Tag Archives: christian

The Importance of American Christians Publicly Speaking Out

Todd Starnes of FoxNews recently celebrated the reversal of Oklahoma’s East Central University plans to remove Bibles, crosses and other religious items from their campus chapel. The University made the initial decision after receiving a legal threat from Americans United for the Separation of Church and State.

Starnes attributed the change of mind to his readers contacting the University to express their disagreement. It appears the University had made its decision based on the “loudest voice in the room,” and only after Starnes’ column was published and other voices spoke up did they consider that the heckler need not be granted a universal veto.

The power of the American citizen’s voice should not be underestimated — and the impact of the absence of the Christian citizen’s voice cannot be overstated.

Just a couple of months ago Tennessee Read more

Military Chaplain Inspires Young Cadet to Teach the Faith

An article at CatholicPhilly has an interesting story about the small things that can have a big impact on a young military troop’s walk of faith.

Miguel Melendez was cadet at the US Coast Guard Academy when he saw the example of other Catholic cadets:

One of the Catholic cadets stood up at lunch and announced that a group of students would pray the rosary every Monday.

The announcement piqued Miguel Melendez’s interest.

“I was like, ‘I want to do that, I want to meet Read more

US Soldier Arrested for Supporting ISIS. Mikey Weinstein Silent.

Update: Kang’s court documents unsealed.

A US Soldier was arrested over the weekend after a yearlong operation in which he was alleged to have tried to materially support the Islamic State.

Among the charges was that Kang copied military secret documents in 2015 and wanted to provide them to [ISIS], according to the affidavit. It also Kang says admitted that he voluntarily pledged loyalty to Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

SFC Ikaika Kang was highlighted to the FBI by the US military:  Read more

Transgender Airmen Describes departure from Christian Upbringing

A Nellis Air Force Base Air Traffic Controller, SrA Irene Nelson, recently posted an official personal interest article about his “transition” to a woman. He made the important note that he was raised in a conservative Christian household:

I grew up in a very conservative Christian household…

My parents had issues with my sexual orientation (surprise), and they took me to a gay conversion seminar when I was about 15 years old…

I spent endless hours studying the Bible and praying for God to give me clarity as to why I had these temptations or feelings. Why couldn’t he take them away? Nothing is as hard as your whole world telling you that you are wrong. Your existence is wrong.

Lost in Nelson’s religious and philosophical musings is an important point. What if the “whole world [is] telling you that you are wrong” because you are wrong? More to the point, “right” and “wrong” aren’t Read more

Bold Faith, Christian Warriors, and Patriotism

While some today look aghast when a preacher has the gall to say something political or patriotic from the pulpit, Cheryl Chumley writing at the Washington Times reminds us our faith wasn’t always so far separated from our devotion to our Nation:

Back during American Revolution days, the pulpits of the 13 colonies were filled with passionate preachers delivering fiery rhetoric.

These pastors didn’t care about losing their tax exemptions — there was no IRS to fear. They didn’t care about offending somebody’s more moderate views of the British, or angering some wishy-washy citizen’s concern about igniting violence with rhetoric.

And they certainly didn’t care about mixing politics into their religion right at the pulpit…

Episcopal Church records tell the tale of an ordained priest, John Peter Gabriel Muhlenberg, who…delivered what he called his farewell sermon [and] tore off his clerical gown to reveal his military uniform — after which he headed out the door to do what he considered his patriotic, godly duty Read more

West Point Grad Sue Fulton on the Importance of Integrity – Or Not

“I was asked by an investigator at one point if I was gay, and I lied,” said Sue Fulton in an interview with NBC Out. “I carried that with me for years. When it came time for the ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ fight, that’s one of the reasons I worked so hard. To redeem myself.”
former US Army Captain Sue Fulton, USMA Class of 1980

A failure of integrity tears at the conscience, as even Fulton acknowledges. Interestingly, her solution was not to be an officer of integrity.  It was not to change her behavior but to change the policies. Yet that doesn’t change the face she lied.

While Fulton advocated for homosexuality for years in the name of “tolerance,” it would seem Read more

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