Tag Archives: christine arguello

USAFA Lawsuit Dismissed, Weinstein Goes 0 for 4

Yesterday, a Denver judge dismissed the lawsuit brought by Michael Weinstein’s Military Religious Freedom Foundation against the US Air Force Academy.

U.S. District Judge Christine Arguello dismissed the suit, saying neither associate professor of economics David Mullin nor the Military Religious Freedom Foundation had shown the prospect of retribution was real and imminent.

In fact, despite having just filed the lawsuit, Mullin reportedly admitted he had not suffered retribution from skipping prior prayer luncheons, and he wasn’t sure he’d face retribution at all:

In a telephone interview after the ruling, Mullin acknowledged he couldn’t say with certainty that he would face retribution for not attending.

Interestingly, the hearing was reported as an opportunity to hear arguments “on Plaintiff’s Motion for Preliminary Injunction.”  Arguello appears to have gone a step further and not only denied the injunction, but also dismissed the suit altogether.

Michael Weinstein now stands at a record of 0 and 4.  In the past 6 years he has sued the US military 4 times.  Each has been dismissed.  While it is not unforgivable Read more