Tag Archives: army

Army Nominee Mark Green Faces Homosexual Movement’s Religious Test

If critics can stop Mark Green from serving because of his Christian beliefs — will they next target Christians already serving in the military?

Opponents of Mark Green, President Trump’s nominee for Secretary of the Army, have been piling on for the past couple of days and have now solidified on arguing about when — not if — Green will withdraw from consideration.

Mark Green is in a similar position to many Christians in this country. It is politically palatable to misrepresent, caricature, and attack his beliefs — and there are entire organizations built around the advocacy of sexual behavior more than willing to oppose him being allowed to serve in government. Ashley Broadway’s Read more

Activists Call Troops a Threat to the Military in Attacks on Mark Green

Homosexual activists and their supporters continued an (ongoing) campaign to try to make it look as though Tennessee Senator Mark Green, President Trump’s nominee for Secretary of the Army, was not only a ‘hater,’ but also facing increasing opposition in an apparently doomed nomination.

Neither is true, and these activists have done little more than reveal their own privilege and bigotry in the process.

Ashley Broadway-Mack’s American Military Partner Association — which Read more

Update: Homosexual Activists Rickroll Internet in Attack on Mark Green

“Rick-rolling” is an internet bait-and-switch — where you are promised one thing while the hyperlink leads to another. That’s what the homosexual activists of GLAAD recently did to supporters and detractors alike — though their supporters didn’t even seem to notice.

Regarding the attempts to take down Mark Green as President Trump’s nominee for Secretary of the Army, Green had voiced his frustration with “the liberal left [that] has cut and spliced my words about terrorism and ISIS blatantly falsifying what I’ve said.”

GLAAD responded on Green’s Facebook page, saying [emphasis added]: Read more

US Military Updates Recognized Faith Groups, with Some Controversy

In 2012, then-US Army Major Ray Bradley complained that he was a humanist but was unable to put “humanist” in his military records as his “religion” in his military records (and reflected on his dog tags).

In 2014, the US Army added “humanist” to the list of faith codes.

In a new memo dated 27 March 2017 (PDF), the DoD Assistant Secretary of Defense for Manpower and Reserve Affairs published a change that established standardized DoD-wide faith codes across the force — including “Humanist.”

For his part, Bradley had originally envisioned the recognition as the first step to achieving “lay leader” status as a humanist (with humanist “chaplain” to follow). That’s the same conclusion for which Jason Torpy pined when his MAAF reported on this new memo.

Kimberly Winston of the Religion News Service — sitting Read more

Justice Alito: Culture’s Hostility Toward Moral Beliefs

Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito recently spoke at a Catholic legal group sponsored by Advocati Christi, noting the hostility of some Americans to religious liberty and the need to “evangelize…religious freedom”:

Alito used his own words from his dissent in the Supreme Court’s landmark same-sex marriage case, telling the gathering he had predicted opposition to the decision would be used to “vilify those who disagree, and treat them as bigots.”

“We are seeing this is coming to pass,” he said, then mentioned Bob Dylan’s famous song lyric, “You don’t need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.”

“A wind is picking up that is hostile to those with traditional moral beliefs,” Alito said.

Incidentally, Justice Alito is a former US Army Captain.

The culture has long been in Read more

General Julie Bentz Prays for Her Troops, so Mikey Weinstein Wants Her Fired

US Army MajGen Julie Bentz is the vice director of the Joint Improvised Threat Defeat Organization. She was also recently the keynote speaker of the 56th annual Kansas Prayer Breakfast held on March 15th.

That’s why Michael “Mikey” Weinstein wants her fired.

Advocates for religious freedom [sic] say a two-star general violated the U.S. Constitution and endangered troops when she told those gathered at a prayer breakfast about her “greatest privilege.”…

Weinstein is calling for an investigation and said Bentz should be removed from her position.

How did Gen Bentz violate the Constitution? Weinstein quotes thusly [emphasis his]: Read more

Military Religious Freedom, Sikhs, and Christians

“When Army leaders or other government officials fail to protect the rights of Sikh soldiers, Muslim prisoners and other religious minorities, they weaken the rights of everyone, [said Douglas Laycock, a distinguished professor of law at the University of Virginia.].

“Religious freedom is an all-or-nothing proposition. The arguments the government makes in cases about Sikhs and Muslims, and the judicial precedents it establishes when it wins, are fully available to use against Christians,” he said.

The same holds true in reverse, of course: The judicial Read more

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