Tag Archives: atheism

Vermont ANG Chaplain Serves All Beliefs, No Beliefs

An Air Force article highlights US Air Force Chaplain (Maj) Michael Medas, a Roman Catholic Priest who has joined the Vermont Air National Guard.

The article notes that Medas, like all chaplains, serve the entire military community, regardless of the beliefs any individual may hold:

As a military chaplain Medas provides religious services to all Air Force personnel. He has worked with faiths including Catholicism, Judaism and non-faith beliefs such as Atheism. The primary goal of an Air Force Chaplain is to support all members of the Air Force not only in their Read more

Mikey Weinstein on AFN, Fox News…and the Truth

Michael “Mikey” Weinstein is trying his hardest to get the attention of FoxNews so that he’ll get more air time, and presumably more funds, as a result of the publicity. Thus far, he’s been unsuccessful, despite his dishonest attempt to accuse Fox News of “defamation.”

He went further this week, claiming the US military almost exclusively watches FoxNews, which presumably magnifies the gravity of Megyn Kelly’s characterization of Weinstein as an atheist. Weinstein says [internal ellipses original, emphasis added]:  Read more

MRFF’s Chris Rodda Sticks Foot in Mouth over Atheists

As noted about a week ago, Dr. James and Shirley Dobson appeared on FoxNews’ The Kelly File, during which host Megyn Kelly described Michael “Mikey” Weinstein as an “atheist,” and Dr. Dobson said he was a well-paid “professional atheist.”

In response to the FoxNews characterization, MRFF researcher Chris Rodda went on the warpath, decrying the “atheist” label and stooping to personal attacks on Megyn Kelly [emphasis added]:

As a former attorney, Fox News’s Megyn Kelly should know full well what defamation is, and she should know full well that what she repeatedly said on last Thursday’s episode of her show The Kelly File was indeed defamation

It seems “former attorney” Weinstein went out of his way to put out something attacking atheists — and suffered some significant backlash as a result.

After all, Rodda didn’t Read more

Army Adds Humanist Religious Preference

The US Army recently decided to add “humanist” to the list of options that Soldiers could declare as their religious preference. From the LA Times (also repeated in the Stars and Stripes):

There may be no atheists in foxholes, but there soon will be a few humanists. The U.S. Army has heeded the plea of Maj. Ray Bradley that he (and others of his kind) receive a “preference code” similar to those accorded to members of traditional religions.

Much has been made of the change and, granted, humanist “adherents” have been calling for the change for some time. In the end, though, even advocates admit the addition really does little other than changing a moniker in a file, despite other declarations:

In practical terms, the change means Read more

Air Force Base Pulls POW Display over Bible

Patrick Air Force base removed its traditional POW/MIA table because someone raised a complaint over the presence of the Bible.

“The 45th Space Wing deeply desires to honor America’s Prisoners of War (POW) and Missing in Action (MIA) personnel,” commanders said in a written statement. “Unfortunately, the Bible’s presence or absence on the table at the Riverside Dining Facility ignited controversy and division, distracting from the table’s primary purpose of honoring POWs/MIAs. Consequently, we temporarily replaced the table Read more

Atheist Chaplain Analyzes USAFA Whiteboards, Freethinkers

Chris Stedman, the Assistant Humanist Chaplain at Harvard University, took to the Religion News Service to express his view on recent events at the US Air Force Academy. Specifically, he addressed Todd Starnes’ comparison of how USAFA took down a Bible verse recently and censored Christian cadets in the past — but allowed atheists to advertise their beliefs. Stedman said:

The stated reason for removing the Bible verse—attempting to ensure that no person, perhaps particularly religious minorities, feels coerced or discriminated against—is a good one… Read more

Mikey Weinstein Teams Up with Casey on ACLJ Radio Show

Weinstein Wants Christian Cadets Punished, but Not Atheists

Michael “Mikey” Weinstein appeared on the ACLJ radio program Jay Sekulow Live with attorneys Jay Sekulow, Jordan Sekulow, and retired US Army LtCol Skip Ash to respectfully “debate” again — as Weinstein and Jay Sekulow did in 2007 at USAFA. The topic was, once again, the Bible verse stricken from a cadet’s whiteboard.  During the conversation, Weinstein reiterated his position that the cadet who posted a Bible verse on his dry erase board should be punished:

We want to have visible punishment for the cadet…

He also said he would “not oppose” courts-martial for the cadet’s active duty chain of command.

As before, he declined to call for the same punishments regarding the atheist cadets he claims to have “complained” about a few days later, instead, Read more

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