Tag Archives: Fighter Pilot

US Troops Still Flying over Iraq

While most think the US military is out of the Iraq business, a recent DoD article serves as a reminder that there are still US troops there:

Air Force Lt. Col. Chris Lachance is one of a handful of American airmen working to ensure that Iraqi Air force units at Al Sahra Airfield in Tikrit are getting the level of training they need to protect their skies.

The Iraqis are flying T-6s, the same aircraft the US Air Force and Navy use for pilot training.  The article says 3 Airmen are advising “more than 800 civilian contracted instructors and fresh Iraqi airmen.”

Win an Olympic Gold Medal. Get a Ride in a Fighter Jet.

Olympic gold medalist in soccer Abby Wambach recently received a flight in an F-15 Eagle, courtesy of the Air National Guard in Montana.

“She was in the back seat, flying with Lt. Col. Larry Gardner, and she got to see some of the physical demands it takes to be a fighter pilot,” [Maj Cody] Smith said.

She also spoke to troops on diversity, encouragement, and “empowerment of women in the military.”

First non-Pilots Graduate MQ-9 Training

In 2009 the Air Force conducted beta classes in which it trained officers who had not previously been pilots to be UAV operators.  (It also created new “wings” for the RPA pilots and granted them flight pay.)  Earlier this year, the first non-pilots graduated into the RQ-4 Global Hawk, a keyboard-operated UAV.

Now, the first non-prior pilots have graduated to become MQ-9 Reaper operators:

This marks the first time a student pilot Read more

The Era of the Fighter Pilot Replaced by the Drone Pilot?

An Air Force Times article has an interesting summation of the feelings about RPA/UAV pilots in the Air Force:

Becoming a fighter pilot is still a hotly coveted goal at the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, Colo.
But slowly, a culture change is taking hold.
Initially snubbed as second-class pilot-wannabes, the airmen who remotely control America’s arsenal of lethal drones are gaining stature and securing a permanent place in the Air Force.

The article then says part of the reason for the “draw” to the drone career is the very-public successes of drone missions:  Read more

F-22 Builders Settle Lawsuit with Pilot’s Widow

Anna Haney, the widow of F-22 Raptor pilot Capt Jeff Haney, filed a lawsuit in March against the contractors responsible for building the F-22: Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Honeywell, and Pratt and Whitney.  They have reportedly settled out of court in a sealed result:

According to court documents, Anna Haney, wife of pilot Capt. Jeff Haney, agreed to a binding settlement…after a meeting Aug. 8 in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois. The settlement terms Read more

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