Tag Archives: center for military readiness

Cadet Cole Manders: I’m Successful Because I’m Gay

Last week the Foundation for Moral Law published a letter to Secretary of Defense James Mattis opposing the nomination of Col Kristin Goodwin as the next Commandant of Cadets at the US Air Force Academy:

“I oppose this nomination because Col. Goodwin does not set a proper moral example for youth…The person responsible for the education of cadets at the academy is a role model and an exemplar of proper deportment and conduct…

By nominating an open lesbian who proclaims that she is married to another woman, the Department of Defense states its disregard for the fundamental moral order established by God, thus breaking trust with the millions of Christians who voted for the new president in hope that the ungodly policies of the previous administration would be repudiated.

Elaine Donnelly, president of the Center for Military Readiness had previously made a similar objection.

In response, USAFA Public Affairs officer LtCol Allen Herritage said Read more

Mikey Weinstein, General Jerry Boykin Agree. Hell Freezes Over.

boykinmikeyA few weeks ago, Michael “Mikey” Weinstein praised a new Department of Veterans Affairs memorandum (PDF) regarding religious exercise and expression, saying the [emphasis added]

MRFF [was] validated by [the] Department of Veterans Affairs Memorandum! The VA finally gets it: POW/MIA Bible displays can’t favor one religion.

Yesterday, retired US Army General William “Jerry” Boykin commended the same Veterans Read more

US Navy Surveys LGB Sailors to Assess Post-DADT Readiness

The Naval Center for Combat and Operational Stress Control has teamed with Palo Alto University in California to survey homosexual Sailors to determine their psychological and emotional health.

“The repeal of this policy really implemented a culture change for the U.S. military and it’s incredibly important to comprehend how this shift is not just impacting our people, but also affecting readiness,” said Capt. Scott Johnson, NCCOSC director and a Navy medicine psychology expert, in a statement Wednesday.

Navy Capt. Scott Johnson appears to be the first US official to openly admit the repeal of DADT “really implemented a culture change,” while most others have publicly said it was a “non-event.”

The implication that there has been an impact on readiness is interesting, given that even supporters of repeal (and the DoD itself) have claimed Read more

DADT: Obama Certifies Repeal, Critiques, and Questions


  • President Obama has certified appeal; September 20th marks DADT end
  • ADF “stands ready to defend” servicemembers with faith, service conflict
  • Pakistan protests US support for homosexuals, even with DADT repealed
  • Washington Times notes “smoking gun,” Executive Branch misled Congress
  • Mixon says military “not ready” for DADT repeal, critics silenced
  • US military now used to “attack” Defense of Marriage Act
  • Multiple-marriage group seeks same respect as homosexuals

Read more

IG: Pentagon DADT Report had “Pro-Repeal Agenda”?

The Department of Defense Inspector General recently issued a report of its investigation into the improper “leak” last fall of the DoD survey on the policy most often known as “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.”  (Ironically, the publicized IG report — available on a public website — is also annotated “For Official Use Only,” as was the leaked survey.)

The DoD IG appears to have come to the same conclusion as many critics of the report did last year:  the statistics were creatively Read more

DADT: Chaplain Endorsers, Training Begins, and Troop Inputs

The Alliance Defense Fund has filed an amicus brief in the Log Cabin Republicans lawsuit which had temporarily resulted in an injunction against the enforcement of the ban on homosexuality in the military. The brief was on behalf of a fairly long list of Chaplain endorsing agencies — the organizations required to provide endorsements of potential Chaplains before the military will accept them.  The list of Chaplain groups included:  Read more