Tag Archives: homosexual

Group Tries to Turn DoD Against Southern Baptists

Tom Carpenter of the Forum on the Military Chaplaincy previously took issue with the Southern Baptist Convention’s stance on homosexuality as it pertained to their military chaplains. In short, Carpenter said it essentially eliminated their ability to be military chaplains.

Next, Carpenter took a quiet but dramatic step by trying to persuade the Secretary of Defense of the error of the SBC’s ways:  Carpenter wrote a letter trying to get the DoD to “ask” the SBC to “revisit” the guidance they issued to their chaplains. Fortunately, the DoD was unfazed, for now. The DoD responded to Carpenter saying  Read more

A Private Act Sends a Public Message

Some have recently expressed heartburn over Baptist, Catholic, and other Christian US military chaplains being told not take part in any event or ceremony where a possible acceptance of homosexuality might be construed.  In that light, Rev (Dr) Al Mohler had an interesting commentary on the recent decision by former President George H.W. Bush and his wife to attend such a ceremony — and the very public impact of that simple “private” event:

According to The Washington Post, the elder Bushes attended the wedding of Bonnie Clement and Helen Thorgalsen, held at Kennebunkport, Maine…The 41st President of the United States was present, along with the former First Lady…

No one should be surprised by the Read more

Liberal Website Calls Pastor to Lackland Airmen “Anti-Gay”

Pastor Steven Branson of Village Parkway Baptist Church in San Antonio emerged as the leading voice and defender of US Air Force Airmen near Lackland AFB (Joint Base San Antonio).  He held a meeting at his church for Airmen to discuss issues of “religious hostility” — and 80 Airmen attended the “standing room only” meeting.

The left-leaning website Media Matters’ berated Branson, calling him “extreme” and repeatedly describing him as “anti-gay.”  Media Matters’ Carlos Maza wrote that Branson  Read more

Former SecDef Robert Gates to Lead Boy Scouts

A few weeks ago the Boy Scouts of America announced that former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates would become the organization’s president next year.  The Associated Press noted

Gates helped oversee the end of the military’s ‘‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’’ policy banning openly gay soldiers. The organization he will help lead has faced its own issues with gays in its ranks. The Boy Scouts, in a process guided by the national executive board, opened its ranks earlier this year to gay Scouts, but not gay leaders.

Homosexual advocates “praised Gates’ appointment.”

Also at FoxNews.


US Military Homosexuals Find Conflict in Foreign Policies

The Stars and Stripes highlights the issues with open homosexuals trying to obtain official status while serving with US forces in Korea:

Romel Ballesteros can drive on post, drop his sons off at school, sign in guests and use the bank. But he can’t put gas in the family car or shop for groceries.

The stay-at-home father of two won’t even be allowed to watch his sons visit Santa Claus at U.S. Army Garrison Yongsan’s post exchange during the Christmas season.

The reason?

Ballesteros is married to a man…

The article seems to imply the US military is to blame:  Read more

ENDA Includes Military Exception

Much has been made of the Senate’s passage of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, which includes sexuality as a protected category.

The Senate approved a bill Thursday outlawing workplace discrimination against gay, bisexual and transgender Americans.

The bill, which passed by a vote of 64-32, will now go to the Republican-controlled House where it faces an uphill battle and may not even come up for a vote.

Somewhat unnoticed in the press has been this caveat:

The bill would exempt religious institutions and the military.


Al Mohler on Marriage as a Civil Right

Dr. R. Albert Mohler, president of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, wrote in April about “same-sex marriage as a civil right — are wrongs rights?”  The article noted that activists decades ago made an intentional effort to move the discussion away from “homosexual sex,” which was considered impolite conversation at best, to “civil rights,” which many supported.

Mohler’s discussion is enlightening:

At this point Christians have to think very carefully. We do not want to deny anyone his or her civil rights. To do so would not only violate the Constitution but also deny the rights that are granted, not by the government, but by the Creator. But is same-sex marriage such a right?

Mohler’s answer:  Read more

USAF Academy Cadets Talk Respect, Dr. Mike Rosebush

The US Air Force Academy made several homosexual cadets available to reporters for a conference call last week and subsequently released a summary article:

Carol, Stephanie and William, three cadets in the Academy’s Spectrum club for LGBQ and allied cadets, spoke to reporters with both local and national newspapers and blogs to talk about their experiences and the support they’ve received from the Academy’s senior leaders…

The three cadets were identified only by their first names, and the group generally spoke neutrally or well of Dr. Rosebush:

“Frankly, I didn’t know he existed until his name showed up in the press,” William said. “My personal opinion is that he’s been here long enough, he’s shown he can work here without pressing his views on other people. If he does his job and does it well, and he’s not trying to influence or treat people differently than anybody else, then personally, Read more

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