Tag Archives: christian

National Guard Soldier Quits, Tries to Help ISIS

Mohamed Jalloh quit the Army National Guard after listening to lectures by Anwar al-Awlaki — and then plotted a “Fort Hood-style” attack against his former comrades:

Cotton Puryear, a spokesman for the Virginia Army National Guard, said Jalloh served as a specialist from 2009 until 2015, when he was honorably discharged…

In April, Jalloh told the informant he had been thinking about carrying out a Fort Hood-style attack. Asked to explain, Jalloh said, “Nidal Hasan type of things. That’s the kind of stuff I started thinking,” according to the affidavit…

Later in April, Jalloh told the informant that Read more

Transgender Troops Talk God, Faith, Sexuality

While many people assume the “religious right” is the one to bring religion into the conversation about sexuality, it is actually often those speaking about their sexuality that bring it up first.

That was the case for Ashley Broadway, the homosexual woman who made waves about being “denied” entry into a military spouses club she didn’t even want to join (she was ‘just trying to make a point’). At one point, Broadway made a point of saying she was a “devout Christian,” yet failed to explain how she could be exercising such a faith while flouting her unrepentant sin.

Peter King — who now calls himself “Patricia” — made Read more

US Troops Pose with Cross. Mikey Weinstein Conniption to Follow.

A group of US Army Soldiers (and one Sailor) recently posed for a photo during training:

soldierscross3With a group of US troops posing in front of a flag with a Christian cross, Michael “Mikey” Weinstein will no doubt pontificate on the propaganda value such a photo provides for al Qaeda and ISIS, and how these troops are endangering the lives of their fellow troops, violating their oaths and the US Constitution, etc., etc., etc.  Standard bigoted fare.

He’s wrong, of course, but such tripe is common from Weinstein, and he Read more

US Army Rebuffs Mikey Weinstein. Again.

Despite a complaint by the perpetually-offended anti-Christian Michael “Mikey” Weinstein, the US Army has said there was nothing wrong with a Bible being displayed on a POW/MIA table during an Army ball, because it was a private event:

“The individuals that participated in the ball have the right to express themselves as U.S. citizens under the First Amendment,” Lt. Col. Catina Barnes-Ricks, an 8th Army spokesman, said Monday in an email.

The statement went on to say they reminded Soldiers not to endorse religion:  Read more

Air Force Backs Down over Flag Ceremony, Mikey Weinstein Gets Upset

weinflagThe Air Force has backpedaled mightily over the apparent assault on retired SMSgt Oscar Rodriguez a few months ago during a retirement ceremony. The motivation for the three NCOs involved in the incident was allegedly to prevent him from saying “God” during a flag-folding ceremony for the retiree. Initially, Public Affairs at Travis AFB said

“Rodriguez ignored numerous requests to respect the Air Force prescribed ceremony and unfortunately was forcibly removed,” a Travis official said…

However, faced with a threat of a lawsuit, Big Air Force eventually rolled in and said Airmen can Read more

Dear Military Religious Freedom Foundation: Remove one Bible, thousands will take its place

bible2by Sonny Hernandez

On Friday, April 8, 2016, officials at Wright Patterson Air Force Base (WPAFB) removed a Bible from a display table that venerated prisoners of war and Armed Forces service members missing in action. Michael “Mikey” Weinstein, who spearheads a disreputable, anti-God advocacy group called the Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF), was the culprit behind the unprincipled legal demands that caused officials at WPAFB to capitulate.

WPAFB officials didn’t need to Read more

Russell Moore: Is Religious Freedom For Non-Christians Too?

Contrary to the claims of some critics, religious liberty is a part of the Christian ethos:

One thing we need to be very clear about is that religious liberty is not a government “benefit,” but a natural and inalienable right granted by God. At issue is whether or not the civil state has the power to zone mosques or Islamic cemeteries or synagogues or houses of worship of whatever kind out of existence because of what those groups believe. When someone makes such a claim, Read more

Atheists Rush Internet Poll to Defeat Christian Grade Schoolers

Update: Mehta appears to have thought better of the post and appears to have pulled it down.

A group of atheist keyboard commandos is waging a campaign to mob an internet voting contest to help a specific public school win a new playground.

The reason they want to help that school? The “competitor” school is Christian.

From Hemant Mehta, the “friendly” atheist [emphasis added]:

Let’s help them out! (I’m sure the kids at the Christian school can just pray for a new playground…or get donations from parents who are already paying private school tuition.)…

Your minimal effort can help these kids get a nice new playground while also making the Baby Jesus shed a single tear.

The two schools are Kettle Read more

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