Tag Archives: christian

Fort Gordon Investigation Disproves Mikey Weinstein. Again.

An investigation at Fort Gordon disproved Michael “Mikey” Weinstein’s claims that unsuspecting and unwilling Soldiers were force-marched to a Christian event, noting

The findings [of the investigation] determined the intent and guidance of the Senior Leaders and Chaplains was to make this a voluntary event.

However, Fort Gordon officials concluded that “miscommunication” may have led some Soldiers to think it was a mandatory event. Thus, they’ll clear this up in the future — by putting “THIS IS VOLUNTARY!!!” on future announcements:  Read more

US Opposes Ban on pro-Nazi Speech

The Associated Press has an interesting article on the (routine) decision by the United States to vote against a UN resolution calling on nations to ban pro-Nazi language and organizations.  (Efforts have been made to remind people this isn’t new under President Trump; the US has voted against this annual resolution for years.)

In what seems like a rare moment of clarity, the government is defending exactly what Americans claim they value: free speech, even if it is offensive speech. The government is not acting to silence Read more

Case of Fired Christian Col Bohannon Shows Limits of Military Diversity, Tolerance

UPDATE: A group of Republican Senators has sent a letter (PDF) to Secretary Wilson asking her to ‘restore justice’ for Col Bohannon — and, given his mistreatment due to his faith, has asked her to “clarify the [Air Force’s] position on religious liberty.”  The signatories are Senators Ted Cruz, Roy Blunt, James Inhofe, John Kennedy, James Lankford, Mike Lee, Marco Rubio, and Roger Wicker.

Henry Ford is said to have offered all of his customers a car in any color they wanted — so long as it was black.

As described by the First Liberty Institute, it seems the US Air Force supports all of its Airmen’s rights to exercise any religious belief they want — so long as it supports homosexuality.

As noted last month, Col Leland Bohannon was fired from his command and had his potential for promotion ended when he declined to personally sign an optional letter praising a same-sex marriage.

Mike Berry, a First Liberty lawyer representing Col Bohannon, said this runs against the very diversity the military claims it values:

This sends a clear message—if you do not have the politically correct viewpoint, you are not welcome in the military. The military is no longer a place of diversity and inclusion if you are a person who holds to a traditional belief on marriage.

Many people would assume Read more

Mikey Weinstein also Accused of Faking Harassment as USAFA Cadet

In light of the recent revelation that an African-American Cadet Candidate at the USAFA Prep School “faked” racial harassment on himself and his peers, it’s worth remembering another Air Force Academy cadet who was once accused of faking prejudiced attacks on himself.

That would be then-Cadet Michael “Mikey” Weinstein.

In 1973, Cadet Fourth Class Mikey Weinstein was a member of CS-36, the Pink Panthers. It was there, in his first semester, that he says he experienced the anti-Semitism that he now says formed the foundation for his activism in later life. That harassment reportedly came in the form of notes taped to or slid under his dorm room door.

The short version: The harassing notes were investigated, Mikey Weinstein was accused of being the author of the notes, and Weinstein then punched an active duty officer investigating the incident.  The entire incident mysteriously went away after Weinstein had an 0200 rendezvous in the woods with a cloaked figure from the Anti-Defamation League.


In 2005, just as Mikey Read more

US Army Officer Defends Prayer after Texas Church Shooting

Vice President Mike Pence was one of many recently defending the virtue of prayer in the face of unusually acerbic criticism following the church massacre in Sutherland Springs, Texas:

“I’m a believer. I believe in prayer and I know that at this moment of such heartbreak and loss in that community that what most Americans are most able to do is pray for those families,” he said.

He said that praying for the victims and their families is “making a difference in their lives.”

In that same vein, US Army Lt Jeremy Hunt wrote a column at FoxNews yesterday that took to task those critics who have mocked or attacked such prayers. In an Read more

American Ally Bans Public Display of Israeli Flag

The Iraqi parliament “unanimously” voted to reinstate a law that bans the public display of the Israeli flag — an apparent response to Israel’s support for the recent Kurdish independence referendum:

Israel was the only country to publicly support the referendum for an independent Kurdish state in northern Iraq that took place in September…

In a show of gratitude for Israel’s support, Kurds proudly waved large Israeli flags at massive rallies held ahead of the vote…

Israel had long supported Kurdish uprisings against former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein.

For those keeping track, the United States of America has expended vast amounts of money, effort, and human life in “liberating” and then rebuilding Read more

Military Homosexual Advocates Twist Religious Freedom in Briefs

Activists for military homosexual groups have filed amicus briefs opposing the Masterpiece Cakeshop in its appeal to the US Supreme Court. The bakery was accused of violating state law when it declined to create a cake for a same-sex “wedding” (see records of the case).

Apparently fearing a victory for Masterpiece Cakeshop would inhibit homosexuals’ rights within the military, Ashley Broadway — a self-described homosexual “devout Christian” — of the American Military Partner Association said (with authority):

A business that is open to the public should be open to public — period. LGBT service members and their families sacrifice so much around the world for our country, and the last thing they deserve is to be denied service here at home simply because of who they are.

That’s great. It also has nothing to do with Read more

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