with the intent of starting a war.  The plan?

what we really need in order to go in and take out Saddam is a precipitous event — something that would make us look good in the eyes of the world. Could you have one of our U-2s fly low enough — and slow enough — so as to guarantee that Saddam could shoot it down?  Read more

Priest to be First Bishop in Combat

Army Chaplain (LtCol) F. Richard Spencer is a former combat Army officer who has continued to experience combat as a Chaplain, having deployed to Iraq with the US Army.

Spencer has now been appointed a bishop of the Archdiocese for US Military Services, the Catholic oversight body for all Catholic Chaplains in the US military.  He is transitioning to the Army reserves, but still expects to be the first bishop to enter a warzone when he returns to combat areas during the high-demand holidays.  Read more

US Military Participates in Muslim Celebrations

An official Army press release notes that senior members of the American military participated in Islamic Iftars in Iraq, sharing meals that broke the Ramadan fast with Iraqi locals and military servicemembers.  Leaders described the meals as an opportunity to display unity, understanding, and respect for Islam:

LtCol Mark Olds, the planner for one of the Iftars on Basra, said the dinners were an opportunity for US forces to show their unity with Iraq.

“We wanted to show our understanding and respect of Muslim traditions and practices by hosting an Iftar dinner for our Iraqi partners Read more

Combat Mission in Iraq Ends, Combat Pay Doesn’t

In the wake of the announcements that the combat mission in Iraq has “ended,” the US military took some pains to acknowledge that its troops still serve in a combat zone, and their combat and incentive pays will continue:

Servicemembers deployed to Iraq will still receive hostile fire/imminent danger pay, hardship-duty pay, and incidental expenses. Some troops will qualify for family separation allowances. Also, all pay for warrant officers and enlisted members is tax exempt, while officers are exempt from taxes for up to $7,611.30 each month they serve in an eligible area.

“These pays compensate a member for the arduous conditions and additional burdens and dangers associated with being deployed to a combat zone,” Eileen Lainez said.

According to the article, the special pays and tax-exclusion are in effect due to the region’s status as a “combat zone,” which is declared by virtue of Presidential executive order.  Of course, the fact that combat continues in Iraq isn’t lost on most people.)

In that regard, despite the “end” of the combat mission, servicemembers will continue to receive combat pay until President Obama alters the status of Iraq as a combat zone.

Chaplains Engage Locals in Iraq

Contrary to some assumptions, Chaplains in the US military do not exist solely to serve the spiritual needs of American servicemembers.  In fact, they often play a strategic role in a conflict.  From Chaplain (LtCol) Ira Houck:

Chaplains are the religious leaders in the military and religious political leaders in Iraq have respect for the integrity of our office.  It’s because of our position that they will tell us information about their areas of expertise that they wouldn’t share with anyone else.

While the use of Chaplains in these roles has a long history, there is a unique aspect of the cultures currently engaged by the US:

Religion is a big part of Iraqi lifestyle and politics. There is no separation of church and state here.

Read more at Chaplains provide new perspective on Iraq.

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