Tag Archives: Bible

Air National Guard Ignores FFRF Atheist Complaint

Not long after receiving a letter (PDF) from the First Liberty Institute, the New Hampshire Air National Guard at the Pease ANG Base has said they have chosen to ignore the previously reported complaint from the Freedom From Religion Foundation:

“We don’t plan on responding to the FFRF,” [Greg Heilshorn, spokesman for the New Hampshire National Guard] said. “We haven’t had any formal complaints from our airmen internally regarding any concerns with prayers being said at various ceremonies. We will continue as we’ve done before. It’s our tradition. We believe our chaplains…[are a] vital part of our organization.”

Well done. The US military is not obligated to respond to the FFRF — or any other third party complaint — at all. By declining to do so, they avoid the perception they are legitimizing the FFRF or its generalized accusations about religious expression in the US military.  Meanwhile, if there are any actual complainants who have an actionable grievance, they still have access to every grievance system within the military.

Part of the issue with Read more

Concerned US Troops on Transgender Policy and Children

On military moves to a state that would allow a boy to use a girl’s locker room:

[Military families with children] are being asked to choose between our country and keeping our kids safe. Being military, we don’t have a say which state we move to next. We don’t know if it will be a state that protects our civil rights or one that won’t.

On policies that would create a “right” to choose which bathroom, shower, or other traditionally private facilities they want to use:  Read more

Complaints Claim “Real Men Provide” is Sexist Toward Women

A fascinatingly simple and pithy billboard in North Carolina has generated an unusual amount of attention and angst:

A billboard appeared last weekend on a highway connecting the city of Winston-Salem to Greensboro that reads, “Real men provide. Real women appreciate it.”

One woman is organizing a protest against the billboard, calling it insulting — but only insulting to women:

Molly Grace, a boutique owner in Winston-Salem, said she sees the sign as an attempt to silence women who want to be seen as equals to men.

It’s absolutely, absolutely insulting to single mothers, to women who Read more

Sterling, Military Religious Freedom Get Support at Supreme Court

Court-martialed Marine LCpl Monifa Sterling has appealed to the US Supreme Court, alleging her religious liberty was violated when she was convicted for not removing Bible verses posted to her desk.

The Supreme Court has not yet agreed to hear the case — and there are already significant briefs being filed in her support.

Critics like Michael “Mikey” Weinstein have tried to frame her case as a Christian trying to inappropriately “expose” others to their beliefs — and thus deserving of court-martial.

However, people who actually support religious freedom — rather than advocate discrimination against Christians as Weinstein does — are coming out in support of Sterling.

This includes a substantial number of significant and high profile non-Christians. Those supporting Sterling’s case with amicus briefs include:  Read more

Response to a Counterfeit Christian, a Professing Atheist, and a Homosexual Activist

by Sonny Hernandez

The Forum on the Military Chaplaincy (FOMC) is infamously gaining exposure among Bible-believing Christians, as I have repeatedly exposed their infernal agenda.

The FOMC is a homosexual affirming, counterfeit Christian forum that desperately wants attention on their anti-Christian crusade. On February 10, 2017, the FOMC posted a response on their Facebook page to my article on the NCMAF with the question:

What is your reaction to this latest attack by Chaplain Hernandez?

The responses to my article from the FOMC were not confounding, since I did not receive a coherent or rational response to my theological argument. The responses were Read more

Beware of the NCMAF Compromise! An Adjuration for Bible-Affirming Chaplain Endorsers

An adjuration for Bible-Affirming Military Chaplain Endorsing Agencies to come out from among them (2 Corinthians 6:14-17)

by Sonny Hernandez

The National Conference on Ministry to Armed Forces (NCMAF) began in 1982 as a private, non-profit organization that connects member faith groups with military and VA chaplaincies, and claims to “celebrate the religious diversity of the United States of America.”

The NCMAF has members that are Roman Catholic, Jewish and Orthodox, Buddhist, Islamic, professing Christians, and even claims to span the total theological spectrum of religious life in the United States. What this means is that NCMAF has members that unite together who accept idolatry, blasphemy, sexual degeneracy, Trinitarian heresies, adulation to false gods, and even compromise from professing Christian endorsing agencies that align themselves with a theologically depraved conglomeration.

I. Biblical Edict

If an ecclesiastical endorsing agency affirms Read more

Mikey Weinstein Strikes Again — against Christians of course!

By Sonny Hernandez

On Feb 3, 2017, the Air Force Times reported a “wing commander’s prayer breakfast invite spark[ed] [an] IG complaint,” which was a result of a third party complaint filed by Mikey Weinstein of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF) to the 42nd Air Base Wing (ABW) inspector general (IG).

The complaint was allegedly filed after several people at Maxwell Air Force Base contacted the MRFF after the 42nd ABW commander used his commander’s box to invite everyone in the wing to a National Prayer Breakfast. Weinstein claims the invite constituted a clear violation of Air Force Instruction (AFI) 1-1, paragraph 2.12 (Balance of Free Exercise of Religion and Establishment Clause).

The complaint filed against the 42nd ABW Commander does not Read more

Mikey Weinstein Attacks African American Church Charity Drive at Air Force Base

The National Air and Space Intelligence Center (NASIC) at Wright-Patterson AFB allowed a charity to install collection boxes to receive donated gloves to benefit the local community.

The collection boxes had posters on them with Bible verses.

Michael “Mikey” Weinstein was not amused, calling the “ostensible” glove collection a

  • “constitutional violation” of
  • “illicit activity” that was
  • “egregiously wretched” which
  • “savaged the good order, morale, discipline, health and safety, military readiness, mission accomplishment and unit cohesion” of NASIC.

When NASIC said they would require standard signage for Read more

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