Tag Archives: Iraq

Two USAF Airmen Killed in Frankfurt Attack

Multiple news sources reported on the attack in Frankfurt, Germany, that killed two US Air Force airmen and seriously wounded two more.  Said President Obama:

“I’m saddened and I am outraged by this attack that took the lives of two Americans and wounded two others.  I think the American people are united in expressing our gratitude for the service of those who were lost.  I want everybody to understand that we will spare no effort in learning how this outrageous act took place and in working with German authorities to ensure that all of the perpetrators are brought to justice.”

The Airmen were reportedly USAF Security Forces in transit from Lakenheath Read more

“Post-combat” US Soldiers Still in Iraq, and Praying

An Associated Press article printed in New Zealand noted that combat may “officially” be over for US forces, but lethal threats still remain.

However, the picture chosen as the lede was far more interesting than the article itself:

AP Photo
US Army Lt Daniel McCord (left) Staff Sergeant Marc Krugh (centre) and Sergeant Christopher Torrentes, from the 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment, pray before heading out on a patrol south of Baghdad. (AP)

They chose a photo of the men praying together to communicate the character, attitude, seriousness, and heart of the US Soldiers.  The picture is sincere, heartfelt, and even moving — despite being only vaguely connected to the topic of the article.  It seems even newshounds are inexplicably drawn to the meaning-filled act of Soldiers who join together to ask God’s protection and guidance as they launch to accomplish their mission.

The full Associated Press picture and article can be seen here.  More photos of religion in the military can be found here.

Iraq Buys F-16s…or Not

The Stars and Stripes notes the inadvertent release of a draft announcement that Iraq had agreed to purchase 18 F-16s, something it has wanted for years.  As it turns out, the Iraqi government has not yet approved the purchase, making the release premature.

F-16s aren’t the only things Iraq wants.

“They’d like F-16s and, you know, Polaris submarines and aircraft carriers and a whole bunch of other things,” then-Lt. Gen. David Petraeus told reporters in 2005.

National Guard Priest Promoted to Brigadier General

Kentucky Army National Guard Chaplain Pat Dolan was promoted to Brigadier General at the beginning of January.  He will serve as the Army National Guard Assistant to the Army Chief of Chaplains, Chaplain (Major General) Douglas Carver.  According to Army Public Affairs, he is the first Roman Catholic Priest to hold the position.

Chaplain (BrigGen) Dolan has been deployed to a variety of locations, including four times to Iraq.

Via the Army Chaplaincy blog.

DADT and Women in Combat: The Logical Outcome

It was bound to happen.  While some have claimed the US military should not discriminate on the basis of sexual preference, they’ve been unable to explain why the US military still discriminates on the basis of gender.  A new report from a Congressional panel now recommends removing those very policies.

The Defense Department should eliminate restrictions on women serving in combat units and end all “gender restrictive policies,” according to a blue-ribbon panel created by Congress.

The logic of the report is astounding:  Read more

“New Role” For Military Chaplains?

A Canadian article notes the suggestion that military Chaplains might have a “new role” in future conflicts, directly contributing to the emergence of peace by engaging religious leaders in the AOR.

While the article speaks collectively of the “Canadian and US military” forces, the suggested “new” role for Chaplains has been an “old” one for some time in the US.  US military Chaplains have been engaging local leaders in Afghanistan and Iraq for years.

Some have dismissed the value of military Chaplains out of hand.  They fail to fully realize the extent of the impact of Chaplains on all aspects of the military’s role, including the achievement of victory.

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