Tag Archives: homosexual

Weinstein Delivers Ultimatum, Might Buy Billboard

In a terribly awkward PR maneuver, religious liberty critic Michael Weinstein — rebuffed by the US Air Force Chief of Staff — has now retreated to attacking the Air Force Academy directly over its link to a website that explains a Jewish holiday:

“MRFF is now making a specific demand to [Lt. Gen.] Mike Gould, the superintendent, to take down the link,” Weinstein says…

But Weinstein already complained to Gen Gould’s boss — and his boss cc’d Gen Gould on the reply to Weinstein.  And guess what?  Nothing has changed.  So why does Weinstein think this latest screed changes anything?

Regardless, Weinstein raised the stakes to show he meant business: 

Weinstein says if his demands are not met by 5:30 p.m. Thursday, his organization will take action.

The CSIndy reporter almost seemed to be stifling a laugh Read more

Michael Weinstein Endorses Homophobic Website in Rant

Michael Weinstein, who runs his self-styled Military Religious Freedom Foundation “charity,” recently endorsed a “horrendously homophobic” website — at least, according to his own standards.

Last week, Weinstein complained that the US Air Force Academy had linked to a website called JewFAQ.  The page it linked to was benign, and did exactly what the USAFA page intended, explaining the religious holiday in question.  On other pages, however, the website had the gall to describe teachings from the Talmud.  Though this might have shocked Weinstein — a self-described “Jewish agnostic” — most normal readers were not likely surprised to read Jewish beliefs on a Jewish website.

Weinstein and his acolytes took particular umbrage with one reference, however.  Quoth Weinstein:  Read more

Air Force Chief Corresponds with Christian Critic Michael Weinstein

In typical fashion, Michael Weinstein recently accused the US Air Force Academy of impropriety when USAFA chaplains published a link to a Jewish website that had traditional explanations of Jewish religious texts.  (The context was a page of upcoming religious holidays, with links to websites with background — arguably an admirable effort at educating cadets on religious liberty and their duties.)

Weinstein’s offense at religion isn’t a surprise.  What is a surprise is General Mark Welsh, the Chief of Staff of the Air Force, took the time to pen a personal replyand promise action:

From: “Welsh, Mark A III Gen MIL USAF AF/CC”
Subject: RE: EXTERNAL: MRFF Demand Letter (Feb. 13, 2013) to USAF Chief of Staff
Date: February 13, 2013 9:03:33 PM MST
To: Mikey Weinstein
Cc: “Harding, Richard C Lt Gen MIL USAF AF/JA” , “Gould, Mike C Lt Gen USAF USAFA USAFA/CC”

Thank you Mr Weinstein. Read more

Groups File Amicus Briefs Supporting DOMA

Multiple groups have filed Supreme Court briefs in support of the Defense of Marriage Act:

The Chaplain Alliance for Religious Liberty filed a brief co-signed by 21 endorsers representing more than 2,500 US military chaplains.  The CARL brief accurately notes US troops in general — not just chaplains — will be affected by the “burden on religious liberty” should the military recognize homosexual “marriage.”  CARL had a fairly blunt summary:

the military has no tolerance for racists, so service members who are openly racist are not service members for long.  And if the traditional religious views on marriage and family become the constitutional equivalent of racism, Read more

Secretary of Defense Outlines New Benefits for Homosexuals

Woe to those who call evil good
and good evil,
who put darkness for light
and light for darkness,
who put bitter for sweet
and sweet for bitter!
Isaiah 5:20 (ESV)

As part of the effort to ensure everyone gets treated “with equal dignity and respect,” outgoing Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta has announced access to military benefits available only to homosexuals:

It is a matter of fundamental equity that we provide similar benefits to all of those men and women in uniform who serve their country…Today, I am pleased to announce that after a thorough and deliberate review, the department will extend additional benefits to same-sex partners of service members.

According to the SecDef memo (PDF),

These [new] benefits shall be extended to the same-sex domestic partners and, where applicable, children of same-sex domestic partners, once the Service member and their same-sex domestic partner have signed a declaration attesting to the existence of their committed relationship.

The new DoD policy emphasizes these benefits are available only to homosexuals.  Heterosexuals cannot sign the same statement and Read more

US Military Expected to Expand Homosexual Access

Multiple news sites reported the ‘leak’ that the Pentagon was preparing to expand the list of military benefits available to homosexuals.

Defense Secretary Leon Panetta has not made a final decision on which benefits will be included, the officials said, but the Pentagon is likely to allow same-sex partners to have access to the on-base commissary and other military subsidized stores, as well as some health and welfare programs.

Competing articles offered differing lists of benefits expected to be extended (and refused).  Apparently, “gay activists” were leaked differing information.

Secretary Panetta’s proposed replacement, former Senator Chuck Hagel, has indicated he similarly supports the extension of benefits.

Some articles noted that there is a “fine legal line” to walk, since the Read more

Perkins Links Military Stress, DADT, Attacks on Christianity

Several critics have lambasted Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, for allegedly linking the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” to the military’s suicide rate:

The stress in our military, when you look how they have used the military for their social experimentation: driving Christianity out, putting homosexuality in, suicide rate going through the ceiling…And what are they doing? Adding additional stress by this social engineering. Unbelievable.

There is no demonstrable link that repealing DADT directly contributed to suicide — and Perkins didn’t say there was.  What he described was Read more

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