Tag Archives: christian

US Central Command Issues Ramadan Guidance for Troops

US Air Force Graphic

As it has in years past, the US military has given its troops guidance on how to act in Muslim countries during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. From the official CENTCOM.mil site [emphasis added]:

U.S. military members serving in countries that observe Ramadan are required to adhere to certain practices while outside U.S. installations…

When outside U.S. controlled areas, eating and drinking in public during daylight hours is against the law. Failure to obey could result in fines up to $685 or a sentence of up to two months in jail.

“The commander’s policy dictates that airmen will adhere to local law, which prohibits eating, drinking or tobacco use off base in public,” said Sickles.

It’s an interesting way to phrase it. The US military isn’t technically requiring troops Read more

Local Churches Raise Christian Flag over American Flag

Two church pastors in Shelby, NC, have decided to create a visible reminder of their priorities when it comes to God and country: They’re flying the Christian flag above the flag of the USA:

On Sunday, Pastor Rit Varriale will raise the Christian flag above the American flag in front of Elizabeth Baptist Church…

“When you stop and think about it, it should be our commitment to God first, then our commitment to country,” Varriale said.

The controversial move is one Read more

Navy Commander Tells Subordinates to Take Pride in Homosexual Community

US Navy Capt Ronald Ravelo and the USS Abraham Lincoln

The USS Abraham Lincoln, a Nimitz-class nuclear powered aircraft carrier currently undergoing a refurbishment in Virginia, recently held a “Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender” celebration. One of the presentations came from Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Ryan Wampler, who said

Policies like the repeal of ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ propel this Navy to be the finest in the world…I take pride in knowing that I am part of an organization that…is…setting examples for the rest of the country to follow.

It’s unclear how openly accepting homosexuality makes Read more

US Army Rebuffs Jason Torpy’s Atheist Complaint about Prayer (Video)

Jason Torpy, the perpetually (and vicariously) offended atheist and former US Army Captain, complained last week that a US Army Air Assault graduation ceremony included a prayer:

MAAF has obtained a video showing enforced Christian prayer at Air Assault training at Ft Campbell. Trainees are directed to bow their head to graduation prayer and to give a response that sounds like “Amen”.

The 36-second prayer is in the video above.

Torpy complained Read more

After Gay Marriage Ruling, Chorus Grows for Purge of Military Chaplains, Christians

Despite the Supreme Court’s reassurance that their ruling would not impact the religious freedom of “religious organizations and persons,” a few groups are now using the ruling to call for an end to Christians in the US military chaplaincy.

Last week, Michael “Mikey” Weinstein yet again highlighted the oxymoronic name of his Military “Religious Freedom” Foundation by claiming that Christian chaplains should be “ousted” merely because of their religious beliefs [emphasis added]:  Read more

Becket Fund Sides with Military Against Humanist Chaplains

Update: Via The Religion Clause:

[The] Virginia federal district court ultimately allowed Dr. Heap to move ahead with his Establishment Clause and Equal Protection/ Substantive Due Process challenges to the Navy and Department of Defense’s actions.

However the court dismissed challenges brought under other parts of the 1st Amendment, the No Religious Test clause, and RFRA, dismissed The Humanist Society as a plaintiff for lack of standing and on ripeness grounds, and dismissed claims against the individual defendants.

The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty has had what might be considered a banner year in its legal support of religious liberty, winning more than one case at the Supreme Court. Moreover, what separates the Becket Fund from some other stereotypical religious liberty groups is their willingness to not just speak but also act in defense of all religious liberty.

While they represented a Christian family when the Supreme Court Read more

Congress Includes Military Religious Diversity in 2016 NDAA

Last year’s National Defense Authorization Act (2015 NDAA) was notable for what it omitted: It was the first NDAA in several years not to include specific language on the religious liberty of US troops or military chaplains. The 2016 NDAA returns religious language to the NDAA in a unique way [emphasis added]:


(a) FINDINGS.—Congress finds the following:

(1) The United States military includes individuals with a variety of national, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds that have roots all over the world.

(2) In addition to diverse backgrounds, members of the Armed Forces come from numerous religious traditions, including Christian, Hindu, Jewish, Muslim, Sikh, non-denominational, nonpracticing, and many more.

(3) Members of the Armed Forces from diverse backgrounds and religious traditions have Read more

Elisabeth Elliot, Famed Missionary Widow, Dies at 88

Elisabeth Elliot died last week at the age of 88. An influential Christian speaker, author, and evangelist in her own right, she was also known for the famous martyrdom of her husband, Jim, and four of his companions during their missionary work to the unreached Waodani (Auca) in Ecuador. The story of their deaths was international news in 1956, and Elliot wrote two books on the events which eventually became movies.

(Nate Saint, one of the martyrs, was a pilot and had flown the men into the jungle in his Piper PA-14.  One of the locals who had first led to the missionary excursion died last year.)

Read more about Elliot’s life here.


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