Tag Archives: homosexual

US Air Force Reminds Transgenders to Respect Religious Peers

The US Department of Defense is issuing its policies on “transgenders” serving in the military service-by-service. As noted at the Air Force Times, the US Air Force became the latest to release its policies (PDF) on how its Airmen should conduct themselves with regard to grooming, uniform standards, and bathroom usage if they decide they want to be the other gender.

Interestingly, the Air Force made a point of emphasizing “respect” in differing beliefs (as opposed to behaviors) — even reminding transgender troops that they have to respect the “different views and beliefs” of their fellow Airmen [emphasis added]:  Read more

Mikey Weinstein: Take your wife’s advice, at least on one thing

by Sonny Hernandez

In 2014, Bonnie Weinstein, the wife of anti-Christian activist Mikey Weinstein of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF), wrote a book titled, “To The Far Right Christian Hater…You Can Be a Good Speller or a Hater, but You Can’t Be Both.”  In my opinion, within this claptrap novel Bonnie expatiates on detailed accounts of receiving poorly spelled and punctuated letters from those whom she calls fundamentalists, which is described as “part humor, part horror, and part lesson in the importance of spelling and grammar…”  In my opinion, Bonnie’s book does not concur her husband’s alleged hate mails, it contradicts them, as Weinstein is historically known for poor scholarship, grammar, syntax, and hate.

Unfortunately, almost two years later, Mikey Weinstein has, in my opinion, yet to comprehend Bonnie’s Read more

Teenager Becomes Newest Face of Military Transgender Policy

brewer2The Associated Press published an unusually revealing article [updated link] about a 13-year-old US Army dependent named Jenn Brewer — who is actually a male, but is attempting a pre-puberty “transition” to female under the military’s healthcare system:

The Pentagon announced in June an end to the military’s ban on transgender service members. The ripple effect of the new health benefits extends beyond active-duty military to include roughly 7 million retirees and children of service members, like Jenn.

The change puts support for Jenn’s mental and physical well-being during her transition within reach, but the new coverage also comes with controversy.

The National Center for Transgender Equality says the new policy doesn’t go far enough, with a key operation – gender-reassignment surgery – covered only for active-duty personnel.

The article indicates activists are already fighting Read more

Charitable Giving and the CFC: 2016

Whether or not you believe in the concept of the exact tithe, charitable giving remains one of the basic tenets of Christian living. Besides “passing the plate” on Sunday, the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) is one of the more popular means through which members of the military have an opportunity to give.


What is the CFC?

The CFC, which has been announced Read more

US Government Launches “Broadside Against Religious Faith”

A stinging rebuke of the American government’s take on religious liberty was recently launched not from self-righteous, supremacist Christians, but from two Rabbis of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, a Jewish human rights group. Rabbi Abraham Cooper and Rabbi Yitzchok Adlerstein targeted the recently released, 300-page report (PDF) by the US Commission on Civil Rights, saying [emphasis added]:

[The report says], in part, is that Americans need to be protected from Bible-thumpers, and anyone else whose beliefs run afoul of the administration’s PC police. Religious folk need not apply.

The pair took aim at the report’s citation of President John Adams having said Read more

Homosexuality has made the US Military Stronger than Ever

Multiple news outlets reported on Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter’s statement about the 5-year anniversary of the repeal of the policy known as “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” The most quoted line:

I am proud to report that five years after the implementation of the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” our military…is stronger than ever…

In reality, that statement doesn’t say anything. Insert just about any subject matter and time period and the sentence’s assertion wouldn’t change.

The implication, though, and the conclusion trumpeted by gay rights advocates, is that the US military is stronger because of the repeal of DADT.

Naturally, Read more

Column: US Military Silencing Christian Chaplains

Andrew Miller of the Philadelphia Trumpet — a “prophetic” magazine of the Philadelphia Church of God — recently wrote the US military is making it “illegal for Christian chaplains to give Bible-based advice“. While consistently (and unnecessarily) tying his argument to President Obama, Miller cites three specific events:

The military…has made it known that Christian chaplains are expected to enthusiastically endorse homosexual activity in the ranks, regardless of their religious beliefs.

In 2010, Adm. Michael Mullen told a chaplain who opposed the repeal of the military’s ban on openly homosexual service members, “If you cannot get in line, resign your commission.”

Miller also cited the case of US Navy Chaplain Wes Modder, who was “targeted” by a fellow Sailor who tried to get him kicked out over the tenets of his faith.

Finally, he recalls the case of US Army Chaplain (Capt) Joseph Lawhorn:  Read more

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