Tag Archives: army

US Military Declines to Support Radio Christmas Show

sixstringsoldiersTodd Starnes made news last week when he announced he’d invited the US Army’s Six-String Soldiers to perform at his annual Fox Radio Christmas Show — and the Army denied his request because it determined the event was “religious.”

Starnes didn’t dispute the characterization:

I’ve been busted, folks. What the Army alleged is the gospel truth.

My Fox Christmas show unashamedly proclaims that Jesus is the reason for the season. We are loud and proud.

In my defense, though, the reason my Christmas show is religious is because Christmas is in fact a religious holiday.

Former Presidential candidate Mike Huckabee, though, rejected the Read more

Mikey Weinstein: Court Martial the entire Military in Colorado Springs?

Michael “Mikey” Weinstein recently demanded the court-martial of US troops who attended an awards event hosted by the Chaplain Alliance for Religious Liberty, a coalition of chaplain endorsers. The reason Weinstein demanded their court-martial was his bigotry toward the Christian beliefs espoused by the chaplain groups represented. Weinstein essentially admitted as much when he hatefully caricatured and lambasted those Christian beliefs in his attack.

But since “Mikey Doesn’t Like Christians” isn’t actionable by the military, he tried to use an old technique that unintentionally won him a battle many years ago: He claimed the service members violated regulations by “endorsing” the chaplains by virtue of their presence at the event in uniform.

The Air Force rebuffed that claim, and there is no evidence any Read more

Catherine Wallace: Christians More Dangerous than Islamic Terrorists

wallaceweinsteinMichael “Mikey” Weinstein’s research assistant, self-taught “historian” Chris Rodda, may have competition for her job from Catherine Wallace of Northwestern University in Illinois. Wallace, a “cultural historian and literary critic” is part of the Feinberg School of Medicine and recently described her belief that [emphasis added]

the Christian fundamentalist movement in the United States is more dangerous than Islamic terrorism.

Her logic is straight from the talking points of Mikey Weinstein, who thinks Christians and their ability to obtain “laser guided nuclear weapons” are the real threat to America. Similarly [emphasis added]:  Read more

US Army Awards Saint Christopher Medal

The US Army Transportation Corps Regiment actually has an official patron saint — Saint Christopher:

Saint Christopher – the patron saint of the Transportation Corps Regiment – was one of the most popular saints during antiquity and early Middle Ages. Usually pictured carrying Christ and symbolically the weight of the world’s sins across a river, the image of Saint Christopher offers a fitting symbol of strength, loyalty, and safety for Transporters charged with “Moving the Force” now and for all time.

The Transportation Corps formed in 1942, and in 1998 the Army instituted the order of St. Christopher medal to recognize outstanding transporters.

It’s an interesting Army tradition for Read more

Wikileaker Bradley Manning Attempts Suicide Again

Former US Army PFC Bradley “Chelsea” Manning was convicted of stealing classified information and passing it on to Wikileaks in 2012.

During Manning’s court-martial, one of his defenses faulted the Army for failing to recognize his “emotional distress” and therefore take away his access to classified information. Manning’s lawyers claimed the alleged cause of the emotional distress was his “gender identity” issue.

This was undoubtedly a disturbing tactic to the transgender movement, as they tried to assert it was perfectly normal, and posed no security risk, for a man to think he was a woman.  Yet it seems Manning, one of those very people, believed differently.

Manning has reportedly attempted suicide a second time during Read more

Chaplain Trains for Combat

hornbackUS military chaplains aren’t just sitting in offices or behind lecterns. And when their units train for combat, they go with them, because they, too, need to exercise how they will operate in the combat environment:

Allied Spirit is a series of combat exercises centered on battlefield realism and international cooperation. But the authentic nature of the U.S. Army Europe training isn’t confined to combat arms personnel…

Too often, the role of chaplains Read more

Sentencing in Thwarted Terror Attack, but Christians are the Threat

Alexander Blair has been sentenced to 15 months in prison for assisting in what he believed was an attempt to bomb a US military base in Kansas:

He was accused of loaning $100 to 21-year-old John T. Booker Jr. to store what they thought was an explosive device; prosecutors said Booker intended to detonate it outside Fort Riley in northeast Kansas in support of the Islamic State group. The device was a fake bomb built by FBI informants.

Blair is said to have Williams syndrome, which reportedly makes him “susceptible” to manipulation — but does not prevent him from understanding right and wrong.

Booker, as you may recall, was arrested as he was trying to arm what he believed was a 1,000 pound car bomb outside Fort Riley. Booker had actually started the enlistment process to join the US Army — a process that was terminated when the FBI found out he expressed a desire to emulate Nidal Malik Hasan.

Here’s an interesting Read more

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