Tag Archives: christian

Mikey Weinstein Accused of Clickbait — by His Own Supporters

Most people who follow military issues know US Army MajGen Wayne Grigsby was fired suddenly this week for an undisclosed reason. The mystery around why has attracted and kept the media’s attention, particularly as they’ve looked into his past and noted he was a relatively uncontroversial commander at Fort Riley, Kansas. The only newsworthy event, in fact, was a complaint from Michael “Mikey” Weinstein months ago about retired LtGen Jerry Boykin speaking at a prayer event.

And that’s enough of a connection for Mikey Weinstein, who has vaunted the same story a half dozen times over the past week. While he has repeatedly proclaimed “MRFF in the news!”, he’s left even some of his own supporters scratching their heads. Referring to one of Weinstein’s self-aggrandizing posts, a supporter said [emphasis added]:

This…has some serious click bait issues…There is no real meat to the story. There is mention of Gen Boykin but nothing links Grigsby to any MRFF Hot Button issues.

That’s an astute observation by someone who normally defends Weinstein. Weinstein is Read more

Donald Trump, “One God,” and Religious Liberty in America

NPR’s Weekend Edition recently ran a story in which it highlighted “divisive” Presidential candidate Donald Trump for his use of the mantra that America should unify under “one God.”

Donald Trump has been repeating the phrase “One people under one God.” Critics say it could be interpreted as running counter to the American tradition of religious freedom.

The Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty — a liberal leaning Baptist organization — took up that cause, saying it “raise[d] religious liberty concerns” [emphasis added]: Read more

US Government Launches “Broadside Against Religious Faith”

A stinging rebuke of the American government’s take on religious liberty was recently launched not from self-righteous, supremacist Christians, but from two Rabbis of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, a Jewish human rights group. Rabbi Abraham Cooper and Rabbi Yitzchok Adlerstein targeted the recently released, 300-page report (PDF) by the US Commission on Civil Rights, saying [emphasis added]:

[The report says], in part, is that Americans need to be protected from Bible-thumpers, and anyone else whose beliefs run afoul of the administration’s PC police. Religious folk need not apply.

The pair took aim at the report’s citation of President John Adams having said Read more

Column: US Military Silencing Christian Chaplains

Andrew Miller of the Philadelphia Trumpet — a “prophetic” magazine of the Philadelphia Church of God — recently wrote the US military is making it “illegal for Christian chaplains to give Bible-based advice“. While consistently (and unnecessarily) tying his argument to President Obama, Miller cites three specific events:

The military…has made it known that Christian chaplains are expected to enthusiastically endorse homosexual activity in the ranks, regardless of their religious beliefs.

In 2010, Adm. Michael Mullen told a chaplain who opposed the repeal of the military’s ban on openly homosexual service members, “If you cannot get in line, resign your commission.”

Miller also cited the case of US Navy Chaplain Wes Modder, who was “targeted” by a fellow Sailor who tried to get him kicked out over the tenets of his faith.

Finally, he recalls the case of US Army Chaplain (Capt) Joseph Lawhorn:  Read more

Mikey Weinstein, General Jerry Boykin Agree. Hell Freezes Over.

boykinmikeyA few weeks ago, Michael “Mikey” Weinstein praised a new Department of Veterans Affairs memorandum (PDF) regarding religious exercise and expression, saying the [emphasis added]

MRFF [was] validated by [the] Department of Veterans Affairs Memorandum! The VA finally gets it: POW/MIA Bible displays can’t favor one religion.

Yesterday, retired US Army General William “Jerry” Boykin commended the same Veterans Read more

Mikey Weinstein to Demand Gay General’s Court-Martial?

In July, Michael “Mikey” Weinstein called for “trial by courts-martial” for a group of officers he claimed violated the Constitution when they appeared in uniform at a Chaplain Alliance for Religious Liberty awards event. Among the several “accused” was Chaplain (MajGen) Dondi Costin, the Air Force Chief of Chaplains.

In his complaint, Weinstein made it clear that Chaplain Costin’s violation consisted of “his mere participation in this event in uniform.”

Last week, US Air Force Major General Patricia “Trish” Rose was “honored” by the homosexual advocacy group The American Military Partner Association — because she is the “highest ranking openly LGBT service member in the US military.” As pictures from the event show, MajGen Rose participated in the event while in, to use Mikey Weinstein’s terms and formatting, “FULL MILITARY UNIFORM.”

rose2Mikey Weinstein and Chris Rodda accused several military members of violating rules and regulations by appearing in uniform at a non-federal entity’s awards event — and they therefore demanded courts-martial.

Do you think they’ll make a similar demand of Gen Rose?

The answer, of Read more

Bible-Believing Military Chaplains Wanted

Heralding Christ and Denouncing Apostasy

by Sonny Hernandez

But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people.
– 2 Timothy 3:1-5

I. The role of a military chaplain

Military chaplains are instrumental to the mission of the US military. Chaplains perform or provide for the service men and women they serve by defending their free exercise of religion. This includes Bible-believing Christians that serve despite the delirious conceits of anti-Christians hate groups. Military chaplains also exist to advise commanders on multiple affairs that could unpropitiously affect the mission. The provision of sincerely held theological convictions that are imbued by God is vital to the good order and discipline of the Armed Forces, which is why the role of the military chaplain is imperative.

Military chaplains must carefully understand their respective branch’s policies that Read more

Air Force Begins to Train Troops That Men can be Women


Transgender activist Jean Burleton trained Air Force personnel on the truth of gender fluidity. (142nd Fighter Wing, Portland, Oregon, Air National Guard)

Only in a fallen, sinful world can we say sexual attraction is permanent — but body parts aren’t.

The 142nd Fighter Wing of the Portland Air National Guard in Oregon recently held a training session in which the Air Force trained its Airmen that gender is arbitrarily “assigned-at-birth” rather than a product of biology.

TSgt John Hughel begins the official press release by comparing Secretary of Defense Ash Carter’s removal of the ban on transgenders with President Eisenhower’s executive order integrating the military — terribly ironic, given that skin color is biologically determined and immutable, while transgender activists claim peoples’ bodies need to be physically “fixed” to match how they feel.

The training session was led by Jean Burleton, an activist who is a male but presents himself as a woman.  For context, Burleton previously defended the ability of 15-year olds to get sex-change Read more

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