Tag Archives: Chaplain

US Military Jews Celebrate High Holy Days in Afghanistan

The Jewish Daily Forward notes that Jewish American military members are able to celebrate their religious holidays even while deployed to a combat zone — in a country with an official Islamic constitution, no less.

Rabbi Jacob Goldstein will lead Yom Kippur services this year dressed not in the black fedora of his Lubavitch Hasidic sect, but in full battle gear at a Combat Operating Base in eastern Afghanistan.  Read more

Jumping Padre, Chaplain Philip Hannan, Dies at 98

Archbishop Philip M. Hannan, a US Army Chaplain in World War II and the oldest former military Chaplain, has died.

In 1942 the Catholic pastor volunteered to become a Chaplain, specifically requesting assignment to a combat unit.  He became known as the “jumping padre” after being assigned to the 505th Parachute Infantry of the 82nd Airborne and getting 5 practice parachute jumps.

Like many paratroopers, he was ultimately driven to combat to join his unit, where he was largely expected to care for the wounded and dying.  He was allowed to go to the front lines, where the only Read more

Marines Attend Spiritual Fitness Prayer Breakfast

US Marines and Sailors at Camp Kinser, Japan, gathered for a prayer breakfast held by the local Chaplains.

The breakfast was held to encourage attendees to pause for a few moments in their day and reflect on what is important to them, improving their spiritual fitness, [Chaplain (Cmdr) Randal B. Craft] said.

Chief Petty Officer Beverly Harris, a religious program specialist, emphasized the inclusive nature of the breakfast as well as the universal need for spiritual Read more

USAFA Chaplain Receives 2011 Air Force Association Award

Capt. Chad Zielinski, a Catholic Chaplain at the US Air Force Academy, was presented the Air Force Association’s 2011 Chaplain Corps Award for outstanding performance by a member of the Air Force Chaplain Corps.  Chaplain Zielinski was recognized for his work both at USAFA and Afghanistan.

Contrary to some claims, Zielinski was one of many Chaplains on the front lines, serving the spiritual needs of US servicemembers:  Read more

Arlington Jewish Chaplains’ Monument Moves Forward

Jews in Green has a picture of the groundbreaking in Arlington for the upcoming installation of the Jewish memorial on Chaplain’s hill.

As previously noted, the 14 Jewish Chaplains who died in the service of their country were the only faith not represented on Arlington’s Chaplains’ Hill.

The bronze plaque that will eventually be mounted on the monument is apparently on a nationwide tour, stopping last week at Pensacola Naval Air Station.  In Pensacola, local Jewish leader, Vietnam Vet, and retired Navy Captain Fred Levin noted the value of Chaplains, and the risk they assumed:  Read more

Patriotic “God Banners” Ruled Unconstitutional

In a case that has been going on for a couple of years, the Thomas More Law Center has been advocating for Poway teacher Brad Johnson’s right to display banners that quote founding documents with the word “God” in them.

The district court ruled in his favor in 2010, saying the school district displayed unConstitutional viewpoint discrimination when it required him to drop his banners, but did not do the same for other religious viewpoints that Read more

DADT: Ambiguity, Calls for Protections Continue with Repeal

A US Department of Defense news release indicated the Defense Department was “set” for the repeal of the policy most commonly known as “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.”  The release had an interesting statement regarding policy changes:

While many changes in policies and regulations already have taken place, some changes in how repeal of the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” law will be implemented must wait until after the law takes effect.

These policies and regulations will be promulgated tomorrow [Tuesday], the Pentagon press secretary said.

This was elsewhere described as

As soon as the ban is lifted, the Defense Department will publish revised regulations to reflect the new law that will allow gays to serve openly. The revisions [include] eliminating references to banned homosexual service…

This appears to be some of the “missing” information Read more

Other Nations Learn Value of Military Chaplaincy

As noted previously, US military Chaplains have been working with the militaries of African nations on a variety of issues, including highlighting religious freedom and establishing Chaplaincies within their own militaries.  In Uganda once again:

US Navy Chaplain (Capt) Jon Cutler, a rabbi with CJTF-Horn of Africa, recently spent time with the Ugandan military on the topic of the Chaplaincy.

“Taking care of the spiritual, social and psychological aspects of a troop before, during and after they return from combat situations is Read more

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