Tag Archives: Fighter Pilot

USAF F-16 Fighter Pilot Killed in Afganistan

Along with the USAF Academy press release confirming the death of Maj Phil Ambard, an assistant professor, the Air Force also released the names of the others killed during a gunman’s attack.

Among them was Maj David Brodeur, a 1999 USAF Academy graduate and F-16 pilot.  Brodeur wasn’t in Afghanistan flying the F-16, however.  He was apparently part of a unit training Afghan pilots.

Maj Ambard leaves behind a wife and five children, four of whom have followed him into military service (his daughter just returned from deployment).  Maj Brodeur is survived by a wife and two children.

Update: Official military release on those killed in the attack, indicating LtCol Frank Bryant was also an F-16 pilot killed in the attack.  Maj. Jeffrey Ausborn was also killed; he was a T-6 pilot, though his primary weapons system is unknown.  The military released an additional report intended to dispel inaccurate press reporting on the incident.

Piddle Pack Sparks Lawsuit

The unsung hero of the long duration sortie (or small bladder), the piddle pack is now the focus of a lawsuit:

American Innotek, the California company that makes the [“Flight Extender”]…is suing the federal government over alleged infringement of its patented urine containment bag.

Apparently Innotek lost their contract when their “Flight Extender” was replaced by New York City Industry for the Blind’s “Piddle Pak.”  (The name likely came from the affectionate appellation, not the other way around.)  Innotek alleges that the piddle pak infringed on their patent.

Who would ever think the potty-in-a-pouch would ever be such a big deal?  Then again, ask any fighter pilot on a long flight after he drank too much coffee in the brief…

US Army’s Gray Eagle Gets Hellfire

The US Army proudly announced its MQ-1C Gray Eagle had successfully employed a Hellfire missile in Iraq.

Of course, the Army’s Gray Eagle is essentially the same aircraft as the Air Force’s Predator, which has been armed for some time.

The article notes some of the differences between Air Force and Army operations:

The Air Force’s Predator drones are flown by officers who are usually located back in the USA and connected to the airframes by satellite link. But flying the Army’s Gray Eagle is an enlisted soldier’s affair, done in theater and close to the ground troops that the airframe serves.

You Can Talk Like a Fighter Pilot, but Should You?

It seems everybody wants to be a fighter pilot, or at least pretend to be one.  Many people seem to quote fighter pilot movies without knowing what they’re actually saying.  Some quotes are accurate (pilots do say “Fox 3” when firing AMRAAMs and “Fox 2” when firing Sidewinders, a la Will Smith in Independence Day); others, not so much (pretty much everything in Top Gun).  While most fighter pilot-sounding quotes may just sound cool, quite a bit of real fighter pilot lingo is laced with sexual innuendo through the use of “clever” linguistic games.

Are you sure you want to play?  Read more

Report of Too-Low Fly-by Released

The Air Force Times obtained the investigation report of the T-38 fly-by of the Iowa-Ohio State football game that was deemed too low to be legal.  The report is not flattering of the pilots, but does reveal there was at least one mitigating factor:

An Air Force pilot who led a dangerously low flyover before an Iowa football game told investigators he descended to avoid other air traffic and then lost track of his altitude because he was busy with other tasks, according to a report documenting missteps in the flight’s planning and execution…

Two small planes had taken off without clearance Read more

US Troops Will Get Paid on Friday

DFAS, the accounting office that handles military paychecks made a point of stating US servicemembers will get their full paychecks this Friday, April 15th, after last week’s shutdown showdown created confusion.  The “cutoff” for mid-month pay was April 8th; in anticipation of a shutdown, troops’ Leave and Earnings Statements were printed with only one week of pay.

Once the shutdown was averted, DFAS announced it would distribute the second week’s pay this Friday as well, though the deposits will come in two payments.  US servicemembers are encouraged to monitor their accounts for correct transactions.

All military and reservists will receive full pay on April 15 for duty served. There will be more than one deposit into your account, but again, all payments will be deposited on April 15. Check with your bank to confirm the amount deposited into your account on the 15th.

Fighter Pilots Fly All-Female Combat Mission

Remember that conversation about the military not always hyping gender?

With an eye to Women’s History Month, an F-15E Strike Eagle unit in Afghanistan recently orchestrated an “all-female” mission.  Two F-15Es were flown by two female pilots and two female weapons systems operators.  Though not all the other personnel are named, the rest of the mission support, generation, and planning was also “carefully planned” to be done “entirely by females:” Read more

A-10 Crashes in Germany, Harrier Down in Mideast, 2 UAVs in US

An A-10 Thunderbolt II (Warthog) crashed near Spangdahlem Air Base, Germany, on Friday, according to the US Air Force.  The pilot ejected and was airlifted to a hospital; locals said he complained of a back injury.  As is the usual procedure, the incident will be investigated and a report issued in a month or more.

The A-10 has recently been used in Libya, most publicly attacking boats along the coast.

The Marine Times reports an AV-8B Read more

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