National Day of Prayer: May 1st, 2008
From the Presidential Proclamation,
Americans of many different faiths share the profound conviction that God listens to the voice of His children and pours His grace upon those who seek Him in prayer…I ask the citizens of our Nation to give thanks, each according to his or her own faith, for the freedoms and blessings we have received and for God’s continued guidance, comfort, and protection.
A background on the tradition can be seen here.
Some have complained that the National Day of Prayer has been “hijacked” by the “religious right.” This perception is probably due to the fact that Christians have been the most enthusiastic about supporting the observance. As explicitly stated by the National Day of Prayer “task force,” each American is free to observe the NDP as they desire, or not at all. Though they are expressing this “tolerant” view, some participants of the alternative “inclusive” NDP plan to picket the observances coordinated by the NDP task force.
According to the Dallas Morning News, Air Force Deputy Chief of Chaplains Brigadier General Cecil R. Richardson will speak to a Dallas-area observance of the NDP on “Prayer as Our Tradition.” As with all military associated events, “persons of all faiths, cultures and generations are encouraged to attend.” General Richardson has been selected to become the next Air Force Chief of Chaplains.