Tag Archives: homosexual

Marines Allow Uniforms in “Pride” Parade, DoD Quantifies Homosexuals

The US Marine Corps permitted its members to wear their uniforms in the San Diego homosexual “pride” parade.

As noted at the Air Force Times,

According to the Pentagon, an estimated 5,600 active-duty troops and 3,400 National Guard and Reserve members are in same-sex marriages and relationships.

Notably, in the run-up to DADT repeal, the Department of Defense had repeatedly said it would not attempt to quantify the sexuality of US troops.  From the Support Plan for Implementation

The Department of Defense and the Services should continue their policy against requesting, collecting, or maintaining information about the sexual orientation of Service members.


Navy Commander Cites Sense of Entitlement in Homosexual Agenda

In a May 26 letter to the editor at the Marine Corps Times, Navy Commander Robert Spencer replied to an April 15 letter from US Air Force Capt Matthew Phelps, an outspoken military homosexual who had complained of the lack of recognition for his marriage.

Cmdr Spencer calls out Capt Phelps for his sense of “entitlement:”

I fail to see where he is a victim. Homosexual marriages are not true marriages as presently defined.

The homosexual agenda is an attempt to redefine traditional marriage, defined as between a man and a woman.

This traditional definition of marriage has Read more

Bill Seeks to Modify Discharges under DADT

US Rep Chuck Rangel (D-NY) has proposed legislation to “upgrade” the discharge status of those servicemembers who were kicked out of the military for being homosexual while it was illegal.

All servicemembers discharged because of sexual orientation would receive a “timely, consistent and transparent” review, and those who served honorably would see their records upgraded.   Any indication of a servicemember’s sexual orientation would be struck Read more

US Navy Names First Ship for Homosexual

Though the idea of a USS Harvey Milk — to be named for a homosexual activist — never left port, a few have already noted the US Navy just decided to name an upcoming ship for a homosexual:

Mabus named the future R/V Sally Ride (AGOR 28), which will be a Neil Armstrong-class AGOR ship, to honor the memory of Sally Ride, a professor, scientist and an innovator at Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California San Diego.  Ride was the first woman and also the youngest person in space.  She later served as director of NASA’s Office of Exploration.

Following her death on 23 July 2012, Ride’s obituary was the first public Read more

The Transgender Push for Equality Begins

From the Huffington Post:

As the combat exclusion for women comes to an end and open service for gay, lesbian and bisexual Americans edges closer to truly equal service, it becomes more and more obvious that there is no longer any rational basis on which to bar qualified transgender people from serving in our armed forces…

If “valor knows no gender” …and if men and women really can be accommodated simultaneously under close combat conditions without a negative impact on war-fighting ability, then there is no reason other than prejudice for the transgender exclusion to remain.

The author, Allyson D. Robinson of the homosexual military advocacy group OutServe-SLDN, uses familiar phrases to justify his argument:  Read more

Albert Mohler on Homosexuals and Morality

Dr. Albert Mohler, president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, has a lengthy but fascinating article on the argument against “homosexual marriage” from a perspective outside of morality.  Importantly, he brings up an interesting discussion on the “revisionist” view of marriage which

is vitally important, even essential, to any conversation about marriage in our modern context, for it points far beyond the issue of same-sex marriage to the prior assaults on conjugal marriage brought by no-fault divorce and the replacement of personal responsibility with mere personal autonomy. Sadly, the revisionist view of marriage is embraced by millions of heterosexual couples, married and unmarried, but it is essential to the very idea of same-sex marriage.

He also notes what has been said here several times before (much to one or two people’s chagrin), and was first intimated by Justice Antonin Scalia:  Read more

Congress Demands Army Answer for Calling Christians Extremists

The US Army has received a string of criticism in the days since it was revealed a Reserve Army EO officer included evangelical Christians and Catholics (as well as all of Sunni Islam) in “religious extremism.”

FoxNews reports 12 members of Congress have called on the Army to apologize and “provide a balanced briefing on religious extremism.”  (See Congressman Lamborn’s letter to the Secretary of the Army.)

Similarly, another Army email released to FoxNews included copied text from the Southern Poverty Law Center’s “anti-gay intelligence file” mocking the “Christian Right” and its “opposition to equal rights for gays and lesbians.”  The author, an Army LtCol, said

just want to ensure everyone is somewhat educated on some of the groups out there that do not share our Army Values.

“Some of the groups” in the SPLC list included the Family Research Council (which has cited ChristianFighterPilot.com) and the American Family Association — two Christian groups villified by the SPLC for their opposition to the social normalization of homosexuality.

The inclusion of Christians and Christian beliefs in an Army email saying they don’t “share our Army values” actually contradicts Army values.  The Department of Defense has Read more

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