Tag Archives: homosexual

Words Have Meaning: Discrimination in a Post-DADT World

A writer at the Engage Family Minute blog begins his post with an appropriate question:

How exactly is discrimination defined, and what constitutes discrimination?

As has been noted here before (“Of Bullies, Bigots, Homophobes: The Changing American Vocabulary“), it is not uncommon for people or groups to appropriate terminology — or even twist semantics — to support their cause.  Prior discussions have already covered several: homophobe, bigot, bully, tolerance, and Michael “Mikey” Weinstein’s use of “rape”.

“Discrimination” was also briefly mentioned, though it has again surfaced in incorrect usage (at least by its traditional definition). In short, it bears reminding that in order to discriminate, one has to act. By themselves, thoughts, beliefs, and words cannot be discriminatory — again, by definition.

An example:  The Catholic Church discriminates when Read more

Military Homosexuals: Little to Discuss

Occurring fairly regularly since the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, another news article characterizes the “non-event” of the decision to allow homosexuals to openly serve in the US military.

[Lt Jonathan] Roman and two other Fort Gordon personnel said they have experienced limited instances of discrimination since the repeal was enacted in September 2011.

Similar articles have come out every few months with the same caveats — interrupted occasionally by an article that says the military is “struggling” with this “non-event.”

One question the press hasn’t seemed to consider:  Have heterosexuals or religious troops experienced discrimination since repeal?


USAF SMSgt Philip Monk on Military Religious Freedom

US Air Force SMSgt Philip Monk was the unit First Sergeant whose commander allegedly “agreed” that he should step away from his duties earlier than planned because he was unable to say that opposition to homosexuality was de facto discrimination in the military.

The Air Force found his allegations of religious discrimination “unsubstantiated” because “religion was never discussed between the two.”  The Air Force released portions of an investigation alleging he made false, but not punishable, statements, though it has not yet released anything about his commander’s statements, including the allegation she called a fellow Air Force officer — and chaplain — a “bigot” because he did not affirm homosexuality.

“The right thing to do is often the most difficult thing to do…

We weren’t called to do what’s easiest for our career. [We’re] called to do the right thing.”


USAFA Issues, Corrects Statement on Mike Rosebush

The US Air Force Academy issued a press release detailing the results of its investigation into the hiring of Dr. Mike Rosebush.  In short, his hiring and continued employment are justified [emphasis added]:

We have thoughtfully and carefully reviewed the conditions and circumstances surrounding Dr. Michael Rosebush’s hire…We have found that at no time did Dr Rosebush’s personal beliefs influence any professional decision or action taken in his position at the Academy…Therefore, there is no legal basis for either his removal or transfer and Dr. Rosebush will be retained in his current position.

USAFA experienced an awkward moment, though, when it released the statement on Facebook and commenters criticized an awkwardly timed omission.  USAFA said:

It is critical that we have Read more

US Coast Guard Adds “Sexual Orientation” to EO Policy

According to the homosexual news outlet the Washington Blade, the US Coast Guard has added “sexual orientation and genetic information” to its Equal Opportunity policies.

The guidance, made public Thursday morning by the American Military Partners Association and dated Oct. 13, says “sexual orientation and genetic information” are now included as part of equal opportunity and anti-discrimination/anti-harassment policy statements within the Coast Guard. The guidance is signed at the bottom by Coast Guard Commandant Adm. Bob Papp.

This naturally led for calls for the Department of Defense to do the same Read more

AF General Welsh, Duck Dynasty on Respect and Diversity

Continuing his theme of respect, Chief of Staff of the US Air Force General Mark Welsh published his latest Airman to Airman video (below), entitled “Dignity and Respect.”

General Welsh makes references to sexual assault and the common ill of ignoring “inappropriate jokes,” as well as saying some people have made the excuse that the “bad behavior is part of our heritage.” Some of those comments appear to be references to the perception of a plague of sexual assault in the military as well as the complaint that brought about the Air Force-wide scrub of offensive material.

Importantly, General Welsh said  Read more

Air Force Highlights Return of DADT-Discharged Airman

As has been repeatedly highlighted in the press, the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell was a “non-event” (both positively and negatively). So much so, in fact, that news stories continue to be generated highlighting its non-impact to the military.

The Air Force produced a full story on SSgt Anthony Loverde, who recently re-entered the Air Force after having been discharged under DADT 2008.

He went to the local recruiting office and asked about getting back in…

“They said no,” Loverde said.

The reasons ranged from his age, to his Read more

Can a Christian Chaplain Serve in the US Military?

The Reverend (Dr.) Al Mohler recently asked a question heretofore unknown:  Can Evangelical Chaplains Serve God and Country?

Mohler addresses the repeal of DADT, as well as the recent clarifications to the Southern Baptist Convention’s policies regarding their military chaplains.

He also notes the irony that some advocates for homosexuals proclaimed the repeal of DADT would be a non-event, even for chaplains.  Some of those same Read more

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