Tag Archives: homosexual

The Transgender (Homosexual) Lifestyle: A Military Chaplain’s Perspective

On June 30, 2016, Defense Secretary Ash Carter announced that transgender service members in the US military can now openly serve their country without fear of retribution.  If transgender service members can openly serve without fear of retribution, are military chaplains allowed to “openly” serve with biblical conviction without fear of retribution (see National Defense Authorization Act)? According to the Constitution, yes, but according to opponents of religious liberty for Christians, no!

The transgender, homosexual propaganda that is manifesting itself within society is hostile towards Christians. The Armed Forces ultimately reflect the culture from which they are drawn. Nevertheless, Christians should expect hostility (2 Timothy 3:12). Around the world, proponents of Islam are beheading Christians who will not accept their vile religion, while in the US, Christians who decry sexual immorality (bestiality, fornication, homosexuality, and transgender) as a sinful practice are ostracized and publicly vilified as unloving bigots who are infused with hate. This can be concurred as recently an Army base abruptly cancelled a prayer breakfast that Read more

Army Secretary Fanning Headlines Gay Parade

Secretary of the Army Eric Fanning recently rode through San Diego on a rainbow-striped BMW in a sign of same-sex pride:

fanningparadeThe Secretary’s personal security detail may need a little more training on blending in.

Secretary Fanning was the “grand marshal” of the San Diego Pride parade, which one veteran recognized as a significant social event [emphasis added]:

As a symbol, having an openly gay military leader means something, said George Hotaling, 29, a gay former Army officer who volunteered at the rally.

“It’s absolutely huge. To have someone who is that high-ranking, it normalizes it,” said Hotaling, who is married to an active-duty Navy officer.

The US military has developed an interesting dichotomy between sexual expression and religious Read more

Former JAG: Transgender Policy Neglects Military Religious Freedom

…and the US military appears to officially endorse “mixed genitalia” showers.

Daniel Briggs, director of military affairs for the Alliance Defending Freedom, is a former Air Force JAG. Writing at The Daily Signal, he noted the DoD’s new policy initiative on people who are transgendered fails to even mention religious freedom, despite its importance — particularly with respect to the medical professionals who have a large role in the change [emphasis added]:

Neither the instruction nor the memo acknowledges the religious freedom, freedom of conscience, or professional discretion of military medical providers…

What about the medical providers who do not provide the diagnosis or treatment a service member seeks? Perhaps their religious beliefs confirm their medical understanding of gender being inextricably linked to biological sex, leading them to conclude that this service member needs help (counseling, therapy) but not affirmation.

Briggs is essentially saying the transgender transition (in policy), which was not subject Read more

Transgender Troops Talk God, Faith, Sexuality

While many people assume the “religious right” is the one to bring religion into the conversation about sexuality, it is actually often those speaking about their sexuality that bring it up first.

That was the case for Ashley Broadway, the homosexual woman who made waves about being “denied” entry into a military spouses club she didn’t even want to join (she was ‘just trying to make a point’). At one point, Broadway made a point of saying she was a “devout Christian,” yet failed to explain how she could be exercising such a faith while flouting her unrepentant sin.

Peter King — who now calls himself “Patricia” — made Read more

Activist, Constitutional Lawyer Get Military Liberty Wrong

Shannon Minter, a “transgender man” (that is, a woman) of the National Center for Lesbian Rights, and David Codell, a constitutional lawyer in Los Angeles, celebrated the US military’s decision to permit service by openly transgender individuals in a recent column awkwardly titled “A more equal military“.  They summarized the victory thusly [emphasis added]:

As a result, persons of any race, religion, sexual orientation or gender identity can provide equal protection to our nation through open, proud and equal service in our military.

They’re wrong, of course. In the most obvious example, persons of the Sikh faith are not permitted Read more

Air Force Colonel Claims Heterosexual Discrimination

An Air Force Colonel with a long list of criminal charges says the charges of adultery — normally “add-on” charges — should be dropped, because they discriminate against heterosexuals:

Col. Eugene Marcus Caughey is headed for an August court-martial on charges of rape, assault, taking a dirty selfie and [six] adultery counts…

The military’s adultery law requires “sexual intercourse” as an element of guilt, which Read more

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